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H.M.S. Powerful - The Siege of Ladysmith Watches 4 years 1 month ago #74414

  • Neville_C
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Type I

Movement: Omega, unsigned
Case diameter: 48 mm
Outer case inscribed: SIEGE OF LADYSMITH. / 118 DAYS / 1899-1900 / [A. CAPRON. / ORD. SEA. BUGLER] / H.M.S. POWERFUL.
Dial inscribed: [unsigned]
Movement inscribed: [unsigned]
Serial number (on case): 1601087 (two watches examined share the first four digits: 1601)
Case with Swiss ‘rampant bear’ hallmarks, and impressed: 0,935 / OMEGA / H / 12 / 1601087

Type II

Movement: Samuel Smith & Son
Case diameter: 51 mm
Outer case inscribed: SIEGE OF LADYSMITH. / 118 DAYS / 1899-1900 / [H. THURSTON. / A.B.] / H.M.S. POWERFUL.
Movement inscribed: S. Smith & Son, 9 Strand, / WATCHMAKERS TO THE ADMIRALTY / LONDON / SWISS MADE
Serial number (on case): 1097367 (all watches examined share the first three digits: 109; the majority start: 1097)
Case with Swiss ‘rampant bear’ hallmarks, and impressed: 0,935 / 1097367

Note: The watch to 185864 Able Seaman Frederick George CAPRON exists in both forms: Type II sold through DNW, 19th September 2013; Type I in my own collection. Both watches incorrectly engraved "A. CAPRON. ORD. SEA. BUGLER".

The Samuel Smith & Son watches are the timepieces that were presented to the Naval Brigade. Those made by Omega are rejected watches, which found their way to a Southsea jeweller, who sold them to the general public as “historical” souvenirs (see below).

On 29th March 1900, the Manchester Courier reported:

“The members of the Naval and Military Club, London, have written to the Mayor of Portsmouth informing him that they are subscribing to present each member of the crew of the Powerful Naval Brigade with a silver watch. They ask his worship to present the watches at the dinner to be given to the brigade by the people of Portsmouth, and he has undertaken to do so”.

A few days after this announcement, several newspapers inserted corrections:

“There is no truth in the report that the members of the Naval and Military Club are subscribing to present each member of the crew of the Powerful’s Naval Brigade with a silver watch” (Nottingham Evening Post, 7th April 1900).

The error seems to have arisen from the fact that the letter asking the Mayor of Portsmouth to present the watches was written on Naval and Military Club note-paper.
Later, it was made clear that the donors, a group of “London admirers”, wished to remain anonymous. This group appears to have been a small one. A report in the London Daily News, (08/06/1900) states that the watches were "a present from three gentlemen in London".

Despite the donors' request for anonymity, the identity of the principal subscriber was later disclosed as Sir Thomas Freake, ex-Mayor of Dartmouth:
Sir Thomas Freake “raised the funds (subscribing largely himself) for presenting the blue jackets who were at the Relief [sic; Siege] of Ladysmith with silver watches in commemoration of the event. Sir Thomas himself designed the case, a task greatly to his liking. He is a connoisseur in design …” (Exeter Flying Post, 25th August 1900).
Sir Thomas had recently returned from the Cape, having accompanied Buller’s force during the operations to relieve Ladysmith. His mission had been “to see what an outsider could do in the way of help for the suffering" (Exeter Flying Post, 25/08/1900).

Illustration in The Graphic, 30th June 1900. The typeface used for the inscription indicates that this is an image of a Type I Omega watch; the caption, on the other hand, states that the watches were supplied by Samuel Smith & Son:
“Messrs Samuel Smith and Son supplied the watches. The cases are plain silver full hunters, very close fitting so as to be damp-proof. The movement has a special escapement to withstand vibration and change of temperature. Instead of steel they have gold hands to prevent damage from damp”.

It had been intended to present the watches to the Naval Brigade at the dinner organised by the City of Portsmouth, on 24th April 1900. However, the quality of the original watches was deemed inadequate by the donors, and, as a result they were rejected. These were the “Omega” watches.

