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Medals to the Highland Light Infantry 6 years 10 months ago #58556

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DSO GV and bar
QSA (2) CC Witt (Lieut. C. T. Martin. 1/High. L.I.);
KSA (2) (Lt. C. T. Martin. High. L.I.)
Bronze Memorial Plaque (Cuthbert Thomas Martin) t

DSO London Gazette 4 June 1917: ‘For distinguished service in the field - Major (Acting Lieutenant-Colonel) Highland Light Infantry.’ Bar to DSO London Gazette 16 September 1918: ‘Cuthbert Thomas Martin, Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel (Temporary Brigadier-General), Highland Light Infantry. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. This officer commanded his brigade with great energy and ability through four days of fighting against vastly superior numbers of the enemy on a very extended front. Largely by his personal example the fighting value of the brigade was maintained when they had very heavy casualties and were very tired.’

Cuthbert Thomas Martin was born in India in December 1877, third son of Sir Acquin and Lady Martin. His father Sir Thomas Acquin Martin, was involved in engineering, large building and infrastructure projects in India and was influential in Afghanistan. Cuthbert Martin was educated at Beaumont College and was commissioned into the Highland Light Infantry from the Militia in September 1897. He served in the Cretan Rebellion in 1898 and in the South African War from 1899 to 1902. He went with his regiment to France in August 1914, took part in the retreat from Mons and was severely wounded in action on the river Aisne. In 1916 he returned to France as second-in-command of a service battalion of the Highland Light Infantry, and almost immediately was given command of his old regular battalion. He was awarded the D.S.O. for distinguished service in the field. In October 1917, he was appointed to command the 151st Brigade and in the following April received a bar to his D.S.O. for conspicuous gallantry as detailed in his citation.

The history of his division records his final moments on 27 May 1918: ‘At 7 am. he [Brigadier-General Riddell] was at 151st Brigade Headquarters with Brigadier-General Martin, of the latter Brigade, when the enemy was reported close at hand. As the Brigadiers hurriedly left the dug-out they found themselves almost surrounded. As they began to fight their way though, the Germans were scattered by a salvo of their own shells, but one, however, unfortunately burst overhead and General Martin was instantly killed and General Riddell wounded.’

In a letter written nearly seventeen years later, Mr A. L. B. Childe, who had served with the 5th Battalion Durham Light Infantry, which was a battalion of the 151st Brigade, writing of the Battle of the Aisne in 1918, said: ‘Lieutenant Williams went with the Sergeant Major to reconnoitre the wood to our rear (i.e. between the sunken road where we were and the road running East-West meeting the road due South through Chaudardes, about 150 yards away). While retiring to the sunken road we were surprised to find our Brigadier lying dead.’

He has no known grave and is remembered on the Soissons Memorial. He married Maree in 1914.
Dr David Biggins

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Medals to the Highland Light Infantry 4 years 3 months ago #72889

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From the next City Coins auction, November 2020

DCM VR (4896 L.Corpl. D. Fraser. 1st Highland L.I: “1ST” in DCM naming corrected unofficially;
QSA (3) Mod R, Witt, SA01 (4896 Cpl. D. Fraser, 1st Highland Lt. Infy.)

DCM: LG 27 September 1901 (p6318). Awarded for Magersfontein with details in London Gazette of 16 March 1900 (p1788): ‘Lance-Corporal Fraser… Specially brought to notice for cheery conduct under fire and helping to rally men’.

The HLI Chronicle for July 1900 reported that ‘Lance-Corporal D. Fraser was conspicuous by his coolness during the advance and his cheery remarks of encouragement to all around him’.

Fraser joined the Highland Light Infantry in 1893. He served with the regiment in Crete and was slightly wounded in the chest at the hospital during rioting at Kandia on 6 September 1898.

KSA (2) (3269 Pte. J. Peat, Highland L. I.)

Private Peat, together with 2 other men, were mentioned in Lt-Gen Methuen’s Magersfontein Despatch for “excellent service and setting a good example to their comrades” (LG 16 March 1900, p1788). .

He was again mentioned in Earl Roberts’ Despatch of 4 September 1901 as having “rendered special and meritorious service” (LG 10 September 1901, p5949).

His missing QSA has 3 clasps: Modder River, Paardeberg and Wittebergen.
Dr David Biggins

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Medals to the Highland Light Infantry 4 years 3 months ago #73117

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From the next City Coins auction, November 2020

IGS 1895 (1) Punj Fr 1897-98 (4055 Pte. T. McDonald. 2.High. L. I.) (square engraving);
QSA (2) ModR, Witt (4055 Corl. T. McDonald, 1 High. Lt. Infy.)

McDonald enlisted as a Private in G Coy, 1st Highland Light Infantry in 1892.

He was granted Good Conduct Pay @ 1d. in May 1893 and embarked on the troop transport ‘Dilwara’ for the 2nd Battalion in India.

