I’m trying to get my head around (mainly) battle bar combinations – some rules are clearly laid out, others can be inferred by location and distances between making it very difficult/impossible to get certain combinations.
Those involving rules are:
1. No state clasp where an engagement bar awarded (logic: state clasps were to recognize service where no engagement bar awarded) AO 94 para 16, 17, 18 , 26. Note that no engagements in Rhodesia so not needed to mention in 19.
2. Cannot have a defence of and relief of bar (logic: self evident) AO 94 para 27. In addition Tugela Heights is specifically excluded from Defence of Ladysmith garrison(AO 94 para 23)
3. No one can earn Cape Colony and Natal (logic: ????) AO 94 para 16 and 26
4. Tugela Heights always come with Relief of Ladysmith (logic: the two weeks of Tugela Heights was the real successful fight in the near 11 weeks to relieve Ladysmith which involved a number setbacks eg Spionkop) AO 94 para 23 and 24. Dates for Tugela Heights are within Relief of Ladysmith dates and area.
Then one is into combinations that involve a rare bar (DoM, Wep, Rhod, DoK) so logically combinations will be rare, OR where logistics made it difficult to be in two places;
5. Talana and Elandslaagte occurred on consecutive days, thus I would think they cannot be awarded together. However one forum article notes that 9 of these exist.(
6. Defence of Kimberley can be awarded with Paardeburg but is a rare combination (per Gordon only 110 – Kimberley was only relieved on 15 February and eligibility for Paardeburg, some 20 miles away, was 17-26 February)
7. The two fronts (Natal and the Western front) were geograhically self contained so it would not be usual to earn both Natal battle bars and those of OFS / Tvl / Cape – other than Belfast where the two forces finally met up. That said, units did mix fronts and surprises abound:
a. After the relief of Ladysmith there were some movements to the Western Front from Natal eg Bartons Fusilier Brigade that achieved the distinction of getting RoL and RoM combination- about a 100 per Gordon or 200 per a recent City Coins catalogue.
b. A forum post notes that only three combination of Talana and RoM exists. (
c. Hamilton also moved from Ladysmith and was very involved in Johannesburg but not sure how many troops went with him?
d. Another forum post notes a unique Elandslaagte and Wepener combination – but does not explain how.(
I would very much appreciate comment or further insight into battle bar combinations.