Hi All,
My name is Andy, nice to meet you all.
I have a question that you may be able to help me with or at least put me on a path to answering.
I was born and brought up on a set of streets in Eltham, South London, while not an estate they were a series of streets built in a square formation, with three roads stuck on the side of an existing main road. Get to the point you ask, well the houses were built around the turn of the 20th Century and it seems to me they have names related to the Boer war.
They are....
Ladysmith Road - you would assume after one of the battles of Ladysmith in 1899
Enslin Road - and alternative name for the battle of Graspan also in 1899
Halons Road - ???
It's obviously that last one that I need to find out about, incidentily the road I grew up on, I have undertaken some searches in the past but have never found anything.
It could of course be the case that Halons is an incorrect or alternative/anglicised spelling for something else, could be a military figure or anything really. It just seems off to build three roads, name two explicitly after events in the Boer war and then the third something completely different. All three were buillt at the same time, so not as if Halons is a later addition.
Anybody got any ideas or even a hunch?
I just did some additional research using old maps, the roads appear on a map from 1904 but not on any prior to that, I have found one for 1900 (assuming both those date attributions are accurate)... so that would absolutely lend itself to the general Boer connection in my view given they were built in the years following the end of the second war.
One final thing is Halon is of course related to chemical compounds, firstly that makes using it as a search term problematic but importantly the word in that form doesn't really come in to existance until the 1950's so far too late for any connection here.