DIARY OF 7509 PTE. EDISON FRANKLIN LYNN, "D" Co. R.C.R. (Part 1) 3 years 8 months ago #77401
Part 1 of Diary - First 25 Pages.....
Spelling as per diary though I did have to guess some words..... Still not bad for a 17 year old....... To be read in conjunction with: www.angloboerwar.com/forum/5-medals-and-...-dance?start=6#43856 Mike
ANGLO BOER WAR 1899 – 1900
DIARY OF 7509 PRIVATE EDISON FRANKLIN LYNN “ D “ COMPANY (OTTAWA / KINGSTON) SPECIAL SERVICE BATTALION OF ROYAL CANADIAN REGIMENT OF INFANTRY PTE. EDISON FRANKLIN LYNN XV BATTALION A.L.I. (ARGYLL LIGHT INFANTRY) BELLVILLE, ONT. CANADA DIARY OF ANGLO vs BOER WAR + Part Taken By R.C.R.I. RERURNED HOME Nov. 5, 1900, After 12 Months and 13 Days on Active Service Monday, Oct. 23, 1900 Left Bellville at 12 noon. Was escorted to station by 15th A.L.I. Silver and Bugle Band 7 in number. Arrived in Kingston Barracks at 8. pm. Had supper in the barracks being my first supper in the army. Ready for bed at 9.30 pm did not get much sleep as men were all in high spirits at going away. Tuesday, Oct. 24, 1899 Up at about 6.30. Had breakfast at 7. Took walk about town most of morning. Had dinner at barracks and poor one to. Joined by four more B. Boys. I marched to station and started for Quebec. Stopped at Montreal for supper at 6.15. Left Montreal about 11.pm. Had sleeping cars. Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1899 Arrived at St. Levi at 8.30. Took ferry over river to Quebec. Marched to citadel. Had little squad drill at 10.30 men not allowed out of barracks. Had dinner and supper at barracks ready for bed about 10. Thursday Oct. 26, 1899 Got up about 6.30 a.m. Cloudy day very little to do today except small fatigues. Playing rugby in afternoon. Wrote couple of letters home. Bed at 10. Friday Oct. 27, 1899 Got up about 6.30. Fine day cold. Had meal in barracks. Got equipment issued to us, been busy most of day getting equipment put together. Got out of barracks on pass. Bed at 10. Saturday Oct. 28.1899 Rainy day, got up at 6.30. Not much to do today. Went out of barracks till night. Wrote letter to Cousin Gertie. Bed at 10. Sunday Oct. 29.1899 Got up at 7. Very rainy morning Reg. Paraded to Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Received Communion today. Took walk about the plains. Wrote number of letters home. Bed about 10. Monday Oct. 30. 1988 (1899) Got up about 5.30. I had breakfast at 7. Went on parade at 8.30 with full kit. Mayor John has given each Bellville boy four sovereigns. Left Citadel and marched to Esplanade Park. Speeches made by leading men of country. Inspected by Earl of Minto and staff officers. Marched about 4 miles to boat. Embarked onboard S.S. Sardinian at 3.30 pm. Thousands of people witness embarkation and on sailing of ship. Left dock at 4.15 pm. Escorted by large fleet of steamers down the river. Had little supper at 5. Ready for bed at 7. pm. Tuesday Oct. 31, 1899 Got up at 4.am. Wrote a letter home and sent it ashore with the pilot who left us at Rimouski. Was mess orderly today. Company formed into messes. Ready for bed at 8. Wednesday Nov. 1, 1899 Into Gulf today. Getting rough. Mess Orderly again today. Ship doing a bit of rolling. Feeling a bit sick today. To bed at 6.30. Thursday Nov. 2, 1899 Got up at 7. Terrific gale blowing ship rolling and pitching badly. Very foggy today. To sick to eat today. Was told off for Mess Orderly again today but to do it. Laid in bunk for most of the day. Went to bed about 4 pm many men sick **** ship. Friday Nov. 3, 1899 Got up about 7.30. Still sick today. Man Died on ship of ulco (7452 Pte. E. DesLauriers, Heart Failure). Eat little Breakfast. Walked decks for a time this morning. Terrific sea running today. Eat no dinner today. Man buried at 4.14 p.m. Co. attended burial. Sighted ship today at 7. Bed at 7.30 Saturday Nov. 4, 1899 Got up at 7. Storm abated and heavy dead sea running. J. McNair quite sick other Bellville boys feeling good. Bright sunny day. Cleaning our arms in morning. Eat dinner today. In Gulf Stream and weather is now quite warm. Reading most of afternoon. Ready for bed at 7.30. Sunday Nov. 5, 1899 Got up at 7 Breakfast at 8. Quite warm today, services held by different Chaplains. Dinner at 12.30. Run through school of porpoise sat on deck reading most of the day. Sighted ships at 4.30. Services held by Dr. Barrie of Y.M.C.A. At 2.30. Very warm wind blowing. Bed at 8. Monday Nov. 6, 1899 Got up at 6.30. Men have salt water bath with large hose every morning. Breakfast at 7. Reg. Begins today for drill. Companies told off to what boats they must take in case of accident. Reading most of pm. Off bed about 10 p.m. Tuesday Nov. 7, 1899 Fine day, Shower of rain in the morning. Companies drilling most of the morning. Sighted 2 large sailing ships. Very warm today. Doing a little writing today. Ready for bed at 