S T R A T H C O N A’ S H O R S E
Regimental Order
Orders by Lt. Col. Steele
Commanding "Strathcona's Horse"
Camp Lower Tugela River
11th June 1900
R.O. 670-11-06-1900
Detail for Tomorrow:
Field Officer of the Day: Major Laurie
Next for Duty: Major Snyder
Orderly Officer:
Orderly Officer for the Day: Lieutenant Courtney
Next for Duty: Lieutenant Tobin
R.O. 671-11-06-1900
"C" Squadron will furnish the outposts for tomorrow. The squadron furnishing tonights outposts must be relieved at dawn tomorrow.. The O.C. "C" Squadron will arrange accordingly.
R.O. 672-11-06-1900
All ranks will rise at 6.00 am tomorrow.
R.O. 673-11-06-1900
All animals will be herded tomorrow after breakfast. Each squadron will arrange to herd their own horses. Lieut. Snyder will arrange for the herding of all animals belonging to transport. Two men per squadron willbe detailed to assist. The herding of the maxim gun animals must be arranged by the O.C. the battery.
R.O. 674-11-06-1900
Breakfast at 7.30 am parade for herding at 8.30 am.
By Order
E. F. Mackie, Lieut.