Hello again,
I was thinking about you this afternoon, If I were you I think I would go and talk to your uncle at length on the subject of his father and get as much information as possible, from his earlist child memories of Harmon, to his final ones.
Did Harmon keep a diary for example, just anything at all really, I have to say I am more than a little envious, I wish I'd had an ancester that was actually there at Sannah's Post on that awful day.
When I was a very small boy, my parents took me on holiday to the Lake District, the weather was typical and very wet indeed, so my father made up his mind to return home early at on the way back down, we stopped off in Blackpool for a few days.
I should tell you that this was quite a place for a little boy, not too far from the hotel, was a wonderful small shop "The Military Man", complete with a green sandwich board type sign on the pavement outside with a white "American" star on it.
It was in a terraced row and the shop its self was really just the small front room of what had been just a house.
The owner, had and indeed, sold, just about everything, medals, badges, buttons, a row of various helmets and a rail of battle dress blouse's etc, you get the picture I am sure, I was just about seven years old I think!

Anyway cap badges were very cheap in those days, the owner pointed out a more expensive one, a Victorian East Surrey Regt, he pointed out the differant crown and told me that this one was more of a real collectors item, I persuaded my long suffering dad to buy it for me, that was it, I was hooked!
Later that evening, back at the hotel, I was in the reception area looking at my spoils when a very old man came over and asked me "What have you got there then?"
I should point out here that when I was seven, anyone over forty was deamed to be, indeed, very old!
Anyway, he picked up the badge and told that he used to have one just like it whilst serving in the said East Surrey Regt!
Only years later did I realise the the old gentleman was a Victorian and a veteran of the Boer War, when you are so young, you have no understanding of time or the passage of time.
So you see, dispite being so interested in the Transvaal War and the Boer War, I have never really met or talked to anyone who was actually there, moreover, my other love is Great War and WW2 flying.
To my lasting regret, I never got to talk to a single member of the RFC/RNAS either, now of course it is to late, I have however, been able to make up for it with the WW2 flying and have met over three hundred of them down the years!
I'm telling you this, because I think it is so very important to get everything down on record of the future, your grandfather sounds very interesting, if he had been mine, I would be very proud indeed!
Regards again Frank