Found it! Series 4, vol. 92. column 877. But I can't see where a list of deceased invalided soldiers might be.
The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House that the following papers having been commanded to be presented to this House by His Majesty had been so presented on the following dates by delivery to the Clerk of the Parliaments, pursuant to order of the House of the 17th of February,
1896, viz.:—
1. Marriages, Births, and Deaths (England).—General Abstract for 1900. (March 30.)
2. South Africa—
I. Further correspondence relating to affairs in South Africa (in continuation of [Cd. 420], December, 1900).
II. Letter from Commandant Louis Botha to Lord Kitchener, dated 13th February, 1901. (April 2.)
3. Trade.—Annual statement of trade of United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions, for 1900: Volume I. (April 3.)
4. Army.—Approximate estimate of expenditure under the Barracks Act of 1890 and Military Works Acts of 1897 and 1899. (April 11.)
5. Metropolitan Cattle Market.—Account of moneys received and paid by the Chamberlain of the City of London in relation to the Metropolitan Cattle Market for the year 1900; also an account of extraordinary works executed other than general repairs for the same period. (April 11.)
6. Explosives—
I. (Explosion at Chilworth Gunpowder Factory).—Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department by Major A. Cooper-Key, His Majesty's Inspector of Explosives, on the circumstances attending an explosion which occurred in the corning house at the factory of the Chilworth Gunpowder Company, Limited, at Chilworth, Surrey, on the 12th February, 1901.
II. (Explosion at Nobel's Explosives Factory at Ardeer, Ayrshire).—Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department by Captain M. B. Lloyd, His Majesty's Inspector of Explosives, on the circumstances attending an explosion which occurred in one of the dynamite cartridge huts at the factory of Nobel's Explosives Company, Limited, at Ardeer, near Stevenston, in the county of Ayr, on the 29th January, 1901. (April 11.)
7. Trade Reports—
I. Annual Series:
No. 2568. Germany (German East Africa).
No. 2569. France (La Rochelle and District). (April 11.)
No. 2570. United States (Baltimore and District). (April 13.)
No. 2571. United States (Texas).
No. 2572. United States (Charleston). (April 17.)
No. 2573. Greece (The Morea, Acarnania, Etolia).
No. 2574. Germany (Pomerania).
No. 2575. Trade of Switzerland for 1900. (April 18.)
II. Miscellaneous Series:
No. 549. German Colonial Estimates for 1901.
No. 550. Zinc Industry in United States. (April 13.)
8. Army and Militia.—Annual Report of the Inspector-General of Recruiting for 1900. (April 17.)
9. Egypt, No. 1. (1901).—Reports by His Majesty's Agent and Consul-General on the Finances, Administration, and condition of Egypt and the Soudan in 1900. (April 18.)
10. China. No. 3. (1901).—Further correspondence respecting events at Peking (in continuation of China, No. 4 (1900)). (April 18.)
11. Treaty Series, No. 4. (1901).—Agreement additional to the Convention between the United Kingdom and France, of 8th December, 1882, relative to the exchange of Telegraph Money Orders between the, two countries; signed at Paris 10th October, 1900 (ratifications exchanged at Paris 16th March, 1901). (April 19.)
12. Agrarian Offences (Provinces) (Ireland).—Return for the Year ended 31st December, 1900. (April 19.)
13. Agricultural Statistics (Ireland).—
I. Agricultural Statistics of Ireland, with detailed Report for 1900.
II. Return of prices of Agricultural Products and Live Stock for 1900. (April 19.)
14. Loan Fund Board (Ireland).—Sixty-third Annual Report for 1900. (April 19.)
15. Queensland.—The Parliament of the Commonwealth Elections Act and the Elections Acts, 1885 to 1898. Amendment Act of 1900. (April 20.)
16. Western Australia.—The Constitution Act Amendment Act, 1900, No. V. (April 20.)
17. Education (Scotland).—Minute of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland, dated 19th April, 1901, amending the terms of Article 89 (b) of the Code of 1901. (April 20.)
The same were ordered to lie on the Table.