New Samuel Smith & Son watches were ordered, but these were not ready in time for the ceremony:

“The Mayor hoped to be able to present each man of the Naval Brigade with a watch, but owing to the inability of the manufacturers to provide them in time he would have to pay a visit to Portsmouth and distribute them when they arrived” (Taunton Courier, 2nd May 1900).

220 [of 286] watches were eventually presented by the Mayor of Portsmouth at a ceremony conducted under the poop of H.M.S. Powerful on 7th June 1900:


The Mayor of Portsmouth (Mr H.R. Pink) on Thursday presented a silver watch to every officer and man of the Powerful’s Ladysmith Brigade. The watches had been subscribed for by a few London admirers of the splendid services rendered by the Powerful’s men during the siege of Ladysmith. It will be remembered that about 284 men were landed under Captain the Hon. Hedworth Lambton, of whom thirty-seven died or were killed, and thirty were left behind.
The presentation took place under the Powerful’s poop, and the Mayor, who was accompanied by the Mayoress, was received on his arrival by Captain Lambton. The Brigade was mustered, and as quickly as possible every member of it was handed a silver English lever hunting watch, with a guarantee as to it being a good time-keeper from the makers. On the outer case was the inscription: ‘Siege of Ladysmith; 118 days; 1899-1900’. Then followed the man’s name and rating.
[The Mayor explained that the watches] were given by a few persons who wished to recognise the splendid services rendered by the Powerful’s men in the siege of Ladysmith, but they did not wish their names mentioned. He had express instructions not to let their names be known. He was sorry that the watches came too late for presentation at the dinner. He hoped everyone would value his watch as a memento of what the sailors did at Ladysmith, and that should the Navy be ever again called upon to assist the soldiers in a tight corner, it would reply as readily as the Powerful did on the occasion in question”
(Portsmouth Evening News, 8th June 1900).

It was also noted that "watches are to be sent to relatives of the deceased; and those who were not able to be present will receive them hereafter".

Movements of the Omega and Samuel Smith & Son watches

Rather than scrap the rejected Omega watches, the suppliers made the mistake of selling them on, complete with engraved recipients’ names.

The discounted watches found their way to a Southsea jeweller, prompting 175555 Able Seaman George JACOBS to write the following letter to the editor of the London Weekly Dispatch. It was published in full on 14th October 1900:

“Dear Sir – I would feel greatly obliged to you if you will insert the following: I, being an able seaman, late of H.M.S. Powerful, and having taken part in the defence of Ladysmith, received a silver presentation watch bearing my name and rating upon it.
I have also seen one exactly the same as my own in a shop window in Southsea, bearing my name and rating on it.
I have inspected the one at the shop, and it is exactly the same, but having a different number and works.
I am continually getting abused by my late shipmates for having disposed of mine, which I have not done, it being in my possession now, and always has been since presented to me.
I have written to the makers of the watches concerning the matter, and I have received a letter saying that my watch is under guarantee and that the one at the shop is one of a number made to the first specification, but refused by the donors, and being thrown on the makers’ hands they were sold at a reduced price as historical watches, and there were no warranties issued with them.
I should feel greatly obliged to you if I can use your valuable paper as a means of letting the general public know that it is not us sailors who have disposed of our presentation watches.
I should like this to catch the eyes of the donors of these presents as I think they ought to know about it.
I remain, yours truly, GEORGE JACOBS, A.B., late H.M.S. Powerful. 11 Mess, H.M.S. Duke of Wellington, Portsmouth”.

This was followed by a report in the Portsmouth Evening New, 19th October 1900:

“The men of the Powerful’s Naval Brigade have a real and serious grievance. It appears that the makers of the presentation silver watches had the first batch thrown upon their hands because they did not meet with the approval of the donors, and these watches, bearing the names and ratings of the Powerful’s men, are now on sale at a reduced price. The impression created in the minds of persons who see these watches on sale must naturally be very unfavourable to our bluejackets, as it appears that they have made haste to convert the presents of their patriotic admirers into hard cash. In justice to these men, therefore, these rejected watches should be at once withdrawn from sale”.

