I found further information about Naude, as well as a photo :
About Gerhardus Johannes Naude
Listed as farmer Gerhardis John Naude [sic] at 1895 baptisms of sons Jeremiah Daniel & Johannes Hendrik Adriaan in St Paul's, Komgha Church of the Province of South Africa [Anglican], Parish Registers. Next, transport rider George Johannes Naude at 1897 baptism of daughter Christina Hendrina Fredricka probably at same church in Komgha. Note: mother's names Anna Cornelia Maria remain unchanged across almost all baptism entries which helped confirm accuracy. After that[?] member of Cape Police, later renamed Cape Mounted Police-which means automatically in the Boer War on British side. At 1905 King William's Town baptism of son Jacobus Francois he was still listed as Cape Police under 'profession', abode Jzeli. English speaking due to an arrogant local Dutch Reformed dominee(minister)-his recently-widowed grandmother? had taken such umbrage at his refusal to enter the temporary pondok (shack) the family had built on their new farm probably in NE Cape highlands, that she told him to leave forthwith and joined the Presbyterian Church(possibly Anglican, as his daughter Christina & other children were baptised there).The grandfather? had been caught in a blizzard while looking for his livestock, and died in the snow. He and his young sons would carry their crippled sister around when she couldn't manage on her own.The dominee had not been impressed by the daughter dragging herself around either (wheelchairs being abundant on the frontier in those days).The mother's revenge came later when the sons were older & built the biggest house in the district! Naturally all this meant this branch of the Naudes was on the British side in the Boer War, while the Dutch(Afrikaans) branch sided actively or passively with the Boer cause. Which probably explains why Christina's descendants don't know of their cousins. Granddaughter Poppy(Pam) Ross recalls Gerhardus being in Kimberley during the Boer War siege, while his brother was among the Boer besiegers! As Gerhardus & his clan were no longer Dutch Reformed, there is no trace of them in 'South African Genealogies' (Heese & Lombard),same as his Nel/Nell wife!
The station at Fourteen Streams is said to derive its name from the fact that the KiGariep (Vaal) divides at this point into a number of smaller channels. The railway line from Kimberley reached Fourteen Streams on 1 December1890. Although this work had originally been commissioned by the Cape Government, powers of construction were transferred to the British South Africa Company, who undertook to build the line from Kimberley to Fourteen Streams, and thereafter to Vryburg, in British Bechuanaland. Eventually the railway stretched through Mafeking and the Bechuanaland Protectorate to Bulawayo and Salisbury in Rhodesia. On 16 October 1899 a local force of 270 men under Police Inspector Snow withdrew from Fourteen Streams to Kimberley, and the following day a Boer force under field-cornet Bosman marched into the village. Following skirmishes at the Fourteen Streams bridge on 28 March 1900, the village was returned to the Cape on 6 May1900 when Boer troops under Gen SP du Toit retreated before a British force led by Maj-Gen Sir Archibald Hunter. Source:SA History Online This must be how Gerhardus came to be at the siege, probably accompanied by brother Paul who was also Cape Police.
A story in the family circulated(unsure of the source) to the effect that a 'mountie' great-grandfather pursuing a fugitive had got lost in the desert & been rescued by a group San('Bushman')hunters who told him they could see he was in trouble & followed him for days, till he collapsed. Upon being asked why they took so long, knowing he was deep in the proverbial, they pointed to his rifle, which was all too often used by 'Europeans' to hunt San on sight:[a San hunting licence could be purchased till the early 20th century]. This seems to be Gerhardus, not his son-in-law's father David Moncur, based on the foregoing and the fact that Cape Police also operated in the Kuruman area which is desert. All Gerhardus' many descendants owe their existence to the kindness of persecuted strangers-real good Samaritans!