In July 1897 he was appointed Paid Lance Corporal and awarded Good Conduct Pay @ 2d. He was wounded at Magersfontein on 11 Dec 1899 and killed at Retief’s Nek during the assault of 23 July.
Dr David Biggins

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Medals to the Highland Light Infantry 4 years 3 months ago #73160

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From the next City Coins auction, November 2020

Dewetsdorp, 21-23 November 1900

“Major WG Massey is in command of the garrison consisting of three companies of the Gloucester Regiment, one of the Highland Light Infantry, 50 mounted infantry, a few police and other soldiers totalling about 450 men with two guns and a Maxim. He has positioned his main force on the heights west of De Wetsdorp with a smaller force on the eastern side. Chief Cmdt Christiaan R de Wet, with Lategan and Philip Botha, attack from three sides on 21 November, taking one defensive post after the other. Approaching from the east on 22 November, Field Cornet Wessel Wessels surrounds and captures an isolated post on Lonely Hill and the British are also soon forced to abandon their post called Crow’s Nest. The Boers can now approach the main eastern position along a donga and the Highlanders abandon this strongpoint and fall back to the main position to the west. Here, the trenches are overcrowded and efforts to extend their positions are hampered by a shortage of picks and shovels.

On 23 November a Gloucester trench north of town is taken after some resistance and the burghers can now direct plunging fire into the main position. On the eastern side, the Boer Krupp opens fire from Lonely Hill and, as the day progresses, the defenders’ supply of water and ammunition becomes critical. At 16:00, a junior officer in an isolated gun pit raises the white flag but it is immediately ordered down. Soon afterwards on an absurd report that the burghers are murdering the wounded it is raised again and Dewetsdorp, named after his father, is captured by Chief Commandant CR de Wet. British losses amount to 14 killed, 52 wounded, 30 slightly wounded and 384 taken prisoner.”
“The Anglo-Boer War: a Chronology” by Pieter G Cloete.

QSA (2) CC, Witt (1657 Pte. T. Hall, 1. High. Lt. Inf.)

Pte Hall was wounded on 23 November. He is also shown as entitled to a SA’01 clasp on a supplementary roll, dated March 1903.
Dr David Biggins

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Medals to the Highland Light Infantry 4 years 2 months ago #73923

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QSA (2) Cape Colony, Wittebergen (4650 Pte W. Waddell, 1st Highland Lt Infy);
KSA (2) (4650 Pte W. Waddell. Highland L.I.);
1914-15 Star (P-1208 L-Cpl.-A-Cpl.- W. H. Waddel, [sic] M.F.P.);
BWM and VM (P-1208 Sjt. W. H. Waddell. M.F.P.);
MSM GV (P-1208 A. Sjt.: W. H. Waddell. M.F.P.)

MSM LG 1 January 1918 (France).
Dr David Biggins

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Medals to the Highland Light Infantry 3 years 11 months ago #75462

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DCM GV (4737 A.R.S. Mjr: D. Christie. 1/6 H.L.I. -T.F.);
QSA (4) Cape Colony, Paardeberg, Wittebergen, Transvaal, unofficial rivets between third and fourth clasps (4737 Sgt. D. Christie, 1st. High: Lt. Infy.);
KSA (2) (4737 Clr:-Serjt: D. Christie. Highland L.I.);
1914-15 Star (4737 C.Sjt. D. Christie. High. L.I.);
BWM and VM with MID oak leaves (4737 C-Sjt. D. Christie. High. L.I.);
Coronation 1937 (David Christie.) contemporarily engraved naming;
Army LS&GC EdVII (4737 C.Sjt: D. Christie. H.L.I.);
Special Constabulary Long Service Medal, GVI 1st issue (David S. Christie.)

DCM LG 19 August 1916:
‘For conspicuously good work rendered during the performance of a difficult operation. He has set a fine example to his Battalion.’

David Christie was born in Edinburgh in 1874 and attested there for the Royal Scots on 20 June 1892. He transferred to the Highland Light Infantry on 30 November 1892, and served with them during the Occupation of Crete, 31 July to 26 December 1898, being Mentioned in Despatches (LG 24 January 1899). Major I. C. Conway-Gordon, 1st Battalion, Highland Light Infantry, was an eye-witness to Christie’s act of gallantry, and later wrote the following testimonial:
‘On 6 September 1898 fire was suddenly opened on the troops stationed at Kandia, Crete, by the Bashie Bazouks. Sergeant D. Christie immediately turned out “A” Company, 1st Battalion, Highland Light Infantry, of which Captain A. G. Balfour was in command. Captain Balfour took up a position with his Company and shortly afterwards Private Walton was wounded. The Hospital was situated about 100 yards from the position occupied by “A” Company, and the ground between was open all the wire to fire. Sergeant Christie volunteered to take Private Watson to the Hospital. He succeeded in doing so although exposed to a heavy fire from the enemy. Against the advice of the Medical Officer he returned across the zone of fire and rejoined his Company. I was an eye-witness of this action on the part of Sergeant Christie and consider he showed the utmost bravery and coolness under fire in carrying out the duty he had volunteered for. Throughout the remainder of the action he continued to display the same gallant spirit and much assisted and encouraged the men by his example.’

Christie saw further action in South Africa during the Boer War from 23 October 1899 to 11 January 1903, and received the Queen’s South Africa Medal with clasps Cape Colony, Paardeberg, Wittebergen, and Transvaal (his entitlement to the Transvaal clasp appearing on a supplementary roll), as well as the King’s South Africa Medal with both date clasps.

Remaining with the Regiment, he was awarded his Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, before transferring to the permanent staff of the 6th Battalion (Territorial Force), and served with them during the Great War in Gallipoli from 2 July 1915 as Acting Regimental Sergeant Major. For his services in Gallipoli he was awarded the DCM as well as being once more Mentioned in Despatches (LG 25 September 1916). Embarking for England from Alexandria on 3 September 1916, he was discharged at Hamilton on 20 October 1916, after 24 years and 123 days’ service, and was awarded a Silver War Badge.
Dr David Biggins

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