Orders by Major Snyder
Commanding "Strathcona's Horse"
Detail Camp Lower Tugela River
4rd June 1900
R.O. 018-04-06-1900
Detail for Tomorrow:
Subaltern of the Day: Lieut. Leckie
Next for Duty: Lieut. Magee
R.O. 019-04-06-1900
On no account must water be taken from the water carts for use of horses.
R.O. 020-04-06-1900
Assembly will sound at 1.30 pm today, when every N.C.O. and Man except those on guard must fall in.
R.O. 021-04-06-1900
A Board of Officers of the following detail, President Captain Howard, Members Lieut. Leckie & Ketchen will assemble tomorrow and report on the loss of horses. Reg. No. 694 and also on Transport Mules (Nos. to be obtained from Lieut. Snider).
F.Q.M. Sgt. McMillan will attend to give evidence.
The horses and mules mentioned above are as follows:
686, 841, 616 and one horse un-numbered
Mules Numbered: 391, 20549 and one pony 886.
Lieut. Snider will attend to give evidence.
R.O. 022-04-06-1900
From tomorrow and until further orders rations and forage will be drawn at the following hours:-
9.00 am - Rations for natives
10.00 am - Rations for Squadrons
3.00 pm - Forage and Meat
R.O. 023-04-06-1900
The following Conductors are attached to "A" Squadrons for rations &c from tomorrow. Conductors - Greenberg, Watermeyer, Walker.
R.O. 024-04-06-1900
All Officers, N.C.O.'S and men on gun detachment will from tomorrow and until further orders draw their rations seperately, they will be shown on the Squadron daily rations return seperate from the Squadron.
F. Harper, Lieut.
Actg. Adjt.