10. Wednesday Nov. 8, 1899 Got up about 5. Very warm at night in bunks. See many flying fish and a couple of sharks. Good dinner today. Army Act read to men of the “D” Co & others. To bed at 10. Thursday Nov. 9, 1899 Got up at 6. Breakfast at 7. Co. on parade and inspected by C.O. More of Army Act read to us. Had to go on watch at 8 for night, paced deck on watch. No sleep tonight. Friday Nov. 10, 1899 Relieved on “Watch” at 8 am. Breakfast at 8.15. Not feeling well today. Laid in bed most of day. Walked about deck for a while. Ready for bed at 8. Saturday Nov. 11, 1899 Got up at 6. Breakfast at 7.30. On Parade at 9.30. Very warm weather now. Smooth Sea. Bright moonlight night. Men sit about deck in little groups singing and telling tales till lights out at 10. Sunday Nov. 12, 1899 Got up about 6 a,m, In sight of Cape Verde isls. Fleet of Portuguese ships in St. Vincent harbour. 2 British Men of War in harbour. Mess Orderly for day. Reading most of day. Sleeping on deck tonight. Monday Nov. 13, 1899 Got up at 6.am. “D” Co. have physical drill at and shower bath each morning. Men have to go around ship in bare feet to get them hardened for march. Mess orderly for today. “D” Co. have rifle practice this morning. Made 37 out of a possible 40. “D” Co. leads in percentages and number of possibles. Drill in p.m. Very warm day. Ready for bed about 10. Tuesday Nov. 14, 1899 Got up about 6. Had drill this morning. Meals on board ship now better that when we started. Cleaning arms in afternoon. Men get issued with writing material. Drill again this afternoon. Awning spread on ship to protect mess. One of the crew drunk on ship and we had to put him in irons. Bed at 10. Wednesday Nov. 15, 1899 Got up about 5. Scorching hot today. I'm badly sunburned. Men have drill this morning. Bought last of Pte. E. Des Lauriers kit but had it stolen from me. Doing a little writing tonight. Ready for bed at 9. Thursday Nov. 16, 1899 Got up about 5 a.m. Sighted some ships lights. Ship came up to us at 6. We sent some mail by it. Hand no drill in morning. Very warm today. Good dinner. Drill most of p.m. Did some writing. Bed at 10. Friday Nov. 17, 1899 Up at 5 am. Fine morning. Men getting their bayonets sharpened. Ship crossed the equator at 10.33 am. Officers fired off 2 rockets and whistle blew. Had fire drill at 4 pm. In case of of alarm every man to go below & sit at his mess table & not speak except the “Watch” on duty. Have a number of boxing bout at night. Bed at 10. Saturday Nov. 18, 1899 Got up at 5 am. Physical drill at 6. Men get boots and tobacco issued to them and extra shirt and socks. Fire drill at 4.15. On watch for night. Men have some boxing after tea. Number of our men sick on ship and our water is contaminated. To bed at 10. Sunday Nov. 19, 1899 Had breakfast at 7. Off duty for day. Laid sleeping on deck till one. Had good dinner. Did some writing today. Church services held today. Bed at 10. Monday Nov. 20, 1899 Got up at 5 a.m. Had to go on guard at 9. Reading most of time when not on duty. Very tiresome guard. Very little sleep at night. Tuesday Nov. 21, 1899 Breakfast at 8. Relieved by new guard at 9. Good dinner today. Had boat and fire drill today. Rough sea getting up. Did a little writing. To bed at 9. Wednesday Nov. 22, 1899 Getting up about 5 a.m. Man on board ship going blind on account of getting sore eyes. Not feeling well. Went to Dr. for medicine. Sleeping most of afternoon. Did some writing. Sea getting a bit rough. Bed at 10. Thursday Nov. 23, 1899 Got up at 5.30. Gale blowing and sea getting quite rough. Mess orderly for day. Kit inspections for “D” Co. beginning to get ready for disembarkation. Sleeping for most of PM. To bed about 9. Friday Nov. 24, 1899 Got up at 5 am. Not feeling well today. Heavy gale blowing. Got our first Khaki uniform issued to us. Dinner at 12.30. Got puggerre on helmets. Paraded for watch but did not have to go on duty. Ready for bed at 10. Saturday Nov. 25, 1899 Got up at 5 am. Had physical drill and shower bath. Ship rolling a bit. Got our regimental badge issued to us which is a Maple Leaf. Fire drill at 4. Ready for bed at 9. Sunday Nov. 26, 1899 Got up at 5.30. Heavy southwest gale blowing, ship pitching a bittoday. Church services on board ship. Did some writing in afternoon. Got issued with towels and soap today. To bed at 9. Services held by Barrie of Y.M.C.A. Monday Nov. 27, 1899 Got up at about 5. Heavy sea running. Doing some sewing on uniform. Got issued with bandoleers. Good dinner today. Concert held on deck and collection taken up in aid of widows and orphans of dead seamen. Bed at 9.30. Tuesday Nov. 28, 1899 Got up at about 5. Breakfast at 7. Rough today. On fatigues in the morning. Saw large whale about 200 feet from ship. Inspection of kit at 3. Bed at 10. Wednesday Nov. 29, 1899 Got up at 5 a.m. Getting things ready