This "long runner" has joined the ranks. Charles Frederick Bridgwood must have been a bit of a Walt - his QSA exhibits an impossible combination of clasps and he certainly wasn't at Wepener, having only come into South Africa in May 1900 with the 1st Batt, South Staffs. He stayed on and became the RSM of the PAG and was commissioned into the Royal Fusiliers in WWI. There can't be many MSM/PFLSGCM combinations around and, there is the added bonus of four different Monarch heads for those who are particular about that sort of thing.
- Queens South Africa Medal with clasps Cape Colony; Wittebergen; Natal; Wepener; Diamond Hill and Johannesburg to 5283 CPL. F. BRIDGWOOD, S STAFFORD REGT. (entitled to CC/Witt/TVL only)
- Kings South Africa Medal with clasps South Africa 1901 & 1902 to 5283 CORPL. C.J. BRIDGWOOD, S STAFFORD REGT.
- 1914/15 Star to SJT. MJR. C.F. BRIDGWOOD, 5TH INFANTRY
- British War Medal to CAPT. C.F. BRIDGWOOD (Issued by the Imperial Authorities as per the M.I.C.)
- Victory Medal to 1ST C/W.O. C.F. BRIDGWOOD, P.F. STAFF
- War Medal 1939/45 to 85917 C.F. BRIDGWOOD
- Africa Service Medal to 85917 C.F. BRIDGWOOD
- Permanent Forces of the Empire Beyond The Seas Medal to SJT. MJR. INSTR. C.F. BRIDGWOOD, PERM. FORCE (STAFF)
- Meritorious Service Medal to 1005 S.M.I. C.F. BRIDGWOOD, SAIC.