Good Morning Everyone......
There is a note in today's Routine Orders for the Strathcona's that is worth repeating.....
No. 2 Casualty
The C.O. regrets to report the death of Reg. No. 514 Sergt. Parker of "C" Squadron who whilst doing duty with his troop which had gone out to meet Boers reported to be ready to lay down their arms was treacherously shot and instantly killed from a house flying a white flag. The C.O. is firm in the opinion that the troops should never have been sent on this mission but it serves as another lesson of the treacherous nature of enemies with which we have to deal. Everything connected with them should be regarded with the greatest suspicion. In fact a successful scout must always be suspicious and treat everything that he hears and sees in that light.
There is a rumor that this casualty lead to a Breaker style incident that was used as part of the defence in the Breaker trial as proof that it had happened before and no charges were laid......
Of course by the time of the trial the Strathcona's were already home and disbanded.....