NSW Dept. of Public Instruction Boer War Tribute Medal. 4 years 9 months ago #69407
The existence and awarding of this virtually unknown Tribute Medal was only recently came to IL's attention during research conducted into the South African service of one "222 Pte. Henry John Dale" of 1st NSW Mounted Rifles. Thanks to the extremely useful Oz-Boer database, it has been possible to ascertain the background and financing of the Tribute, a few details of its form and a listing of the recipients.
It is regretted that this writer can find no other reference whatsoever to this award; much less show an example. Most likely, the intrinsic value of the gold used and the small issue of the Tribute - twenty two names on the listing - tells against the chances of finding an example. Hopefully, this post may provoke a response; one never knows ……. According to the 11th January 1902 edition of the Sydney Morning Herald, on 9th March in the previous year, a meeting of the teachers of the NSW Department of Public Instruction was held at the Girl's High School, Sydney and those present decided to recognise "the conspicuous bravery and abilities of their comrades who had fought in South Africa and had so highly honoured their profession". Further, "It was considered that contributions of between one and five shillings per head by each and every officer and teacher in the service would furnish a sufficient fund with which to provide suitable souvenirs expressive of their admiration for their returning comrades, and mementoes for the families of any who in the fortune of war had given their lives for their country". "An executive committee ….. was formed and several designs for the souvenir were obtained from firms in the city and it was decided to accept the one submitted by Messers Fairfax and Roberts of Hunter St". "The souvenir was a handsome one and consisted of a gold pendant, bearing on the obverse the figure of a soldier, with the words "For King and Country" and "South Africa" while on the reverse was the name of the recipient". The Minister for Public Instruction, in making the presentations at the Elite Hall, Queen Victoria Markets on Thursday night, 9th January 1902, told the large attendance of teachers and their friends that "The Department ….. did not intend to leave any teacher concerned out of the presentation, and although there were a number still serving at the front, medals had been provided for them and would be presented as opportunity occurred." "Unfortunately (the Minister continued) they had lost one of their teachers, Mr. F.J.Kilpatrick who everyone honoured , and whose memory would ever remain green in the minds of the men of the Department". PRESENTATIONS were made to - Major E.H. Roth DSO (Maj. Reuter Emerich Roth, NSW Army Medical Corps) Capt. F.A.Dove, DSO (Capt. Frederick Alland Dove, 1st NSWMR) Capt. P. Mackellar (details uncertain at time of writing) Mr. W.A. Coulston (461 Pte. Walter Arnold Coulson, B Sqn, NSWMR) Mr. W. Taylor (432 Tpr. Joseph Taylor, NSWCB) Mr. T.Dennison (221 Pte. Thomas E. Dennison, D sqn., NSWMR) Mr. A.E. Cradick (205 Pte Albert Cradick, B Sqn, NSWMR) Mr. F.A.Finley (most probably 414 Pte Francis Albert Finley, NSW AMC) Mr. S.C. Fuller (431 Tpr. F. Fuller, Australian Commonweath Horse) Mr. H.J.Dale (details above) Mr. W.Hill (2133 Tpr. William Hill, 3 NSWMR) Mr. W. Hambly (415 Pte. William Herbert Hambly, NSW AMC). KiILLED IN ACTION - Mr. F.J.Kilpatrick (755 Cpl. Frederick Isaac Kilpatrick, NSWL, died of wounds, Slingersfontein, 6/3/00. STILL AT THE FRONT - Capt. R.S.Pearce (Special Service Officer, given his service was graded as D.A.A,G.) Capt. J.A.Bennett (Capt. Alfred Joshua Bennet, 1st NSWMR) Capt. A.E.Chapman (Capt. Alfred Ernest Chapman, 3NSWMR) Mr. J.F.Armstrong (1340 Tpr. John Frederick Armstrong, 3NSWMR) Mr. P.J. Pidgeon (154 Tpr. Percival Joseph Pidgeon, 2 NSWMR) Mr. W.Wrightson (558 Cpl. William Robert Wrightson, 2 NSWMR) Mr. J.H. Peck (most probably Capt. John Harold PEEK, 3NSWMR) Mr. A.H.Moyes (425 Sgt. Alex Henry Moyes, NSWIB) Mr. C.Leer (585 Sgt. Charles Edward Leer, C sqn., 2 NSWMR, ;later Captain, AIF and KiA, Mortar Ridge, ANZAC, 25/5/15) That seemingly is the extent of documented and available information. Years after 1902 (in 1915), the NSW Dept. of Public Instruction became the NSW Department of Education; now an enormous bureaucracy - with which IL has scant hope of meaningfully engaging. Still, one never knows ……. A couple of thoughts remain. The NSW DPI Tribute Medal was described as a "pendant"; presumably that means of tear-drop shape and probably with a ring top suspension. Dimension not known. Most likely, the details on the reverse would have been engraved. The individual medals may have come with a simple red/white/blue narrow ribbon threaded through the ring top (like those found on the "Good Luck to the Australian Bushmen's Corps, 1900" medallions) - or else fitted in a plush-lined case. As it is, and until more evidence comes to light, IL has to be content with knowing that the QSA medal named to Pte. H.J.Dale of 1st NSWMR (currently in his care) was perhaps once accompanied by a pendant-shaped Tribute medal; presented on a Thursday evening, 9th January, 1902 before a large attendance of former Pte. Dale's contemporaries - and marking his volunteer service for King and Empire. Regards to all." IL.