Able Seaman’s Jacobs’s grievance was taken up by well-known Portsmouth solicitor, Edwin J.T. Webb, who wrote to the Portsmouth Evening News.

His letter was published on 20th October 1900:

DEAR SIR, – In yours of yesterday’s date you comment in a leaderette as to the grievance which the men of the Powerful’s Naval Brigade have against the makers of the watches which the Mayor was good enough to present to them.
Mr George Jacobs, an A.B. of H.M.S. Powerful, was one of the recipients, and felt very annoyed to find that a watch bearing his name and rating was exhibited in a shop in this borough.
On his instructions I have been in communication with the makers, and their representative met Mr Jacobs at my office yesterday, and on behalf of the firm expressed their regret that any unpleasantness had been caused him or any other members of the Naval Brigade, and stated that the firm did not realise that in putting the rejected watches on the market they would be prejudicing the recipients.
The firm now admit their error, and the watch case bearing Mr Jacob’s name and rating was handed by their representative to me; and I am assured by him that the firm has at considerable cost obtained possession of all the rejected watches, and will not reissue the same.
My client, Mr Jacobs, was naturally wrath that a watch bearing his name should have been exhibited for sale, but he is now satisfied with the explanation made by the makers.

I am, Sir, yours obediently,

1 Queen Street, Portsea,
October 20th, 1900".

Dials of the Omega and Samuel Smith & Son watches

Cases of the Omega and Samuel Smith & Son watches


The first watch to be sold at auction went under the hammer at the beginning of December 1900. It sold for £3 17s 6d. The watch was inscribed to 167361 Able Seaman Ernest William ABRAM. Was this one of the Omega Type I watches, or did Abram sell his watch only 6 months after being presented with it?

Morning Post, 8th December 1900

Another was stollen from 165588 Able Seaman Frederick HUMPHREYS at the beginning of July 1900. Although the alleged thief was committed for trial, the watch was not recovered:

“ONE OF THE ‘POWERFUL’ WATCHES – At Marylebone, a laundress named Mary Smith, aged thirty-five, was charged with robbing Frank Humphreys, of H.M.S. Powerful, of the silver watch and chain presented to him by the Mayor of Portsmouth, and valued at £4 5s. Prosecutor went into a public-house in the Edgware Road, where prisoner and some other women forced their company upon him. He refused to have anything to do with them, but when he left the house prisoner followed him, and in Chapel Street threw her arms around his neck and commenced to hug and kiss him. A police-sergeant was looking on, and prisoner left saying ‘You go your way and I’ll go mine’. Immediately afterwards he missed his watch and communicated with the police, who arrested prisoner, but the watch has not yet been recovered. Prisoner was committed for trial” (Illustrated Police News, 7th July 1900).
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H.M.S. Powerful - The Siege of Ladysmith Watches 4 years 1 month ago #74416

  • Neville_C
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"Watches are to be sent to relatives of the deceased, and those who were not able to be present [at the 7th June presentation] will receive them hereafter"

known watches highlighted in blue (all S. Smith & Son except where noted)

Captain Hon. Hedworth LAMBTON (also received a gold watch from Queen Victoria)
Commander Frederick G. EGERTON (K.I.A., Ladysmith, 03/11/1899)
Commander Algernon W. HENEAGE
Lieutenant Michael H. HODGES
Lieutenant Edward STABB (R.N.R.; died, Ladysmith, 15/01/1900)
Midshipman Hon. Ian L.A. CARNEGIE
Midshipman Edward G. CHICHESTER
Midshipman Henry T. HAYES
Midshipman Robert C. HAMILTON
Midshipman John R. MIDDLETON
Midshipman Charles Reynolds SHARP
Midshipman Alick STOKES
Gunner William SIMS
Surgeon James G. FOWLER
Fleet Paymaster William H.F. KAY (died, at sea, 26/03/1900)
Chief Engineer Edgar H. ELLIS
Chief Engineer Charles C. SHEEN