to land. Ship with Seaforth and Gordon Highlanders passed us. Sighted land about 8 am. I'm watch duty for day. Dropped anchor in harbour about noon. Ship inspected by medical officers of Cape Town. Moved into dock at 4.30 every ship in harbour sounding siren or signalling welcome to the Canadians. Allowed off ship on dock but no further. Bed at 10. Thursday Nov. 30, 1899 Up and about 4.30. Disembarked about 8. am. Marched to Green Point Common at 10. Got new that we were to proceed to front but not confirmed men all in high spirits and eager to go at once. Went in to tour about. Had good square meal. Regiment given good reception by the people of cape Town. Went back to camp and had my first sleep under canvas. Friday Dec. 1, 1899 Got up at 5, am, Breakfast at 6. Struck camp at 10.30. Marched to station and embarked on train for the front. Reg. given a most enthusiastic send off by the (*****). Left Cape Town at 3.30. Had supper at Wellington Station. Not much sleep no room in car. Saturday Dec. 2, 1899 Still speeding along on train. Very warm day. Had breakfast at Prince Albert Road at 9. Met ambulance train with many sick and wounded on. Had dinner at Beaufort West. Seen many large flocks of ostriches and herds of goats & sheep. Had supper at Victoria West. Men all get orders to be awake and ready to get off train. Sunday Dec. 3, 1899 Got off train at 5 am. We marched to camping ground at 6 we had not had not pitched camp till about noon. Had no breakfast. Had our first sand storm and most of the men sick of it. Our ration for the day was hardtack and tea & minced sand. Had good sleep at night. Monday Dec. 4, 1899 Got up at 5 and had coffee or gunfire as the men call it. Drill at 6. Did not drill in the afternoon Very warm day. No man allowed out of camp. All outposts around camp doubled at night. Expected to go to front today but did not Ready for bed at about 9. Tuesday Dec. 5, 1899 Got up at 5 am. Orderly for day. Had drill at 6. Drill at 10.00. Dinner at 12.30. Very warm day. Supper at 5. 30 p.m. Drill at 5.30. Went to bed at 9. Expected a night attack but did not get one. Wednesday Dec. 6, 1899 Got up at 5. Gunfire at 5.30. Drilled at 6. Breakfast at 8. Got orders to be ready to move out a moments notice. No more drill for day. Had to sleep on ground as blankets were packed as ready for moving in morning. Bed at 9. Thursday Dec. 7, 1899 Got up at 2.30. Struck camp and marched to station. Left DeAar at on train at 5. Was very sick through night. Arrived at Orange River at 1. Had no dinner. Very warm day. Pitched tent at 7. Big thunder storm most of night. Part of company sent on outpost duty. Bed at 9. Friday Dec. 8, 1899 Got up at 5 am. Breakfast at 8. No drill today. On fatigue part of day. Very warm day. Part of company on outpost duty. Bed at 9 Saturday Dec. 9. 1899 Got up at 5. 2 Boer fire shots at 4.40 am. Struck camp at 6 a.m. Rode from Orange River to Belmont on coal trucks. Arrived at Belmont at 11,00 am. Marched about 3 miles to Jan Wick's farm. Pitched camp at 3.pm. Supper at 5 pm. Fine bright night. Most men on outpost duty. Men all feeling good. Sunday Dec. 10, 1899 Got up at 5 a.m. Had good bath in morning. Struck camp and marched back to Belmont. Thunder storm most of day. Pitched camp on battlefield of Belmont. Got 5 days CB for leaving camp to hunt for curios. On fatigue fixing wire fence. Went on patrol duty on railway did not have any sleep rained most of night. Monday Dec. 11, 1899 Come in off patrol at 6 am. Sleeping most of morning. Did not have any breakfast. Cleaning arms in afternoon. Supper at 5 pm. Drill at 5.30. Hve to sleep with equipment on and rifle beside us just in case of an attack. Bed at 8.30. Tuesday Dec. 12, 1899 Get up at 3. a.m. Scouts alarmed camp telling us there was a Commando of Boers 2 miles off. Orderly for day. Reg. fortifying position around camp. Making fortifications on kopje in afternoon. Supper at 5 pm. Many wounded pass here from Magersfontein. Ready for bed at 9. Wednesday Dec. 13, 1899 Got up at 6. Fine day very warm. Building trenches most of morning. Man of G. Co., died in camp ( 7914 Pte. Montrose G. Chapelle ) and was buried in afternoon, men have lots of fatigues unloading cars. Many more wounded men pass here. Bed at 9. Sick with dysentery. Thursday Dec. 14, 1899 Got up at 7a.m. sick today. Very warm day. “D” Co. on outpost duty on Scots Ridge for 27 hours did not go too sick. Went to see Dr. Good supper at night. Bed at 8. Had good sleep had fourteen blankets. Friday Dec. 15, 1899 Got up about 6 a.m. “D” Co. returned from outpost. Water very scarce. Had to go on fatigue loading cars. Many men in company sick, supper at 6 p.m. Have big plague of locusts but expect to be rid of them by tomorrow. Bed at 8. Saturday Dec. 16, 1899 Got up at 3 a.m. Had to man trenches till daybreak. Had breakfast at 7. On