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NSW Dept. of Public Instruction Boer War Tribute Medal. 4 years 9 months ago #69408
It is very interesting to read about these tribute medals and I am sure more will come to light in the future. This medal seems to have had a very small distribution and wouldn't it be wonderful if one were to come to light - not that we know it exists? Dr David Biggins
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NSW Dept. of Public Instruction Boer War Tribute Medal. 4 years 9 months ago #69409
Apart from those shown in Hibberd, there are at least a couple of references I have run across where a returning local man was awarded a Tribute Medal for Boer War service by his local Council or town. No details, and the Tribute was probably made and engraved by a local jeweller. The numbers awarded give a better chance to the NSWDPI Tribute cropping up somewhere thanks to the internet. Indeed, it would be really great to hear of it. Best regards IL. |
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NSW Dept. of Public Instruction Boer War Tribute Medal. 4 years 9 months ago #69411
Hello IL
Fairfax and Roberts are still in existence today. They might possibly still have the original design of the pendant in their archives. www.fairfaxandroberts.com.au/history/ Regards |
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NSW Dept. of Public Instruction Boer War Tribute Medal. 4 years 9 months ago #69418
Yes, I am aware that the firm is still current. However, no response to query; currently understandable. Regards IL. |
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NSW Dept. of Public Instruction Boer War Tribute Medal. 2 years 1 week ago #88690
New South Wales Department of Public Instruction
22 gold medallions, to: 10/04/1901 presentation (unique) "E" Squadron, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles – Captain Frederick Allan DOVE (received a second medal in 1902 – see below) Inscribed: "For Gallantry: Hout Nek, Doornkop, Diamond-hills, Pretoria / Active Service in South Africa, from the Officers and Teachers of the Department of Public Instruction". Presentation made by Mr Bridges (Chief Inspector of Schools), at the Department of Public Instruction. January 1902 presentation (some were forwarded by post) Chief Intelligence Officer, O.R.C. – Captain Robert St. Julian PEARCE (absent - in S. Africa) New South Wales Lancers – 755 Corporal Frederick Isaac KILPATRICK (K.I.A., Slingersfontein, 06/03/1900) New South Wales Army Medical Corps – Major Reuter Emmerich ROTH, D.S.O. 414 Private Francis Albert FINLEY 415 Private William Herbert HAMBLY 1st Australian Horse – 431 Trooper Samuel Charles FULLER "B" Squadron, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles – 461 Private Walter Arnold COULSON 205 Private Albert E. CRADICK "C" Squadron, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles – 222 Private Henry John DALE "D" Squadron, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles – Captain Alfred Joshua BENNETT (absent - in S. Africa) 221 Private Thomas E. DENNISON (received his medal by post on 31/03/1902) New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen – 432 Trooper [Pay-Sergeant] Joseph TAYLOR "B" Company, New South Wales Imperial Bushmen – 429 Sergeant Alexander Henry MOYES (absent - in S. Africa) 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles – 585 Sergeant Charles Edward LEER (absent - in S. Africa) 558 Corporal William Robert WRIGHTSON (absent - in S. Africa) 154 Trooper Percival Joseph Fernance PIDGEON (absent - in S. Africa) 3rd New South Wales Mounted Rifles – Captain Alfred Ernest CHAPMAN (absent - in S. Africa) Lieutenant Harold John PEEK (absent - in S. Africa) 1340 Trooper John Frederick ARMSTRONG (absent - in S. Africa) 2133 Trooper William HILL 3rd Bn. Australian Commonwealth Horse (NSW) – Captain Frederick Allan DOVE, D.S.O. (Dove had already received a medal on 10/04/1901 – see above) New South Wales Contingent (unknown unit) – Captain P. MACKELLAR Presented to New South Wales teachers who volunteered for active service in South Africa. Obverse: "For King and Flag / South Africa". Reverse: "N.S.W. Pub. Ins. Dept. souvenir of esteem, to Mr T. Dennison, from comrades in service, 1901". "The souvenir is a gold medallion, characteristically Australian. On the obverse is the figure of an Australian soldier at the ready, and the reverse shows waratahs and other native flowers. Twenty-two persons are entitled to the souvenirs, and it is intended to present them or their representatives with the medals as soon as practicable". Captain Dove received a medal from the Department of Public Instruction in 1901, inscribed: "For Gallantry: Hout Nek, Doornkop, Diamond-hills, Pretoria / Active Service in South Africa, from the Officers and Teachers of the