The last major engagement of the war.
Details here:
The 21st Mounted Infantry suffered a number of casualties, this account reporting that it "suffered more casualties than any other corps in this engagement, losing two officers and a colour-sergeant killed, and five out of nine officers dangerously or severely wounded, including Major Roy, of the Sherwood Foresters, then in command."
Here is the KSA of the Colour Sergeant who was killed, 3042 Col Serjt Thomas William Patient, 1st Essex Regiment.
He was the son of Thomas and Charlotte Maria Patient. Although his birth was registered in the 2nd quarter of 1872 in Dunmow district, he was not baptised until 10 November 1878 at Great Easton.
Militia papers survive in WO96
2415 Thomas Patient
Born Great Easton
Lived Little Cambridge, Great Easton
Enlisted 4 November 1889, age 17 years 8 months
Discharged 4 November 1890 to Army
Entitled to QSA clasps RofK, Drief, Joh, D Hill as 3042 Sjt
He had previously been wounded at Diamond Hill, 12 June 1900
Killed in action at Rooival 11 April 1902 with 21 MI (3 officers and 10 ORs from all units, killed in action or died of wounds at this action)
Patient was the most senior NCO of the Essex Regiment to lose his life at the hands of the enemy during the war.