Charles Walsh, an eighteen year old metal roller from Birmingham, joined the Royal Scots Fusiliers on the 14th of October 1890, a very typical Mr Atkins, he had some Foreign Service out on the sub continent from 12th of November 1892 until the 28th of November 1896 with his Battalion, although, he had earlier managed to blot his page by deserting on the 14th of March 1892, he had subsequently "re joined" upon the 14th of June before finding himself before a regimental courts martial on the 27th of June, he returned to duty the following month.
He was appointed to Lance Corporal on the 5th of June 1894, after transfer to the reserve, he was recalled for the Anglo Boer War on the 9th of October 1899 and served on Campaign from the 22nd of that month, in South Africa until the 2nd of July 1902, before discharge to the Reserve upon the 13th of October that same year, final discharge from reserve liability came in 1907.
His Mother Sarah Walsh of number 7 Court 4 House Palmer Street Birmingham is also shown.
A pleasing medal you have there, to a very fine regiment, the Tugela battles were certainly hard fought.
nicpt77 wrote: Hello
Could anyone confirm the medal entitlement and clasps to
Pte 3122 C Walsh 2 R Scots Fusiliers
QSA CC Tugela Heights Relief of Ladysmith OFS Transvaal
KSA. 01 02.
Thank you