From the diary of Lance Corporal Luke Gormley, 1st Royal Scots, at Wepener
Apr 10th, 1900
The enemy started shelling our positions at daybreak and also kept up a heavy rifle fire. But they did not do as much damage as yesterday because of the protection afforded by our trenches. But our horses have suffered. Some thirty have been killed or wounded. Our artillery have put two of the Boer guns out of action. The Boers tried to rush our positions on all fronts during the night but were repulsed with heavy losses. The Cape Mounted Rifles had to charge them with the bayonet as the enemy were almost in their trenches and managed to drive them back. The Boers kept up a heavy rifle fire during the night, I suppose to harass us as they could not see to do much damage. We do not get any food until darkness sets in as the rifle and shell fire are too heavy during the day. Even at night one runs the risk of being shot and we can only manage to get one meal in every twenty four hours and that consists of half a pound of flour cooked into a soft dough. This with half a pound of meat from trek oxen and tea or coffee. So. we are only getting enough to keep life in us, though we are all trying to keep our spirits up.