Presented to Sister Minnie Orr McNeill, A.N.S.R.
Leather instrument wallet as given to nurses in South Africa for Christmas 1901. Blocked in gilt with Queen Alexandra's double "A" cypher and the words
"‘THE NATION'S GIFT’ / SOUTH AFRICA, / CHRISTMAS 1901". Reverse stamped
“W.H. BAILEY & SON / 38 OXFORD ST. / LONDON W.” Contained in original red cardboard box, with
"‘THE NATION'S GIFT’ / SOUTH AFRICA, / CHRISTMAS 1901" duplicated on the lid. Inside of lid with paste-down advertisement for
"Bailey's 'Ideal' Wallet / W.H. BAILEY & SON, 38, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W."
Underside of box inscribed in pencil:
"M.O. McNeill / A.N.S.R. / June 19th 1902". Nursing Sister Minnie Orr McNeill, A.N.S.R., served at No. 7 General Hospital, Estcourt, followed by a stint on the Hospital Ship Avoca, and then at No. 17 General Hospital, Standerton. For the latter stages of the war she appears to have returned to No. 7 General Hospital, by then situated in Pretoria.
“M.O. McNeill / A.N.S.R. / June 19th 1902”. The date seems to suggest that Nurse McNeill received her wallet on her return to England.
Bailey’s ‘Ideal’ Wallet.
The pocket in most wallets is a source of danger by secretion of septic matter and is difficult to clean; but in the ‘Ideal’ Wallet the pocket is formed by a flap with fastenings at the back, by which means it can be laid open (see Figs) for cleaning. The space for instruments consists of a leather strap passing through a series of metal loops admitting of the nicest adjustment for the respective instruments, and can be entirely removed for cleaning. It will be seen that as there are no corners the possibility of the secretion of septic matter is obviated.
Manufacturers of Surgical Instruments, Hospital and Sick Nursing Appliances, Trusses, Elastic Stockings, Abdominal Belts, etc.
Telegrams: “BAILEY, LONDON”. Telephone: 2942 GERRARD.
The name on the bottom of the box is very difficult to read. Comparing the signature on the box with that on Minnie McNeill's 1904 marriage certificate confirms that the wallet belonged to her.
Nursing Record & Hospital World, February 3, 1900, p93
The following is the nursing staff of the Seventh General Hospital, who will leave for South Africa shortly. Superintendent: Miss F.E. Addams-Williams, Army Nursing Service; Nursing Sisters: Miss L. Basan, Miss; S.C. Chown, Miss A.N. Ferguson, Miss L.M. Fletcher, Miss E.M. Gardner, Miss M.L. Gordon, Miss M.O. McNEILL, and Miss E.H. Wilson, of the Army Nursing Reserve.
Hampshire Advertiser, 14th February 1900
(Nurse McNeill embarks for the Cape on the S.S. Norman, 10 Feb 1900)
A large and distinguished number of passengers bound for South Africa, principally for the scene of operations at the front, embarked on the splendid steamer Norman, belonging to the Union Steamship Company. There were considerably over 800 passengers, including a large number of the 10th Battalion of the Imperial Yeomanry, with Colonel Lord Chesham in command.
There were also aboard for the front the Misses Addams-Williams, superintendent nursing sister, L. Basan, E.J. Brown, S.C. Chown, A.N. Ferguson, L.M. Fletcher, E.M. Gardner, M.L. Gordon, M.O. McNEILL, Miller, and E.H. Wilson, nursing sisters.
Reading Mercury, 17th February 1900
Of medical officers there were Colonel A.T. Sloggett, and Mr A.O. Fripp and Mrs Fripp, while Army Superintending Nursing Sister Miss Addams Williams was accompanied by Sisters Basan, Brown, Fletcher, Gardner, Gordon, Miller, McNEILL, and Wilson, of the Army Nursing Reserve. They wore a uniform of dark blue with scarlet hoods and blue bonnets and the silver badge of the reserve.
Nursing Sister McNeill arrived at Cape Town on board the S.S. Norman, on 2 March 1900.
