The latest acquisition landed this morning. I hadn't intended to buy anything on the recent Spink timed auction but.... the WWI trio to the Kalahari Horse persuaded me otherwise. That and the fact that nobody seems to have picked up that Voges also served with the Special Cape Police and was one of 20 new recruits to that august body who, having recently arrived north of Vryburg from Kimberley, surrendered to a small party of Boers without a shot being fired..
Meurig Jones has been able to identify 14 of these fellows and, a cursory glance at the roll for some of them, shows that the medals were returned unclaimed. One has to ask whether what I have sketched above had a role to play in that...
This incident took place on 19 January 1901 and was covered in the Press who were, understandably, rather contemptuous.
I'm going to enjoy doing this fellow's write-up.