Casualty lists in newspapers of the day show there was a skirmish at Tweefontein on 25th June 1901 involving the 51st Company IY. This from the Morning Leader of 3 July 1901:
But with only two wounded it does not seem to have attracted further comment in the newspapers or, as far as I can ascertain, any interest on this site.
From the date you would assume they were second wave or “New” IY. This is confirmed by other newspapers reporting the 51st Company IY left Cape Town aboard the Tintagel Castle on 25 May 1901. The 43rd Company IY left Cape Town aboard the Manchester on the day after the skirmish i.e. 26 June 1901.
The service records of the two wounded can be found on Ancestry:
28709 James Edward Murray, a Londoner. “Wounded in arm” resulting in “stiffness of the arm”, invalided home and discharged medially unfit on 17 December 1901. South African service dates 12 March 1901 to 17 October 1901 (220 days). QSA clasps 4 – CC, OFS, Tr, SA 1901.
27604 William Kennedy Barrand born in Croydon, enlisted in London but gave a South African address for his father. South African service dates 12 March 1901 to 4 August 1901 (1 year 145 days). QSA 5 clasps – CC, OFS, Tr, SA 1901 & SA 1902.