Department of Public Instruction". This appears to have been a unique award and separate from the medals presented in 1902. Private Dennison received a second medal from Murrumbridgee, NSW . Sydney Daily Telegraph, 11/04/1901 Sydney Morning Herald, 27/08/1901 Sydney Daily Telegraph, 10/01/1902 Wellington Times, 03/04/1902 Sydney Daily Telegraph, 05/04/1902 Tribute Medal Database ___________________________________________________________ Sydney Morning Telegraph, 11th April 1901 "FOR GALLANTRY". PRESENTATION TO CAPTAIN DOVE. A pleasant little ceremony took place at the Department of Public Instruction yesterday morning, when Captain DOVE, a member of the First Contingent, and a teacher in the service, was presented with a gold medal in recognition of his doings in South Africa. Mr F. Bridges, the Chief Inspector, was in the chair. Mr Bridges said that they had met together to present to their colleague, Captain DOVE, a tangible mark of the esteem of the service by reason of his gallantry in the South African war, and he had much pleasure in handing to him a gold medal. On one side was inscribed, "For Gallantry: Hout Nek, Dornkop, Diamond-hills, Pretoria"; and on the other, "Active Service in South Africa, from the Officers and Teachers of the Department of Public Instruction". They all felt, continued Mr Bridges, that Captain DOVE had done honour to himself in South Africa, and honour to the teaching profession of which he was a member. When Captain DOVE returned from the war, he decided to resume his teaching duties, in preference to the, perhaps, more showy career of a soldier. He was glad that he had so decided, for in him the department had a young man who was worth keeping. The medal which he had now the pleasure to present was a proof that the teachers admired courage, and was a mark of the affection and respect in which Captain DOVE was held by his follow-officers and teachers. Captain DOVE, in replying, said that this was the second time since his return from the front that be had been the recipient of congratulations from the officers and teachers of the department, and he was glad of this further proof of their goodwill. He hoped that every young teacher would recognise that the department was ready to do honour to those who tried to do credit to it. He was proud to have belonged to the first contingent that went to South Africa from New South Wales. He had done his best, and he thanked all those who had been kind enough to acknowledge it. Sydney Morning Herald, 27th August 1901 WAR SOUVENIRS FOR TEACHERS. Some months ago it was decided at a large meeting of teachers to inaugurate a fund to purchase souvenirs to recognise the services of teachers who went on military service to South Africa. The mementoes were proposed to be handed to such teachers, or in case of death to their friends or relatives Mr F. Bridges, chief inspector, presided at the meeting then held, and a strong committee was formed to carry out the project A meeting of the committee was held on Saturday at the Girls' High School. Colonel Paul presided, and the hon secretaries, Messrs Strong and Wiley, reported progress. The hon treasurer, Mr John Dart, announced that the fund at present totalled £66. A discussion of the proposed souvenir took place, and a design submitted by Messrs Fairfax and Roberts was accepted. The souvenir is a gold medallion, characteristically Australian. On the obverse the figure of an Australian soldier at the ready, and the reverse shows waratahs and other native flowers. Twenty-two persons are entitled to the souvenirs, and it is intended to present them or their representatives with the medals as soon as practicable. Sydney Daily Telegraph, 10th January 1902 TEACHERS' WAR SOUVENIRS. PRESENTED BY MR PERRY. At a meeting of the teachers and officers of the Department of Public Instruction at the Girls' High School, Sydney, on the 9th of March last, it was decided to recognise the conspicuous bravery and ability of comrades who had fought in South Africa, and so highly honoured the profession. It was considered that small contributions from every teacher and officer in the service would furnish a sufficient fund with which to provide suitable souvenirs expressive of admiration for returning confreres, and mementoes for the families of any who in the fortune of war had given their lives for their country. An executive committee, consisting of Lieutenant-Colonel Paul, Messrs J.W. Turner, W.H. Teale, W. Gee, R.H. Grieve, G.A. Rourke, and F. Garden, was formed, with D.T. Wiley, and J.H. Strong as hon. secretaries, and J. Dart as hon. treasurer, and they carried the project to a successful issue. As regards the souvenir, several designs were obtained from firms in the city, and it was decided to accept the one submitted by Messrs Fairfax and Roberts, Hunter Street, and