This photograph shows the S.S. Norman (on the right) docked at Cape Town. Based on the presence of the Orotava on the left, probably taken between the 16th and 21st March 1900.
"The Nation's Gifts", or nurses' wallets, were given as Christmas presents to all nurses serving in South Africa in 1901. The wallets were paid for out of the London Morning Post's "Field Force Fund", of which Queen Alexandra was patron. She consented to having her double "A" monogram stamped on the wallets, which "enhanced the value of the gift in the eyes of all, as a witness of the patronage she has graciously accorded to the work being carried out on behalf of those serving their country at the front" (London Morning Post, 18 Nov 1901).
Morning Post, 18th November 1901
We are able to announce this morning that her Majesty Queen Alexandra has been graciously pleased to permit her Crown and monogram to be stamped on the wallets to be forwarded to all the nurses serving in South Africa as a testimony of the interest and sympathy she takes in the work of the Field Force Fund. The Queen has ever shown a kindly feeling not only to those who suffer, but to those who attend the suffering. It would be invidious for us to point out how greatly her Majesty’s command will enhance the value of the gift in the eyes of all as a witness to the patronage she has graciously accorded to the work being carried out on behalf of those serving their country at the front.
During her time in South Africa Minnie McNeill fell in love with Dr Charles Frederick Ackland, a Civil Surgeon from Devonport, who appears to have worked at No. 17 Stationary Hospital, Middelberg (see marriage certificate). Before the war, Ackland had been Medical Officer for the Royal Nigerian Constabulary. After a brief spell in England at the end of hostilities, Miss McNeill retuned to South Africa in 1904 to marry Dr Ackland in St Cyprian’s Church, Durban. The couple remained in Africa until 1913, with addresses in Post Retief and Bayville, Cape Colony.
The decision was then made to emigrate to Australia. The couple, with their two children, arrived at Sydney on 24 June 1913 and, after a period in Queensland, took up residence in Penrith, New South Wales, where Charles was to practice as a G.P. The doctor died young (in 1924, aged 48), while Minnie was still living in 1960. A report covering her son’s second marriage on 18 November 1960 notes “After the ceremony there was a small family party – including 91-year-old Mrs Ackland – at the Royal Sydney Golf Club”.
Unfortunately, I have been unable to find any record of Minnie’s death, but I think it is safe to assume she died in the early- to mid-1960s.
Minnie and Charles's Marriage certificate, St Cyprian’s Church, Durban, 23 Oct 1904
Napean Times, 12th July 1924
(death of Minnie Ackland’s husband)
Death of Dr C.F. Ackland
Dr Charles Frederick Ackland passed away at the Nepean District Hospital on Monday morning in his 48th year.
Deceased, who had not been in the best of health for some time was only admitted to the hospital shortly before he died.
He was a native of Devonport, England. At the age of 21 he graduated at Edinburgh and received an appointment as medical officer Nagerae
[sic?] River Constabulary Company [Royal Nigerian Constabulary], in Africa almost immediately. This position the doctor held until the outbreak of the Boer War, when he was appointed medical officer through the campaign. Later on he came to Queensland, and about ten years ago was appointed medical officer for Penrith Friendly Societies, and has resided here since.
During his term of residence in Penrith, he was very generous, and, by his professional abilities was the means of alleviating much human suffering in the town.
He is survived by his wife (who was a sister during the Boer War), one daughter, Mary Catherine, and one son, [McNeill] Frederick.
The funeral took place on Tuesday, the interment being in the Church of England portion of Penrith General Cemetery. Rev. L.G. Hatfield Hall conducted the service.
In March 1938, Minnie and Charles's son, McNeill (sometimes referred to as Neil or Frederick), married society "mannequin" Miss Jean Black, daughter of Mr & Mrs N. Black of Wollstonecraft. The marriage did not last.
Neil [McNeill] Ackland and his new bride, leaving St Stephen's, Sydney (Sydney Daily Telegraph, 26 March 1938)