This group has joined the collection - as posted elsewhere by David B, the IGS 95 was initially offered as a separate Lot - all the medals were fortunately reunited before the auction commenced. Very little is written about the I.M.S. in the Defence of Ladysmith - from what I have read only 22 of its members were there, stationed at the 69th Field Hospital (I have no idea where this was situated during the siege). If anyone can assist with further information I would be most appreciative.
- IGS 1895 (2) Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah 1897-98 (Asst. Surgn. J. P. Montgomery I.S.M.D.);
- QSA (3) Defence of Ladysmith, Orange Free State, Transvaal (Asst:-Surg: J. P. Montgomery. Ind: S. M. Dept.);
- KSA (2) (Asst: Surgn: J. P. Montgomery. Ind: Con: S.A.F.);
- 1914-15 Star (1Cl. Asst-Sgn. J. P. Montgomery. I.M.D.);
- British War and Victory Medals (Lieut. J. P. Montgomery. I.M.D.)