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238 Gnr / Seaman J Bennett NNV 2 years 11 months ago #82274

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I have been fortunate to acquire a QSA with Defense of Ladysmith clasp to Gnr J Bennett Natal Naval Vols. There is a good write up (see copy below) on the medal, but there is nothing on the man himself other than the distinct possibility that he is related to Gnr J S Bennett who died in the siege and is on the same nominal roll. Is there anyway to find out more on John Bennett himself? I'm particularly interested in finding out where and when he was born and died and other genealogical information as I like to know about the man behind the medal. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, John

Surname Forename/inits Regimental no Rank Notes
Bennett J 238 Seaman QSA (1) DoL
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll

Bennett John 238 Seaman Served 29 Sep 99 to Sep '01.
Source: Nominal roll in WO127


238 Gunner / Seaman John Bennett was on active service with the Natal Naval Volunteers from mobilization on 29th September 1899 until September 1901. He is confirmed on the unit’s medal roll as entitled to a single clasp medal for his participation in the Defense of Ladysmith. It is likely he was related to the preceding man on the roll, 237 Seaman J.S. Bennett, who died during the siege.

The Natal Naval Volunteers (NNV) were founded in April 1885 to operate shore-based guns at Durban in the face of a perceived threat of Russian attack. The unit is officially recognized as the forerunner of the South African Navy. When the Boer War broke out it had a strength of around 120 men (a total of 8 officers and 125 ratings appear on the QSA roll) and was soon attached to the shore- based Naval Brigade, which was otherwise made up of men from Royal Navy ships in South African waters. The Naval Brigade in Natal was split into two detachments, one besieged in Ladysmith, while the other took part in the operations to lift the Ladysmith siege. The NNV were similarly split, with 5 officers and 62 ratings taking part in the Defense of Ladysmith and about 50 all ranks taking part in the Relief.
At Ladysmith the NNV detachment manned two Hotchkiss machine guns and one rifled muzzle- loading 9- pounder, distributed around certain key points, with those at Wagon Hill and Caesar’s Camp particularly hotly engaged. The “Natal Volunteer Record” gives the following brief summary of their services during the siege:

Sept. 29, 1899: Orders received to mobilize.
Sept. 30: Lieut. J. E. Anderton, with 30 P.O.s and men, two guns, 200 rounds ammunition each, 3,300 rounds of -303 in reserve, and 90 rounds per man, left for Colenso. Lieut. Chiazzari, 15 men, and 9- pounder, went to Estcourt — all with ten days’ provisions.

Sunday, Oct. 1: Commander Tatum, Surgeon-Captain Fernandez, Lieuts. Barrett and-Hoare, Master- Gunner Hall, and 62 men left.
Oct. 2: Reached Ladysmith at 6 p.m. with one 9-pounder and two 3-pounder Hotchkiss.
Oct. 3: Went into khaki and (11th) ‘Tintown.’
Oct. 13: Lieut. Barrett, Master-Gunner Hall, and 34 men, with 9-pounder and Hotchkiss gun detailed for “Cove Redoubt.”
Oct. 30: Arrival at Gordon Post of 250 men from H.M.S. Powerful, under Capt. Hon. H. Lambton, with two 4'7in. and four 12-pounders. Shelled by Long Tom from Pepworth Hill. Nov. 2: Lieut. Barrett attached to Manchesters at Caesar’s Hill.
Nov. 13: Engaged 6in. Boer gun on Middle Hill, to cover return of Mounted Infantry.
Nov. 30: Shifted Hotchkiss gun, to silence snipers and pom-poms. Worked all night.
Dec. 2: Boers shift gun during night.
Dec. 4: Silenced pom-pom again—for good.
Dec. 6: Nine-pounder ordered alongside of Hotchkiss. Worked for three nights.
Jan. 5, 1900: Shifted Hotchkiss to brow of hill facing Bestcr’s. All night making pit.
Jan. 6: Attack on Wagon Hill and Caesar’s Post. Lieut. Barrett and 20 men in hospital; Hall had charge of two guns, which, with Hotchkiss gun, under Lieut. Hoare, did execution among snipers on Brooke’s farm.
Nov. 3 to Jan. 7: Continually under fire. General Ian Hamilton complimented Lieut. Barrett, Instructor Hall, and men for good work and cheerful behavior under trying circumstances.
Feb. 28: The day of relief is engraved in the heart of every man who survived the siege.

At the close of his dispatch regarding the siege, Sir George White said: "The Natal Volunteers have performed invaluable service; their knowledge of the country has been of the very greatest use to me, and in every action in which they have been engaged they have shown themselves most forward and daring. The Natal Naval Volunteers have proved themselves worthy comrades of the land forces of the colony."

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238 Gnr / Seaman J Bennett NNV 2 years 11 months ago #82275

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Congratulations, I am glad that this went to a member of our forum..... But sorry I wish I could tell you more one the man....... At least not from here.....

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238 Gnr / Seaman J Bennett NNV 2 years 11 months ago #82276

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Thanks Mike,
I confirmed through Find My Past both of the Bennetts and learned that the other Bennett, J S (John Scott) Bennett, died of Typhoid while at Ladysmith and was entitled to a QSA with DoL as was John Bennett. In the literary references section, it is noted "Photos taken by John Scott/A/1; Those Restless Years 74; The National Archives WO127. Nominal rolls colonial unites. [Photos taken by John Scott] Gunner. [Those Restless Years] Cook QSA Claps: DoL I wonder if they were related?
I looked up the title Those Restless Years (Dealing with Boer Wars and Bambata Rebellion) and saw that it was written by J L Small and published in 1971. I ordered a copy with the hopes that it will have a photo or two of the NNV. I'll let you know.

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238 Gnr / Seaman J Bennett NNV 2 years 11 months ago #82316

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Hi John
I would be very interested to hear if the book The Restless Years, has much detail information about the Natal Rebellion which is my personal quest as my grandfather joined the Natal Carbineers and was in this rebellion
All the detail information and records of the Boer Wars is absolutely fascinating and a great tribute to all involved and willing to share with others and a tremendous gratitude to DJB for his initiative in establishing the ABW forum

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238 Gnr / Seaman J Bennett NNV 2 years 11 months ago #82317

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Hello Clive,
I’ll be more than happy to let you know. It’s been shipped and should arrive in early April. Yes, this site is extraordinary and DJB deserves a medal for the exceptional work he’s done. I hope you have your grandfather’s medal (s). By the way, do you know of anyway to research John Bennett and find out more about him personally?
Thanks, cheers and more later, John

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238 Gnr / Seaman J Bennett NNV 2 years 11 months ago #82318

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Hello John
Not sure this is going to help?
I found John Stanley Bennett who you refer to in your original post (J S Bennett) He died of enteric fever at Ladysmith. Interestingly his father was also called John. Is it possible they may have served together? I have included his recorded death paperwork. There are some leads on there for you to check out. It may lead to your J Bennett alas it may not. I wish you well in your quest.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
Best regards,
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