I think any collector worthy of the name has, at some point or other, pondered on the eternal question, "Have I too many medals?"
This though entered my head (and fortunately left it without lingering) earlier today when I was going through the file on one of my recipients, Wilfred Graham Bartram AUSTIN
, he appears in the photo below and, lo and behold, on closer inspection, standing in the back row but a few feet from him, is another of my recipients, Alfred Edward NIEUWENHUIS!!
had been unaware of this until I spotted him standing on the extreme right.
This is what begged the question - if one holds the medals to more than one recipient in a completely random photo, is this lucky coincidence or a sign that one has too many medals?
The answer has to be "no" - so on with the collecting I go.
Austin is second from the left in the back row - Nieuwenhuis is on the extreme right.