fatigue building trenches most of morning. Supper at 6. Bed at 9. Sunday Dec. 17, 1899 Got up at 2 am. In trenches till five. Breakfast at 7. Had church service at 5.30 a.m. On account of day being so hot. With our arms. Walked five miles and had our service under armed escort. Ready for bed at 9. Monday Dec. 18, 1899 Got up at 6. “D” Co. on outpost again. Breakfast at 8. Very warm day. Went to hills with water for men Hill has a large number of dead Boers on it and the men forced out their teeth as curios. Reg. moved camp except “D” Co. Bed at 8 pm. Tuesday Dec. 19, 1899 Got up at 6.30. “D” Co. returned from outpost. Breakfast at 7. “D” Co. shifted camp today. Laid about in camp most of afternoon. Supper at 4.30. Drill at 5 p.m. Ready for bed at 9. Fine night. Wednesday Dec. 20, 1899 Got up a 3 a.m. Marched to trenches. Break at 5. a.m. Not feeling good have cramps badly. Dinner at 1 p.m., Camp visited by General Buller & Staff inspecting fortifications. Went on patrol at 6. p.m. Sick tonight and had to come in off patrol & go to bed. Thursday Dec. 21, 1899 Got up at 6.30. Breakfast at 7. Paraded to Dr. Fiset. Very warm day. Took walk about 5 miles for service. Was in a bamboo grove. Went to hospital for medicine at 6. Bed at 9. Friday Dec. 22, 1899 Got up at 6.30. Got to hospital for medicine. Went for swim in afternoon. Got mail from home. Got some ostrich feathers. Had to go on patrol at 6 p.m. Did not get much sleep Saturday Dec. 23, 1899 Got in off patrol at 6 a,m, Mess Orderly for today. Very warm day. Laid about in tent most of day. Most of men out to Thomas's farm for swim. Men laying about complaining & chatting till bed time at 9 p.m. Got water bottles issued to us. Men tired with Belmont and want to go on to front very restless. Sunday Dec. 24, 1899 Got up at 5 a.m. We did not have to go into trenches in morning. Had service under arms at 5.30 am. Went to Thomas;s farm till night. Had good swim. Fatigue at 4.30. Supper at 6. Fine night. Ready for bed at 9. XMAS DAY Monday Dec. 25, 1899 Got up at 5. am. Breakfast at 7. Got 7 days C.B. For going to farm for swim. 25 of “D” Co. had to dig trench on kopje. Xmas dinner, Beef, Soup, and canned pudding. 2 lbs of pudding for 16 hungry men. Laid about tent most of afternoon. Ready for bed at 9. Tuesday Dec. 26, 1899 Got up at 3 am. Marched to kopje and stayed till 6. Right hand of company stayed on kopje for day. Had to parade to office, got 24 hrs. I.H.L. Slept most of day. Part of Regt. Go out to dispurse party of Boers. Bed at 9 Wednesday Dec. 27, 1899 Got up at about 6. Finished 24 hours at 10.30. “D” Co. come in from outpost. Dinner at 12.30. Men get issued with putties. Alarm sounded at 4.30 to occupy hills. “D” Co. to hills first. Ready for bed at 10. Thursday Dec. 28, 1899 Got up at 3.30. Coffee 4.30. Had to march 5 miles & return. Got back at 9.30 and had breakfast. Laid about tent for most of day. Had to patrol camp for most of night. No sleep. Friday Dec. 29, 1899 Off patrol at 6 am, Breakfast at 7. Sleeping most of morning. Wrote letter home. Had fun in morning trying to capture a Baboon. Big sand storm in afternoon. Bed at 9. Saturday Dec. 30, 1899 Got up at 4 am. Marched to kopje and do outpost on Kidney Ridge. Fine day cool. “C” Co. started for Douglas to rout body of Boers. No sleep tonight. Sunday Dec. 31, 1899 Marched in from kopje at 6. Breakfast at 7. Dinner at 12.30. “C” Co. R.C.R., Queensland M.I. And Artillery leave for Douglas at 2.30. Very warm day. Most of men jealous of the chance “C” Co. has been given. Bed at 9. Monday Jan. 1, 1900 Got up at 5 am. Fine day warm. Did some washing. “D” Co. have rifle practice. Got box of handkerchiefs from home. Douglas brigade rout and capture 43 Boer prisoners. Ready bed 9. Tuesday Jan. 2, 1900 Got up at 5 a.m. Fine day very warm. Reported in camp of “C” Co. engagement with Boers at Sunnyside. Dinner at 12.30. Officers fitting up canteen for men but “C” Co. would not let it run only a couple of days. “D” Co. paid for Dec. L 1 . 17 S . 6 D. Men all warned to be readiness to occupy trenches in cas of attack expected. Ready for bed at 9. Wednesday Jan. 3, 1900 Got up at 3. a.m. “D” Co. for duty on Scots Ridge. Men nearly (ink blot cannot read). On duty most of morning. Had little sleep in afternoon. On duty again at 6. p.m. No sleep at night. Thursday Jan. 4, 1900 Marched in from outpost duty on Scots Hill at 5 a.m. Cooks buy Oats and Rice and cook them to sell to men and is much appreciated by them. Part of “C” Co. return to Belmont from Douglas wit men refugees which were at once sent to De Aar for safety. Men bring back many things which they looted from store at Douglas. Had to sleep under arms at night. Ready for bed at 9. Friday Jan. 5, 1900 Got up at 2.30 am. “D” Co. marched to kopje and stayed till daybreak and back to camp.. On fatigues most of