The QSA/KSA pair to Dr Le Sells was sold by Bonhams in Sep 2010 for £1,762
Sells' QSA was named to L.Sells. Esqr "X".Ray Expert. The KSA to Mr. L.Sells. "X" Ray. Exprt.
Dr Lionel Sells died on 16th March 1929 at St.Thomas's Hospital in London, aged 52. He lived at Broadlands, Longfield, Kent. His death was recorded as "Death by misadventure". He had been admitted to hospital on the 7th January 1929 suffering from an advanced stage of X-Ray carcinomatosis. The cause of death being X-ray carcinomatosis and loss of blood, his death was entirely due to his subjecting himself to the use of X-rays. The Coroner at the time said that Dr Sells was very well known in the particular work he was doing, and was held in high esteem. His condition had been going on for years, and he knew it, but still persisted in doing his work when able, this eventually killed him.
Picture courtesy of Bonhams.