Orders by Major Snyder
Commanding "Strathcona's Horse"
Detail Camp Lower Tugela River
5th June 1900
R.O. 024-05-06-1900
A board of officers of the following detail will assemble forthwith President Capt. Cartwright, Members Lieuts. White-Fraser & Macdonald for the purpose of reporting on the quantity and of the average weight per bale of the hay now being issued for forage.
R.O. 025-05-06-1900
It is hereby notified for the information of all ranks that on nio account is the big game in the Country through which we are about to travel to be destroyed or interfered with in any way whatever. The big game in this country is strictly preserved.
R.O. 026-05-06-1900
All N.C.O.'s and men have permission to visit the river this morning only for the purpose of bathing or washing their clothes but on no account must they cross the river. Everyone must be back in camp for noon stables.
R.O. 027-05-06-1900
Detail for tomorrow, Subaltern of the Day, Lieut. Magee, Next for Duty Lt. Ketchen.
R.O. 028-05-06-1900
It is hereby notified that while in Camp the Command may wear either "Long Boots" or "High-Lows and Putties" at their own opinion.
F. Harper, Lieut.
Actg. Adjt.