morning unloading cars. Remainder of “C” Co., Queensland M.I. & Cornwalls return from Douglas with Boer prisoners. Prisoners all sent to Cape Town under escort. Men captured 3 tons of ammunition and man. rifles which were all destroyed. No casualties in Canadians, Queensland M.I., 2 Killed 2 Wounded. Had to go on outpost duty at 6 p.m. and patrol most of night. Little sleep. Saturday Jan. 6, 1900 Marched in from kopje at 5 a.m. Laid about most of morning, nothing to do. Pretty nearly tired out have onlt had 5 hrs sleep out of 60 hrs. duty. Dinner at 12.30. Sleeping a little in the afternoon. Not feeling any to good today. Mail just came in but did not get any. Much disappointed. Ready for bed at 9. Sunday Jan. 7, 1900 Got up at 5 a.m. Mess orderly for today. Church at 7 a.m. did not attend. Had to help peel spuds for dinner. Very warm day. Laid about most of afternoon. Beer canteen started in camp. Not feeling well. Men enjoying themselves playing football, having tug-of-war and singing. To bed at 10. Monday Jan. 8, 1900 Got up at 5.30. Very windy today bad sand storm. Parade at 8.15. Field Court Martial held for looting and Cornwall men sentenced. Laid about tent for most of morning. Ammunition and clothing inspected by Commanding Officer. Rained most of afternoon. Men have good time in divulging in fantasies of all kinds. Ready for bed at 9. Camp inspected by Gen. Buller and staff. Tuesday Jan. 9, 1900 Got up at 3.00 am. Stood to arms till 5. “A” “B” and “H” Co.s R.C.R. & Queensland & R.H.A. marched away to east to intercept enemy but did not. Wrote a couple of letters. Co. finished guard for today. Had to go on patrol at night. Did not get much sleep. Wednesday Jan. 10, 1900 Come in off patrol at 5 a.m. Got bad attack of Nuralgia. Not feeling good today. Little sleep in morning. Reg. marched to Van Wicks farm for bath. Was taken much out at farm. Rode home in transport wagon. Very little sleep at night to sick. Thursday Jan. 11, 1900 Got up at 5 a.m. Laid about most of morning. Paraded to hospital sick in morning and left in hospital till next day. Slept most of the afternoon, very sore throat & stomach. Had fine plum pudding for supper. Much Artillery going up line to front. Slept in hospital at night ready for bed at 9. Friday Jan. 12, 1900 Got up at 6 a.m. Not so sick this morning. Left hospital about 10 a.m. Sick most of day. Did not eat any dinner. More artillery go up today. Details of Regt. who were left at Cape Town join Regt. at Belmont. Ready for bed at 9 p.m. Saturday Jan. 13, 1900 Got up about 5.30 am. Not feeling good. Paraded to hospital. Laid about tent most of morning. Fruit canteen started. Route march at 4.30 every night about 12 miles. Got mail from home & 3 Xmas cards from E.C. Bought watermelon. Ready for bed at 9. Fine night cool. Sunday Jan. 14, 1900 Got up about 6.30. “D” Co. to Scots Ridge at p. am Paraded to hospital at 9 for medicine. Had to shift tent. Sandstorm raging most of day. Had to pitch tent. Hard job heavy wind blowing. Got number of Bellville papers. Ready for bed about 9. Had a good sleep. Monday Jan. 15, 1900 Got up about 5.30 a.m. “D” Co. return from outpost. Laid about most of day. Sand Storm. Main at noon. New Commandant inspected camp. Fine day in afternoon. Had route march at 4.30 about 12 miles. Supper at 7.30. Ready for bed at 9. Feeling good. Tuesday Jan. 16, 1900 Got up at 5 a.m. Drill at 6 a.m. A little marching. Laid about tent most of morning. Regt. Paraded at 4 a.m. (p,m,?) marched to Van Wick's Farm for bath. Big sand storm in camp. Many tents blown down. Had supper about 7 p.m. Ready for bed at 9. Have peals as usual, sunny day. Wednesday Jan. 17, 1900 Got up at about 5.30 a.m. No drill in morning as Reg. in camp are having holiday. Had groom fatigue at 8 unloading cars sinking a pipe in ground. Regiment having sports of all kinds in camp and prizes given by officers of regiment. Did not go to sports. Australians too kost of the prizes. Hot, feeling well today. Concert in camp night, in camp bed at 10. Thursday Jan. 18, 1900 Got up about 8 a.m. Today. Laid about in tent most of morning. Had no dinner. Left in tent alone. Had about a doz. Blankets. “D” Co. on patrol. Have slight attack of dysentery. Bed at 10. Friday Jan. 19, 1900 Got up at 5 a.m. R.C.R. On route march. “D” Co. did not go. “D” Co. returned from patrol. Mess orderly for day. Big sand storm most of day. Laid about tent most of day nothing to do. Feeling better today. No parade at night. Wrote letter home. Ready for bed at 9, fine night cool. Saturday Jan. 20, 1900 Got up at 5.30 a.m. No parade in morning. Nothing to do in morning. Reg. drill at 4.15. Had to go on fatigue at 4.30 to load convoy for Douglas to accompany troops as 700 Boers are reported to be plundering country. Had supper at 8, ready for bed at 9. “G” & “H” Companies leave for Douglas. Sunday