122691 Chief Engine Room Artificer (2nd Class) George HATCH
153586 Engine Room Artificer (2nd Class) Leonard WILLIAMS

122351 Petty Officer (1st Class) Henry Newnham BEAUMONT
100979 Petty Officer (1st Class) Arthur Reuben BENNETT
118547 Petty Officer (1st Class) Arthur BENSON
125702 Petty Officer (1st Class) Walter Clifford BLY
131366 Petty Officer (1st Class) Arthur Henry CHRISTMAS
156160 Petty Officer (1st Class) Alfred FINNIMORE (died, Ladysmith, 26/11/1899)
114734 Petty Officer (1st Class) Philip Chapman Coe GERHOLD
124261 Petty Officer (1st Class) George Henry GROVES
128225 Petty Officer (1st Class) Henry Charles Walter LEE
106776 Petty Officer (1st Class) Philip Thomas SISK
143439 Petty Officer (1st Class) Frank Camble TRIGGS
147740 Petty Officer (1st Class) William Walter TRUESDELL
85732 Petty Officer (1st Class) Richard WHITE [Omega]
147690 Petty Officer (1st Class) Silvanus George WHITE
133878 Petty Officer (1st Class) Albert George WITHERS

104560 Yeoman of Signals Arthur Sydney KNIGHT

350104 Ship’s Corporal (1st Class) Alfred Joseph LINTERN

131742 Carpenter’s Mate William Henry LOCKHART
148053 Carpenter’s Mate Samuel Thomas SADLER
131753 Carpenter’s Mate William George SCOTT

132429 Painter (1st Class) John Henry Piller HITCHCOCK

132041 Sick Berth Steward Sidney George COMDEN

124959 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Victor CONNOR
139794 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Wallace Inskipp FUGGLE
145202 Petty Officer (2nd Class) James Charles GUNDRY
136846 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Reuben Thomas HAND
148100 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Thomas HANNIFIN (died, Ladysmith, 03/03/1900)
151050 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Samuel HARDY
142785 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Alfred Arthur HICKMAN
146036 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Patrick HIGGS
145624 Petty Officer (2nd Class) George KNOTT (died, Ladysmith, 26/02/1900)
133652 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Frederick LACEY
135215 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Joseph James LEDSON
152255 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Alfred SAUNDERS
136970 Petty Officer (2nd Class) George THOMPSON
144549 Petty Officer (2nd Class) Joseph Henry WITHECOMBE
148136 Petty Officer (2nd Class) William Arthur WOLFE (died, Chieveley, 08/04/1900)

184286 2nd Yeoman of Signals Arthur Cyril BRADLEY

129975 Leading Seaman William John BURWOOD [Omega]
148889 Leading Seaman James EGAN
149587 Leading Seaman William John FORD
132067 Leading Seaman George GLADMAN
132630 Leading Seaman Charles GOSLING
143411 Leading Seaman Henry James HARDY
126309 Leading Seaman Samuel Ernest HEMMING
161769 Leading Seaman Patrick McCARTHY
137924 Leading Seaman Alfred MORRIS
156154 Leading Seaman Archibald Campbell PRATT
169393 Leading Seaman William TRIBE
139216 Leading Seaman Henry James WHITE

