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Alfred Fairlie Henderson 1 year 1 week ago #94322

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The Natal Rebellion MEDAL with 1906 CLASP and C.M.G. COMPANION of the Order of St Michael and St George enamel and gold BREAST BADGE, with gold swivel-suspension bar and ribbon buckle on original ribbon as worn, both awarded to Alfred Fairlie Henderson (1854 - 1927) - one of the few survivors of the massacre at Isandlwana. The medal is impressed on the rim "Chief Leader A.F. Henderson, C.M.G., 1st Mil. Res. Estcourt Div.", along with an associated MEDAL, the 1914 - 15 Star, impressed "Pte J Hendensen 1st M.R. (probably a surname spelling error and probably awarded to Alfred's one son, Joe Henderson (1895 - 1962).

The above sold in a SA auction house for R31 000 (hammer price) this morning.

Alfred Fairlie Henderson was born sometime in 1854 and educated at Heidelberg in Germany, returning to Natal in 1872 where he began farming and prospecting for gold. Of his fortunate escape from the battlefield of Isandhlwana, the following details appeared in the Natal newspapers at the time of his death: “With the passing of Mr. Henderson, Natal has lost a soldier whose experiences in the Zulu and Anglo Boer Wars were probably more trying than any other men who survived them. In 1879 he was one of the very few to escape the massacre of Isandhlwana and in 1899/1900 he again figured in the very few who existed through the siege of Ladysmith. It was his extensive knowledge of the Zulu language, his wide experience of Dutch habits and his familiarity with every part of Natal that made him an extraordinarily useful man in these wars. And, combined with those acquired qualifications there was an innate ability for soldiering which readily brought him to the forefront in the Intelligence Department in both campaigns. At the outbreak of the Zulu War in 1879 Mr. Henderson was placed in command of a big batch of natives recruited from Edendale under Captain George Shepstone. This contingent was amongst those surrounded but with one or two others Mr. Henderson broke through the weakest spot in the Usutu circle and effected a narrow escape. Having come through such a slaughter with his own life one would have expected that he would have moved on to safety as quickly as possible, but he did not, and in his actions at this juncture one can read the bravery, unselfishness and hardiness which combined to form a noble character. One of the very few Natal Carbineers who escaped was Trooper Barker whose narrative of the battle was taken as an official one. In Barker’s description one reads that he (Barker) escaped and was riding away when he came across Lieutenant Higginson who was running away having lost his horse in crossing the flooded river. Barker gave his horse to Higginson and continued on foot. It appears that Mr. Henderson saw Higginson riding and recognised Barker’s horse, so promptly discovered that Barker was left behind unmounted, fleeing from a horde of blood-thirsty Zulus. It was riding to a possible death but Mr. Henderson did not waver. He collected another horse and rode back to meet Barker. In company with other men they escaped to Helpmekaar.”

Three days after the disaster at Isandhlwana Henderson wrote to his father from Helpmekaar, “You will have heard before this reaches you of the fight and massacre in Zululand. I would have written you yesterday only I wanted to try and hear something about George [Capt. G. J. P. Shepstone, Natal Native Horse, killed - Alfred’s brother-in-law]. I am afraid there is no hope for him. Colonel Durnford we think was killed as he has not turned up. The k.....s surrounded us in thousands. We were fighting from about 9.30 a.m. until about 2 p.m. when the Zulus drove us into the camp. Our k.....s fought well and stood their ground until we were surrounded. I never saw George all through the fight as he was with another part of our mounted men. There must have been about five hundred of our men killed. Twenty-two of the Natal Carbineers are killed. I don’t know what they are going to do with us just now. We have lost everything belonging to us. We may have to go down to town to fit out again then I will be able to give you more particulars.”

Alfred wrote again three days later with further details: “I wrote you the other day to say that I had got out of the fight the other day. I have not as yet heard anything about George. If I had known what sort of a man Durnford was (when he got into action) I don’t think I would have gone with him. He was close to me during most of the fight and he lost his head altogether in fact he did not know what to do. The General was (I think) a good deal to blame as he left the camp in such a bad place to defend. As far as I can make out there are about 700 killed white and black. They say there were about 20,000 Zulus and I think there must have been quite that number. We shot hundreds of them but it seemed to make no impression they still came on. Here we are now with nothing, all I saved was my mackintosh which was on the saddle. I have got one shilling left today. We have got to patrol the country with my troop and the Edendale troop, the only ones left...”

