Hello Ian,
Reckon thats Ridgey Didge mate! ( sorry been watching "home and away" again!

I have seen another similar, but, not for a long time now.
With the cleaning of medals I don't think that there is a right or wrong answer, your medal, your choice, but, not something that I do.
I once did "silver dip" a Punjab that was almost black, I actually like that sort of slate gray colour that you often see, but, this was nearly black, anyway, I soon wished I had not done.
I had bought it as NEF, but, after I had dipped it, the medals appearance was very differant and all those little nicks and marks that had not been seen before became all too noticable!

With ribbon, the original is part of the medal and I do not replace it, however, many people do, there was a well known Johannesburg collector who had the finest Kimberley collection that I have known to exist and he court mounted his collection for display and used really awful polyester ribbon, but, again each to their own.
With this particular medal, I think you are being very wise, moreover, I like it very much.
Kind regards Frank
LinneyI wrote: Forum members
A short while ago I came across a little clutch of QSAs; included was this no bar to "Nurse L.Bristow. Nat. Hosp. Bloemfontein". Initially, I thought that the medal was named to a Nursing Sister L.F. Bristow (entitled to QSA and KSA). However, a little further digging found my lady in WO100/229 p138 as Nurse Louisa Bristow on the roll of the National Hospital Bloemfontein for a no bar medal and with the roll signed 22071901.
I have seen a few Nurses QSA's over the years - and read of many more in lists. etc. However, I have never seen or heard of an example before where the location of the Hospital was shown on the medal. According to the website nursesatwar, it appears that civilian nurses were not automatically put on the roll for a medal.
Is the naming shown herewith at all unusual? I apologise for the perhaps not-as-sharp-as-they-could-be pics. I could not bring myself to clean the medal and remove the traces of brasso (?) in the naming. For those who set store by such, it appears to have a very old ribbon.