340450 Armourer’s Mate Joseph Shenstone WHITE (died, Ladysmith, 15/01/1900)

175916 Blacksmith’s Mate F. KING

151599 Leading Signalman Richard ATLEE
156999 Leading Signalman John Robert BRANFORD

340267 2nd Ship’s Cook William Young HENDERSON

341088 Ship’s Steward’s Assistant Joseph WITTCOMB

167361 Able Seaman Ernest William ABRAM [watch sold at auction, Dec 1900]
186778 Able Seaman John Frederick ANNETT [watch inscribed to "S. ANNETT"; with replacement bow]
187369 Able Seaman Ernest Alfred ARCHER (K.I.A., Ladysmith, 13/12/1899)
156189 Able Seaman Charles Sedgwick BAKER
136135 Able Seaman Charles BARHAM
188182 Able Seaman William BARNABY
162386 Able Seaman Alfred Charles BARTLETT
175256 Able Seaman Albert Walter BENTON (died, Ladysmith, 13/02/1900)
151739 Able Seaman Howard BEVES [Bevis on watch]
158527 Able Seaman Harry George BIGNELL
187117 Able Seaman William BISHOP
187154 Able Seaman Harry BLABER
186745 Able Seaman Henry Ernest BLAKE (died, Ladysmith, 16/01/1900)
161843 Able Seaman Benjamin BLUMSON (died, Ladysmith, 22/12/1899)
186793 Able Seaman Robert Seymour BONE
186823 Able Seaman Stephen William BOORMAN
163797 Able Seaman Hugh Henry BOTTING
151746 Able Seaman Charles BOYCE (died, Mooi River, 09/04/1900)
126651 Able Seaman John BRADFORD
133845 Able Seaman William John BREEN
123786 Able Seaman Patrick BRIEN
179974 Able Seaman Walter BRINE
156625 Able Seaman Albert Charles BROOK
181958 Able Seaman Charles William BROOMFIELD (deserted – did he receive a watch?)
154020 Able Seaman Albert BROWN
151529 Able Seaman George Edward BROWNE
156646 Able Seaman John William BUCKBY
166362 Able Seaman William Henry BUCKLAND
187094 Able Seaman Frank Edgar BUXTON
185864 Able Seaman [Ordinary Seaman Bugler] Frederick George CAPRON [Omega and S. Smith & Son]
183312 Able Seaman William Alexander CHAPMAN
156267 Able Seaman Edwin CHESSMAN
167867 Able Seaman John Harris COBBY
157046 Able Seaman Joseph CONNELL
167407 Able Seaman Charles Henry CREESE
187213 Able Seaman Thomas DEAR
169637 Able Seaman Edward Frost DUNN (died, Ladysmith, 13/02/1900)
160993 Able Seaman George Charles DURRANT
148403 Able Seaman George DYER
159638 Able Seaman John EMLY
167411 Able Seaman Samuel Lindop EVANS
184721 Able Seaman William John FLAKE
173512 Able Seaman Edward Ernest FOLEY
147596 Able Seaman Edward Jackson GAULTER
185426 Able Seaman Walter Edwin GOVER
171112 Able Seaman Benjamin GRITT
173178 Able Seaman Leonard HARMER
160850 Able Seaman Richard HARRIS (died, Ladysmith, 07/01/1900)
175566 Able Seaman Fred Walter HEPPEL
144207 Able Seaman George Henry HIGGS
186783 Able Seaman Frank HUMPHREYS
165588 Able Seaman Frederick HUMPHREYS [watch stolen, July 1900]
175555 Able Seaman George Alexander JACOBS [Omega watch handed to Jacobs's solicitor, Oct 1900]
180947 Able Seaman James JARDINE
181924 Able Seaman Edward Henry JARVIS
181755 Able Seaman George JOHN (K.I.A., Ladysmith, 19/01/1900)
183311 Able Seaman Thomas Smith JONES
151890 Able Seaman William KEEN
136180 Able Seaman Henry John KEIRL
160897 Able Seaman Frederick John KINSMAN
167357 Able Seaman Charles Enoch LAND
157995 Able Seaman Henry LAWRENCE
174149 Able Seaman Albert LEARY
159658 Able Seaman Hans Alfred LISTER (died, Ladysmith, 02/02/1900)
180475 Able Seaman Thomas Snowsell LOVESEY
144463 Able Seaman Robert MAXWELL
186012 Able Seaman Ernest Michael McCARTHY
176819 Able Seaman John McLAUGHLIN
156319 Able Seaman James McMEEHAN
131345 Able Seaman John McNULTY
175568 Able Seaman George Henry MILLS
162528 Able Seaman Peter MORAN
167251 Able Seaman William MURPHY
147469 Able Seaman James MURRAY
166323 Able Seaman Albert MUSGROVE (died, Ladysmith, 12/03/1900)
168097 Able Seaman Benjamin NEWELL (died, Ladysmith, 17/12/1899)
176081 Able Seaman William James NORRIS
175249 Able Seaman William OLDFIELD
188168 Able Seaman Tom OUSLEY
146993 Able Seaman Albert George PAYNE
186315 Able Seaman Alfred John PEARCE
132073 Able Seaman Edwin PEPPER
165456 Able Seaman John Edwin PETTIT
173135 Able Seaman John Richard PHILPOTT
125745 Able Seaman William PITMAN
144279 Able Seaman George POMEROY
122642 Able Seaman Arthur Harris RICHARDSON
146507 Able Seaman John ROGERS
149347 Able Seaman Frederick ROSS
183817 Able Seaman Thomas Herbert SAUNDERS
160263 Able Seaman Herbert SEGROTT
176565 Able Seaman William James SEMMENS
121826 Able Seaman William SHAKESPEARE
187178 Able Seaman Robert Reginald SHEFFORD
145614 Able Seaman Edward William SMEES
180083 Able Seaman Louis SMITH
187027 Able Seaman James SPENCE
191154 Able Seaman Arthur Harry STACE
168109 Able Seaman William Stenning STEARMAN
165625 Able Seaman Henry Walter STENNING
139280 Able Seaman John SULLIVAN
188134 Able Seaman William Francis SULLIVAN
173527 Able Seaman Frederick William SWEETINGHAM
183541 Able Seaman Thomas William TAYLOR
180071 Able Seaman John Edward THURGOOD
151910 Able Seaman Harry THURSTON
174952 Able Seaman Joseph TIMLIN
145028 Able Seaman Eldred TURNER
182108 Able Seaman Arthur James WAKEHAM
172753 Able Seaman Albert Ernest WARD
163366 Able Seaman Montague WELLS
190766 Able Seaman Harry WHEELER
177241 Able Seaman Charles WHITE
152299 Able Seaman Samuel Thomas WHITE
165547 Able Seaman John WHITING
144292 Able Seaman Henry Edward WILKENS
136800 Able Seaman John WILKINSON
175257 Able Seaman George Gifford WILLIAMS
175253 Able Seaman Robert Roderick WILLIAMS
162997 Able Seaman Frederick Charles WILSON
145287 Able Seaman Edward WISE
145837 Able Seaman Richard WYNN