It is curious that Henderson makes no reference in his letters to the remarkable defence of Rorke’s Drift, for, at about 3.30 p.m. he arrived there from Isandhlwana with some one hundred men of the Hlubi and Edendale troops, Natal Native Horse. Lieutenant Chard, no doubt grateful for some reinforcements in light of the disturbing news that Henderson carried with him, put them out as a mounted screen to observe the Drift and the reverse slope of the Oskarberg. Several more survivors from Isandhlwana arrived and attempted to impress upon the garrison the futility of a defence, but Chard’s resolve could not be altered. These survivor’s, however, having seen the horror of Isandhlwana, and believing the same fate would surely befall Rorke’s Drift, continued their flight. At about 4.20 p.m. sporadic gunfire was heard behind the Oskarberg, and the Natal Light Horse galloped past the mission station in the direction of Helpmekaar. Lieutenant Henderson, pausing only to report that his troops refused to obey orders, took off in pursuit of them.

Henderson shortly afterwards contracted typhoid fever and returned to his home where he was nursed back to health in time to be in at the kill when the Zulu power was crushed at the battle of Ulundi. For the next twenty years Alfred was engaged in business with interests in several mining concessions amongst other enterprises. In the Boer War Henderson again came to prominence and received high commendation from the Director of Military Intelligence: “Mr. Alfred Fairlie Henderson, Field Intelligence Department, took part in the Defence of Ladysmith and was present at the operations near Helpmekaar and the actions at Alleman’s Nek and Bergendal and the advance on Lydenburg. Mr. Henderson’s services were invaluable. Mentioned in despatches, London Gazette 8th February, 1901.” For his scouting services throughout the defence of Ladysmith, Henderson was created a C.M.G.

Alfred subsequently served through the Zulu Rebellion of 1906 in the Helpmekaar Field Force under Colonel Mackay of Estcourt and was Chief Leader of the 1st Estcourt Militia Reserves. In a newspaper report of the 1st June, 1906, a correspondent with this force wrote that it seems a strange coincidence so many years after Isandhlwana that the Carbineers should camp on the scene of the calamity which had taken place twenty-seven years earlier. He added that it seemed even stranger since, with the Carbineers in the person of Mr. Henderson, chief leader of the Estcourt, Mooi River and other reservists, there should be one of the survivors of the fight. “A hale hearty old Gentleman, Mr. Henderson despite his years is as eager now as he was in the full vigour of his youth in pursuing the work he has taken up.”

Much of the information given above has been taken from the History of the Henderson Family by Peter Hathorn (privately published, Pietermaritzburg, 1973) which includes a full chapter on Alfred Henderson.

His Zulu was sold at DNW in 1999 whilst the whereabouts of his QSA to the Natal Corps of Guides is unknown.


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Alfred Fairlie Henderson 1 year 1 week ago #94324

  • Clive Stone
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Thank you for this fascinating account linking so much of the history together in the most enlightning way, even to the mention of Lieutenant Chard.
I remember listening to the vivid description of Isandhlwana given at Clifton College about 20 years ago by David Rattray and l have a copy of One Man’s Boer War from the Diary of John Edward Pine-Coffin, whose family lived not far from where I now live.
It is a tremendous asset that survives and we can all share share with all the Internet knowledge available - Is the book available? I
I would very much like to think I could find out about some of the records of my own grandfathers service in the Natal Carbineers in the 1906 rebellion.
Is my currency conversion correct as the hammer price doesn’t seem to reflect the history of this man’s Medals ?


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Alfred Fairlie Henderson 1 year 1 week ago #94325

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Clive Stone wrote: Rory
Thank you for this fascinating account linking so much of the history together in the most enlightning way, even to the mention of Lieutenant Chard.
I remember listening to the vivid description of Isandhlwana given at Clifton College about 20 years ago by David Rattray and l have a copy of One Man’s Boer War from the Diary of John Edward Pine-Coffin, whose family lived not far from where I now live.
It is a tremendous asset that survives and we can all share share with all the Internet knowledge available - Is the book available? I
I would very much like to think I could find out about some of the records of my own grandfathers service in the Natal Carbineers in the 1906 rebellion.
Is my currency conversion correct as the hammer price doesn’t seem to reflect the history of this man’s Medals ?


Hi Clive - R31 000 is not a bad price at all for, essentially, a CMG and a 1906 Natal Rebellion medal. You must remember this is a very broken group - his QSA to the Natal Corps of Guides is out there somewhere. His Zulu War medal - the important one is in the hands of a collector up North. I know it has changed hands since it sold at DNW ON 25 FEBRUARY 1999 for a hammer price of £5,400.

His pencilled notes from the ABW, his sword and his Martini Henry rifle from the Zulu War sold in the same auction for varying prices.



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Alfred Fairlie Henderson 1 year 1 week ago #94328

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Hi Rory
Let’s hope the same collector purchased this lot. It would make his collection a really good one and with inflation the current value from 1999 would be circa £10k, but if he had the complete collection and the book …….

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