Please forgive the cryptic heading, I was deliberately trying to catch your attention....
Have you ever wondered where a medal or group is to a chap you have either read about or, perhaps, is a relative to a recipient whose medals you already hold? I have, many times, and my curiosity was satisfied recently thanks to an old newspaper article from New Zealand that (I think) Simon Ralph sent me.
This article featured an old SA collector who had emigrated to NZ and was interviewed about his hobby. It included a photo of him (Bert Turner) standing in front of a wall of medals and there, lo and behold, I espied the Ladysmith Town Guard QSA to W.W. Jones - now this struck an immediate bell! I have the QSA to his father, Charles James Jones who owned both the Royal and Crown Hotels in Ladysmith during the siege.
I have long wondered where W. Jones' QSA went to and if I would ever be able to acquire it or "run into it" in the course of the years to come.
Have a look at Bert's wall - perhaps there's a familiar name there and, seeing it, you will be put out of your misery, at least knowing where it was/is. It's an old article and Bert was no longer in the first flower of youth so, perhaps, these medals and his collection have been on the market since?