Frank Kelley wrote:
Mark Wilkie wrote: Not than many Natal Guides went on to get Belfast so that does make it an extra special one amongst the NG which are all special in my opinion.
Hello Mark,
Yes, I think there are only 36 with the Belfast clasp, but I really should sit down with the entire FID roll and make a careful examination of who got what, I did have a very brief look the other day and saw two men of the Natal Guides on it, i.e. not on the Guides bit, so there may be more. I went to the PRO about a dozen or so years ago and had the whole FID roll copied, but I still have not looked at it properly! very interesting though!
Noticed your relatives years ago and just assumed they were brothers, so for me its really nice to come on here and actually talk to you!
What stories they would have been able to tell.
Very many thanks again Mark
Frank, yes, what stories they could tell. My connection to the Macfarlane family is through Walter's mother, Jessie Lee Campbell who was my 2nd great grand aunt. I've been able to find almost nothing on Walter's war service but no doubt he would have had a most interesting story to tell.
The other Macfarlane guide, Thomas John Malcolm Macfarlane CMG [Later Lt Col of the Natal Carbineers], 1st cousin of Walter, was also the husband of a 1st cousin 3x removed of mine.
Lt-Col. Thomas John Malcolm MacFarlane, C.M.G., was born on 11 July 1859 at Bushman’s River, Weenen County in Natal. He was mentioned in despatches and was created a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George for his service in the Natal Guides during the South African War (1899-1902). He received the QSA with Tugela Heights and Relief of Ladysmith clasps.
A mining engineer, he married twice: first (1893, Natal) to Miss Agnes MacFarlane; and secondly to Katherine Jones (born Northamptonshire, England and in 1897 settled in Lydenburg, Transvaal). They had three daughters. They later lived in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia (in 1930) and then (in 1936) at 34 Eighth Street, Lower Houghton, Johannesburg. He died in 1937.