Book 2, page 10
68/Gen No/1990
Army Order 82 of April 1906 institutes a new system of dealing with issues of War Medals and the chief point is that for future campaigns the medal rolls in triplicate will submitted by the officers in charge. Records direct to Woolwich and not to the War Office as hitherto.
We then carry out the issues as directed in the Army Order and the medal rolls will be disposed of as follows:
Original - To be sent to Records Office for retention
Duplicate - To be retained as Woolwich for record purposes
Triplicate - To be sent to AG2 Medals, War Office, showing what has been issued, to whom and when
In this connection, see amendments to KR (4) issued with AO 1/4/06.
Question submitted to War Office 21/5/05 .. as regards SA campaign, the present system will continue and any case requiring authority to issue be first forwarded to War Office.