That is a very good point regarding the Driefontein clasp, I must admit it never occured to me before, but, I still feel that Meurig's caveat is valid, given the very high number of casualties in Broadwood's column, all the more if a collector is not bothered about which unit he wants, for a collector of SAMIF there would be Roberts Horse and if you wanted Royal Horse Artillery, you could always buy a man from "U" Battery, there is a full page of those.
However, I can understand why people want "Q" Battery, to unlimber in the open, in the style of Colonel Long, exposed to all those mauser's and stay there until you have expended almost all the ammunition, does require a certain amount of courage.
JustinLDavies wrote: Interesting thread. I must say I'd always used the 'Driefontein' clasp as a rule of thumb, given that it was for 10 March 1900 on the march with French. Not 100 percent I know.
And as Henk well knows Sannah's Post and Korn Spruit can show up in unusual guises in casualty rolls and official reports. Bloemfontein Waterworks being the outstanding example.