Hunting through some papers I came across a 1990 publication that may be of interest. It lists the archives relating to the Natal Police available in the Natal Archives Depot.
Reference: NMP
Vol No Description Force Nos Period
1. Natal Police Nominal Roll of Officers,
N.C.O.'s, Men.
2. Enlisted Register, N.M.P. 1-172 1874-1882
3. Head Quarters Record of Service 249-4391 1878-1910
4. Natal Police Record of Service 250-322 1910-1913
5. Enlistment Register Natal Mounted Police 902-1480 1886-1894
6. Natal Mounted Police Enlistment Register 1482-2779 1894-1902
7. Enlistment Register, Natal Police 2780-4080 1902-1907
8. Ditto. 4081-4570 1907-1912
9. Enlistment Book, Natal Police 255-2051 1878-1897
10. Ditto 3266-4617 1903-1913
11. Natal Police Record of Service 69-2919 1875-1902
12. Ditto 2922-3575 1902-1904
13. Ditto 3516-4021 1904-1906
14. Ditto 4022-4518 1906-1912
15. Ditto 4519-4614 1912-1913
16. Natal Police, Roll of individuals granted Long
Service and Good Conduct Medals 1882-1907