Jan. 21, 1900 Got up at 2.30, right half of “D” Co. got to Scots Ridge for the day. Left half returned to camp at 5.30 a.m. Nothing to do today. Had to go on patrol at 7 p.m. Fine day cool. Did not get much sleep tonight. Monday Jan. 22, 1900 Had a good day feeling well. “D” Co. marched down from Kopje at 5. Nothing to do today. Sandstorm most of day. Bet with M.M. Thompson the Regt. would be home by June 30th of 5 shillings each. Ready for bed. Tuesday Jan. 23, 1900 Got up at 5.30. Moved camp across track on new grounds. Dinner at 12.30. Went on fatigue at 3 p.m. To load cars. Battle reported at Douglas but not confirmed. Ready for bed at 8.30. Fine day very warm. Wednesday Jan. 24, 1900 Got up at 3 a.m. Under arms till 5 a.m. Nothing to do in morning. Big rain storm in afternoon. Had to go on guard at 6 p.m. Very little sleep at night. Thursday Jan. 25. 1900 Got up at reveille. On guard all day. Nothing do in particular. Dinner at 12.30. Outpost fired on by Boers. Ready for bed at 8. Friday Jan. 26. 1900 Got up at 5 a.m. Went on route march a 6 a.m. Marched about 8 miles in circle about camp. Wrote letter home. Got issued with Queen's Chocolate and is much prized by many of the men a few I am sorry to say selling theirs for a trifle. Nothing else to write in particular. To bed at 8.30. Saturday Jan. 27. 1900 Got up at 5.30 a.m. Laid about camp most of morning, cleaning arms in afternoon. Went on parade at 4.30. See number of Springbok which are quite plentiful on veldt. Got back a 6.30. Ready for bed at 8.30. Sunday Jan. 28, 1900 Got up at 5 a.m. Went on fatigues at 5.45 am. Mess orderly for the day. Did not go to church parade. Made rack for rifles in tent. Rain most of night. To bed at 9. Monday Jan. 29, 1900 Got up at 3 a.m. Marched to Kidney Ridge on outpost duty for day and night. Big sand storm for most of day. Our tent blown down, and clothes and eyes full of sand. Big rainstorm in evening. Slept on top of ridge most of night. Cool night, very cold sleeping out as all our clothes are wet. Tuesday Jan. 30, 1900 Marched back from kopje at 5 a.m. Fine morning cool. Laid about most of day. Had to go on fatigue at 3.30 to pitch tents for Victoria Regt. Had supper at 5.30 good one. Regt. Got pay for Jan. men can buy fruit and grapes at 6p per pound, Peaches at 2s a Doz. & watermelon at 6 shillings. Ready for bed at about 9. Wednesday Jan. 31, 1900 Got up at 5 am. Laid about tent for most of morning nothing to do. Got ready to go on outpost duty in morning but orders were issued to proceed up line. Ready for bed at 8.30. Thursday Feb. 1, 1900 Got up at 5 am. Got ready for march up line. Started march at 9 a.m. Only “D” & “F” Co.s going. Marched about 5 miles north of Belmont and stopped for dinner. Pitched camp at 9 a.m. on water fatigue. Ready for bed at 9. Friday Feb. 2, 1900 Got up at 8 a.m. On fatigue in morning throwing up trenches around new camp. Nothing to do in afternoon until 4 p.m. Had to go on fatigue digging trenches. Ready for bed at about 8.30. Cool night. Saturday Feb. 3, 1900 Got up at 5.30, on fatigue at 6 a.m. Got news we are going to the front. Laid about tent most of afternoon. “A”, “B”, and “C” Companies for Grass Pan passed camp at 6 p.m. Had to go on outpost duty at 6 p.m. Did not get much sleep. Sunday Feb. 4, 1900 Come off patrol at 5.30. Slept most of morning. Got issue of hardtack for day instead of bread. Ready for bed at 8.30. Rain at night. Monday Feb. 5, 1900 Got up at 5 a.m. Had to go on fatigue at 8.30. Nothing to do in afternoon. Had to go on outpost at 6.30. Wind and rain storm at night. No sleep. Monday Feb. 5, 1900 (Note: He used same date over) Got up at 5 a.m. On fatigue at 8.00. Dinner at 12.30. Nothing to do in afternoon. Had to go on patrol at 6.30. Heavy wind and rain storm at night. Little sleep. Tuesday Feb. 6, 1900 Came in off outpost at 5.30. Had to go on fatigues, Regt. Of Gordon Highlanders joined us at Maple Leaf Camp. “D” & “F” Companies ordered to strike camp and proceed back to Belmont. Flagged train and rode back to Belmont. Ready for bed at 9 p.m. “A”, “B” and “G” Cos returned to Belmont from Grasspan and not allowed to go on to front as C.O. had not brought whole of regiment. Rain most of night. Wednesday Feb. 7, 1900 Had to get up at 2.30 and march to Scots Ridge. On duty till Thursday morning till 5. Engineers inspected Scots Ridge as to improvements for defence. On duty most of night on account of Sergt. good to his chum do the duty. Bellville man went to sleep on post and I had to witness his awakening (Unable to read). Thursday Feb. 8, 1900 Marched in from duty at 5. a.m. Had breakfast at 7. Had to go to orderly room as witness against man who went asleep on duty. Prisoner got 14 days I.H.L. Wrote letter home today. Nothing to do in the afternoon. Ready for bed about 9. Fine night. Friday Feb. 9, 1900 