188731 Qualified Signalman Walter DIXON
142184 Qualified Signalman Thomas KILMINSTER

186766 Ordinary Seaman F.W. ABBERLEY
186322 Ordinary Seaman Charles Hugh ARSCOTT (died, Ladysmith, 05/02/1900)
180278 Ordinary Seaman John ASHLEY
175748 Ordinary Seaman Albert CALDWELL (died, Ladysmith, 14/12/1899)
166379 Ordinary Seaman Charles Leopold CLARK
187085 Ordinary Seaman Christopher John COWLING
187026 Ordinary Seaman Alexander FOTHERINGHAM
179433 Ordinary Seaman Albert Henry FIELD
186665 Ordinary Seaman George William GLADING
186791 Ordinary Seaman Henry John HONE
190774 Ordinary Seaman Ernest Archibald JOHNCOX
172057 Ordinary Seaman John Alfred Le QUELENEC
181926 Ordinary Seaman William George MASTERS
186895 Ordinary Seaman Robert McNICHOL
182623 Ordinary Seaman Charles Ernest MINSHAW (died, Ladysmith, 25/02/1900)
172445 Ordinary Seaman John Francis NAIL
186287 Ordinary Seaman Herbert Willoughby PANNIFER (died, Ladysmith, 10/03/1900)
181688 Ordinary Seaman Henry PASSMORE
181120 Ordinary Seaman George PEATTIE
162263 Ordinary Seaman William Charles Cameron READ
180964 Ordinary Seaman John Henry RHODES
192235 Ordinary Seaman Charles Frank RICHARDS
187100 Ordinary Seaman Edward Douglas SLADE
187490 Ordinary Seaman John SMITH
186884 Ordinary Seaman Robert STEWART
175300 Ordinary Seaman Henry TREVETT
170909 Ordinary Seaman Dudley James WHEELER (K.I.A., Ladysmith, 23/01/1900)

