I have Elmarie to thank for solving a mystery that has had me perplexed for some time. I have the medal to Captain John Orr of the ILH who was WIA and MID for Elandslaagte. Whilst researching him, I encountered an article in the Weekly Times (Melbourne, Victoria) of Saturday, 16 December 1899 wherein (abridged copy below) it was mentioned that: -
"The ambulance train did not appear on the scene till the following morning, and the other unfortunate wounded were lying on the veld till then. Captain John Orr, who was wounded slightly, was being attended on the field by Trooper Farren, both of the Light Horse, when Farren fell dead, shot through the head."
Naturally I was curious as to who this Farren was but my attempts (half-hearted admittedly) to trace Farren via the medal rolls proved fruitless. It was only when Elmarie posted a photo of the ILH memorial in Ladysmith in reply to my post of Lieutenant Brabant, that I saw the error of my ways - Farren was actually spelt FARR
A hop, skip and a jump from there and Volia! the mystery was solved. So who was Trooper Farran? Well, in keeping with the stamp of man the ILH strove to enlist,
Robert Stanley Farran was a highly respected Mining Engineer masquerading as a Trooper as so many highly qualified men in the ILH did.
Does anyone know where his medal is? I would dearly like to reunite him with Captain Orr.