Got up about 5. a.m. Mess orderly for day. Got a number of letters from home. Not feeling extra good today. To bed at 8.30. Saturday Feb. 10, 1900 Got up at 5.30 am. Not feeling well today. Had to go on fatigue at 8.30. Rain storm most of afternoon. General parade at 4.30. Did not go on parade. To bed at 8.30. Sunday Feb. 11, 1900 “D” Co. had to go on fatigues at 3.00 am and work all day and next night loading transports. Great activity in camp hundreds of transports being loaded and moving across country to join Lord Roberts Column to relieve Kimberly. Many troops leaving her and starting across country. Has just been informed that Boers have abandoned Magersfontein. Not confirmed. Got news that our regiment had been brigaded with Gordon Highlanders, Shropshire L.I., & Cornwalls L.I. Which form 19th Brigade. Our Regt. put through number of field movements by Brigadier General of Brigade Smith-Dorien. To bed at 8.30. Monday Feb. 12, 1900 Got up at 4.30. On fatigue in morning. Still lots of activity in camp today. Regt. get orders to proceed to front and all men in high spirits to think of getting at enemy at last. Struck camp at 4.00 pm. Took train & went to Grass Pan, 9 miles distant from Belmont. Arrived at 8.00 pm. Regt. marched about 1 mile to camping ground. Got two days rations and our first emergency ration issued to us. Got to bed at 10 p.m. Fine night bright. Tuesday Feb 13, 1900 Got up at 3. am. Breakfast at 3.30 am. Started on march at about 5.30 am. relief of Kimberly. Did not have to carry packs for first half of march then wagon broke down and men had to carry them. Marched about 14 miles & (unable to read next line due to fold in paper) crossed border between Cape Colony & Orange Free State at 10 am. Can hear guns roaring at distant. Arrived at RamDam at 3 pm. Water here but not fit to drink. Battle fought early in morning but we were not in it and all had left. Had good swim in the afternoon. “B” men stood march well except one. Supper at 5.30 bed at 8. First night in Free State. Wednesday Feb. 14, 1900 Got up at 3 a.m. Started on march at 5.30. Marched about 15 miles, very hot day and men suffer much from lack of water. “C” & “D” Co. sent to take possession of Kopje which enemy were supposed to be occuping but enemy had left it. Arrived at Riet River at 2 p.m. Many men play out on march. Our Regt. on fatigues most of day getting naval guns over river. Had nothing to eat till 9 p.m. Got plenty of water here in river to drink an many men have good bath. Laying out in open tonight. Rain at night. Bed at 10. First saw Lord Roberts. Thursday Feb. 15, 1900 Got up at 2.30. Had to draw rations. Started on march at 4.30. “D” Co. being advanced guard of Regt. & column marched about ten miles to But Spruit 5 miles from Jacobsdal. Convoy in rear of column attacked and captured by Boers have to go on ¼ rations of 1 biscuit. Our Regt. on outpost most of dat and see fight going on at Jacobsdal. Captured by British at 4 p.m. General French returns Kimberly at 6 p.m. Very warm day. Had good bath. On patrol at night. Patrol a very strong one. Friday Feb 16, 1900 Marched in off patrol at 5.30. Started for Jacobsdal. Arrived at 11 a.m. On baggage guard. Town is large & quiet. Men commandeer sheep and cattle and have a good feed today. Reg. ordered on but but did not start. J. McNair reduced from Lance Corporal to ranks for disobeying orders. Had to stand to arms most of day. Officers very careless how men are feed. Many Boer sick & wounded in town. All churches turned into hospitals. Started on march at 8.30 p.m. Saturday Feb. 17, 1900 Marched all night. Arrived at Klip River at 4.30 a.m. after having marched 15 miles. Men all played out & cannot get much sleep owing to heat of day. Had good swim in river. Gen. Cronjie leaves here six hours before we arrive. Regt. not going to Kimberly but now have to chase Cronjie. Had goat meat for supper. Started marching at 4.30 p.m. Marched all night. Sunday Feb. 18, 1900 Marched most of night and arrived at drift at 7.00 am. Was rear guard of column. Heard heavy firing most of march. Orderly man today, had to fill pot hot coffee. Advance of our column and Boers and Boers engaged about 2 miles off R.C.R. ordered to battle before having time to drink coffee. All men in high spirits having at last been given a chance at the enemy. Had to ford Modder River up to our necks. “D” Company first ones over & formed up. Advance to firing line in extended order. Colour Sergt. Thompson of “D” Company before getting to firing line. Regt. advanced to within 400 yards of Boer lines under very heavy fire. C. Gibson slightly wounded in side. Very hot day till 2.30. Heavy thunder storm. Had sleep for few hours in firing line not having had but 2 hours sleep in 60. Casualties in R.C.R. 21 killed and 70 wounded, “D” Company casualties 2 killed 11 