181844 Signalman Ernest Edward DEXTER (died, Ladysmith, 20/12/1899)

Po. 4949 Private S.D. AYERST (R.M.L.I.)
Po. 8433 Private William A. BENNETT (R.M.L.I.)
Po. 7118 Private Frederick MARTIN (R.M.L.I.)
Ch. 6207 Private Herbert NEWMAN (R.M.L.I.; died, Ladysmith, 05/02/1900)

281121 Stoker Richard ADAMS
144770 Stoker Frederick ALLEN
277042 Stoker E. ASHDOWN
283367 Stoker James Charles BLAKE
283955 Stoker Robert BOWEN
281096 Stoker Henry Joseph BOWMAN
192332 Stoker Charles BURCHELL
159031 Stoker George William BURTON
153771 Stoker Albert CLAPP
283162 Stoker John COLE
282660 Stoker Charles COOMBES
174377 Stoker Jeremiah CROWLEY
129739 Stoker Albert Edward DALLAS
176594 Stoker William Henry DANCY
276497 Stoker Thomas DAVIES
282956 Stoker Albert Edward DENNY
122786 Stoker John DOEL
282545 Stoker George ELLIS
283932 Stoker Thomas FRENCH
282698 Stoker Harry William George GARDNER (died, Ladysmith, 01/03/1900)
283450 Stoker William Edward GATEHOUSE
282688 Stoker Walter Edward HAGGAR
282672 Stoker William Ernest HARRISS
158054 Stoker Henry Thomas HIPPERSON
154551 Stoker Henry John ISAACS
175914 Stoker William JAMES
281253 Stoker William Samuel JOHNSON
175883 Stoker John LEATHER (K.I.A., Ladysmith, 09/01/1900)
175358 Stoker Charles William LUDLOW
279325 Stoker Albert MOORE
282134 Stoker Joseph MOTT [Molt on watch]
282232 Stoker William NEWLING
167204 Stoker Reginald NOTTON
282980 Stoker Alfred William PARISEY
282960 Stoker David PATON (died, Ladysmith, 05/03/1900)
282955 Stoker Charles William PILGRIM
175896 Stoker John PILKINGTON
281935 Stoker Douglas Hastings RAMSAY
282713 Stoker Arthur Percy ROLLS (died, Chieveley, 07/04/1900)
284358 Stoker Thomas Jasper SCOTT
279770 Stoker George SEARES (died, Ladysmith, 24/12/1899)
278297 Stoker James SHEVLIN
282946 Stoker Archibald Ernest SMITH
280798 Stoker Martin STENTON
283896 Stoker John Arthur TROKE
282241 Stoker William George WATERS
154739 Stoker Alfred WHEELER
283157 Stoker Robert WHYTE
160756 Stoker Joseph WILLS
169301 Stoker Charles WINCHESTER
281118 Stoker Edward WYKES

341309 Armourer’s Crew Alfred Henry ADAMES
340131 Armourer’s Crew Frederick JOHNSON (died, Intombi Camp, 19/03/1900)

340014 Cook’s Mate Walter James COUZENS

TOTAL: 286
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H.M.S. Powerful - The Siege of Ladysmith Watches 4 years 1 month ago #74508

  • terry63
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My Great Grandfather was 153771 Stoker Albert Clapp. We have his Naval long service, South Africa and first world war medals together with certificates and his pocket watch together with his service papers, photos and an oil painting of him in uniform from about the Boer war time. He lived in Poole Dorset (apart from the First World War when the family moved to Portsmouth).
Thought it might be of interest that his watch is still in existence for the list of watches issued. Found the watch article very interesting.
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H.M.S. Powerful - The Siege of Ladysmith Watches 4 years 1 month ago #74518

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Thank you Terry,
I have updated the list, showing your great grandfather's watch as extant.
I assume it is one of the Samuel Smith & Son watches.

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H.M.S. Powerful - The Siege of Ladysmith Watches 4 years 1 month ago #74533

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Hi Neville, thank you,
We have checked and it is a Smith and son. It has a solid silver chain with it. Were these part of the presentation?
cheers Terry

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H.M.S. Powerful - The Siege of Ladysmith Watches 4 years 1 month ago #74535

  • Neville_C
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All the reports I have come across mention watches only.
So, I suspect the chain was added by your great grandfather.

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