My family interest in this site is in George Macpherson (1856-1899), who, as I recently discovered, was somehow involved in the Galeka War and First Boer War.
His history is rather complicated. He was born Andrew Dand near Dundee in Scotland, and signed up underage to the Royal Marines (attested 2 Jan 1872 at Dundee, claiming to be aged 18). In 1875 he bought himself out and married an English girl (claiming at marriage to be aged 24), evidently planning on settling in Edinburgh with her, but she died in Dundee in 1876 shortly after the death of their first child. He rejoined the Marines almost immediately, but deserted from Portsmouth in October 1876. All this is well documented, up to and including a court martial at Portsmouth in his absence in 1876. He then changed his name to George Gordon Sutherland Macpherson and must have arrived in South Africa in late 1876 or early 1877, presumably under that name, and he seems to have joined the Cape Mounted Riflemen and/or Frontier Armed and Mounted Police as some kind of hospital orderly. In 1881 he was in Standerton, evidently during the Boer siege of the town, and after the siege was over he applied to the Pretoria Transvaal Government unsuccessfully, and then from Pietermaritzburg to the Natal colonial government successfully, to practise as a chemist and druggist. He had no formal qualifications, but had evidently gained three years’ experience making up prescriptions and dispensing medicines under army surgeons of the CMR. In support of his applications he sent in testimonials from army surgeons; the three that survive in the Pretoria archive are from James Fraser MD, surgeon major, Army Medical Department (Standerton 9 Sept 1881), R[obert] Cumming MD, acting surgeon major, right wing Cape Mounted Riflemen (King William’s Town 21 May 1880), and Arthur Harding MRCS, LRCPEd, LM, surgeon Army Medical Department (Standerton 9 Sept 1881). Fraser’s testimonial includes the sentence “During the late war his professional services and abilities were highly spoken of”. Can anyone supply any more detail about his activities 1876-1881?