wounded, Casualties for whole army 1800. Gen. Kitchener in command of troops today. Cornwalls & Canadians charge Boer trenches but not able to reach them their firing being to heavy. Only ½ of “B” Company in fight today. Had nothing to eat all day and night. Helped a number wounded men back from firing line. Monday Feb. 19, 1900 Had little sleep at night. R.C.R. Not engaged today being occupied in burying the dead. Had some coffee and hardtack the first in 10 hours. Had to go on burying party in the afternoon. Boer commando raises white flag the British cease firing and retire, Boers take it down and began to fire again on British. Regt. had to go on patrol at night, did not go have very sore feet. British blow up a number of Boer ammunition wagons. Slept at night. Tuesday Feb. 20, 1900 Joined Regt. on outpost. Had nothing to eat until 2 p.m. Men get one biscuit a day. Company advance near Boer trenches but retire for dinner. Regt. in reserve all day at 1500 yards from Boer lager. Men moving about a good deal and enemy get our range and turn on us a gun we have named the Pom Pom on account of the sound it makes. No one hurt with Pom Pom shells but are flying dangerously near. Men all dug holes for themselves. Naval guns turned on Boer guns & soon silenced & destroy the Boer Pom Pom and kill men running it. On outpost all night. Very cold night. Had not slept today. Wednesday Feb. 21, 1900 Marched in from outpost at 7. Moved camp about 100 yards out of range of Boer guns. Had little sleep in the morning. Had nothing to eat till 6.30 p.m. Had to go on outpost at 7. Boers set grass on veldt afire fearing we would atack them at night. Most men played for want of rest. Very little sleep. Thursday Feb. 22, 1900 Come in off outpost at 6 a.m. Had some coffee at 7. Nothing to do in morning. R.C.R. Had to occupy a number of kopjes as enemy reported to have been driven towards them. Thunder storm came up and kept raining all of afternoon and night. Have neither blanket or greatcoats. Enemy does nor appear but all men kept on alert. Friday Feb. 23, 1900 Men all had to stand to arms at 4 a.m. As enemy were reported to be approaching but did not come. Had coffee ay 8 a.m. Men killed small lamb. Still raining and men all wet & cold. Men each got a biscuit for day. Stewed it and had a good feed. Men got shot of rum issued to them. On duty all night & day. Boers given 12 hour amnesty to bury their dead. Saturday Feb. 24, 1900 Off duty at 7.30 a.m. Men got shot of rum issued to them. Men got a drop of poor coffee for breakfast. Men all getting fat on our heavy diet. Men all tired and done out with heavy duty. Rain in the morning, fine in the afternoon. R.C.R. Relieved by Shropshires and march on down to river for rest. Men get tea and biscuit for supper. Sleep at 8.00 p.m. Sunday Feb. 25, 1900 Got up about 4.00 a.m. Had very little sleep as it rained all night and are nearly floated away. Men got rum issued to them in morning. Men spent most of the day drying their clothes. Boers throw all their dead horses and oxen and many Boers also into the river to destroy our water. Had a good bath in the river. Rain in afternoon. Had supper at 6. p.m. To sleep at 8.00. Monday Feb. 26, 1900 Got up at 5.30 had little sleep. Little breakfast at 6.30, a.m. Regt. got orders to march & relieve Cornwalls in trenches near Boer positions. Had to march 4 miles to trenches. Men are put on ½ rations. Plenty of sniping on both sides. Most of men in good spirits but tired out. Got a bit of dinner at 3. p.m. Night attack planned on Boer trenches. All men anxious to get at enemy with bayonets. Men have little sleep until 2.00 a.m.
[/b] Life Member
Past-President Calgary Military Historical Society O.M.R.S. 1591
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DIARY OF 7509 PTE. EDISON FRANKLIN LYNN, "D" Co. R.C.R. (Part 1) 3 years 8 months ago #77421
That is a great addition to the site, Mike. Many thanks for transcribing the diary.
I have taken the liberty of copying this first part to the RCR page: www.angloboerwar.com/unit-information/ca...regiment-of-infantry Dr David Biggins
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DIARY OF 7509 PTE. EDISON FRANKLIN LYNN, "D" Co. R.C.R. (Part 1) 3 years 7 months ago #77440
Thanks David: That is what I hoped for.... It is a little hard to type as I broke my wrist 2 years ago and had some surgery on it and now back in cast for a few more weeks...... Typing with one hand..... Will post next part as soon as I can.....
Mike Life Member
Past-President Calgary Military Historical Society O.M.R.S. 1591 |
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DIARY OF 7509 PTE. EDISON FRANKLIN LYNN, "D" Co. R.C.R. (Part 1) 3 years 7 months ago #77458
Sorry to hear that. Mike. That sounds very difficult.
Dr David Biggins
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