they were entrusted with the work. The souvenir is a handsome one, and very appropriate. It consists of a gold pendant, bearing on the obverse side the figure of a soldier, with the words "For king and flag" and "South Africa", while the reverse side bears the name of the recipient, and an inscription explaining from whom received. The names of those officers and teachers under the department who have served, or are still serving, are: — Major R.E. ROTH, D.S.O., Captain F.A. DOVE, D.S.O., Captain P. MACKELLAR, Pay-Sergeant J. TAYLOR, Messrs W.A. COULSON, T. DENNISON, A.E. CRADICK, F.A. FINLAY, S.C. FULLER, H.J. DALE, W. HILL, W. HAMBLY. The above have returned, and the last named two have since retired from the service. Those still serving are: — Captain R.S. PEARCE, Captain A.J. BENNETT, Captain A.E. CHAPMAN, Messrs J.F. ARMSTRONG, P.J. PIDGEON, W. WRIGHTSON, J.H. PEEK, A.H. MOYES, C. LEER. Only one of the 22 who went to the front fell in battle — Mr F.J. KILPATRICK. He was one of the first two soldiers from New South Wales who lost their lives. The unfortunate incident occurred during an engagement at Rensburg, and next morning the deceased was found with a little stone lying beside him upon which he had in his last moments written the significant word "Cold!" The presentations took place last night at a gathering of friends at the Elite Hall, when there was a large attendance. The chair was taken by Mr Perry (State Minister for Public Instruction). Mr Perry, in making the presentations, said that early in the war they lost one of their teachers, Mr KILPATRICK, who laid down his life for the cause of Queen and country. Those who went to the front, however, did so fully conscious of the risks they ran, and he felt sure every teacher who had faced the foe In South Africa was prepared to give his life in the same way; but, fortunately, all of the others so far had escaped. (Cheers). The other day he read in a newspaper — although personally he did not believe all he saw in the press — that a public meeting held at a place called Savernake — "Save-the-snake" he considered might have been a more suitable name, as the people who attended the gathering apparently saw snakes occasionally — (laughter) — passed several resolutions concerning the war. One of the motions carried at that gathering, moved by a person named Gorman and seconded by a party named O'Dwyer (laughter) — affirmed the opinion that, "with a view to terminate the present disastrous war, such terms should be offered the Boers by the British Government as could consistently be accepted by a free people, with whose internal affairs the British have no right to interfere". The report of the meeting, he said, did not mention the number who attended, so that there was no way of judging the size of the community so represented. But those people evidently forgot that the British did not seek the war in South Africa. When the Boers announced they were going to sweep the British into the sea, the Empire so challenged picked up the gauntlet. (Cheers). That the war had dragged on for a considerable length of time was a lamentable fact; yet they could not but admire the dogged perseverance of the Boers in prolonging a struggle so disastrous and hopeless to themselves. He thought, however, that no loyal British subject would think about urging the Empire to grant the terms of settlement suggested by the meeting at Savernake. (Applause). The State of affairs which had existed in South Africa was such as to warrant an attempt being made to alter them, and he felt sure that when the turmoil subsided, an intelligent and industrious people would welcome the change, and make South Africa a prosperous country. (Applause). Major ROTH, D.S.O., returned thanks for the recipients present, and in a humorous speech referred to some of the incidents of the front. Colonel Paul and Mr D.T. Wiley also spoke. During the evening refreshments were handed round, and a musical programme carried out. Wellington Times, 3rd April 1902 A Souvenir. Mr T. DENNISON, master of the Ponto Public School, who went as a soldier to South Africa with one of the first contingents enrolled, received by post from Sydney on Monday, a handsome gold medal, given by his fellow teachers in the Public, Instruction Department. (All teachers in the public school service who went to South Africa have been presented with similar medals). On one side of the medal are the words, “For king and flag — South Africa”; on the other side, “N.S.W. Pub. Ins. Dept. souvenir of esteem, to Mr T. Dennison, from comrades in service, 1901”. Mr DENNISON is justly proud of this souvenir, and will no doubt hand it down to hie descendants as a treasured heirloom. Captain Robert St. Julian PEARCE Major Reuter Emmerich ROTH, D.S.O. ...
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