Hi Brett
As promised my G/fathers military details/.
Squadron Sergeant-Major William Powell Stevens.
He enrolled on 31st March 1891- H Troop- Natal Carbineers. (Regimental Number 138) In the Muster Roll of the Natal Carbineers (Anglo Boer War 1899-1902) he was listed as a NCO.. a sergeant in the Relief Column. He received promotion three times in his army career from Corporal on 11th April 1898, to Sergeant on 1 Jan 1900 and after he enlisted again in 1902, as Squadron Sergeant-Major on 27 Feb 1903. In 1906 he fought in the Zulu War. He resigned finally on 18th March 1910 at the age of 38 and was put on a Supernumerary list. He was awarded 5 medals.
His brothers, Tpr F.N. Stevens R, Tpr Barnard John Stevens and his uncle Tpr Frank Stevens, also served in the Natal Carbineers as troopers on relief column in the same regiment, I believe.
Sent to me by M. Coghlan is in Chapter 4 of his thesis around page 33 or so :
I quote "Though apparently referring to 16 November 1899, the action in question with regard to the Boer Complaint, is probably the Ennersdale skirmish on the Day of the armoured train ambush - the 15th, discussed in Chapter Two. Commenting on his part in this incident, Park Gray described how he and his half-section, a man by the name of Stevens, switched to Dutch to partially extricate themselves from a potentially fatal confrontation with a larger Boer contingent that, in heavy rain, had mistaken them for Boers." unquote
I do attribute this piece as the "Stevens" in question to GF William or his brother's, as their mother was Dutch, they would have had to have been tweetalig enough to sound convincing? I am not sure if there would be anything written down saying precisely who the man "Stevens" in question was. It is not important though , just interesting enough to spice up an otherwise dry family tree full of dates.
Just some things on a lighter note. My father loved to tell us all the war stories his father told him. I don't remember them all now it was a long time ago, but one I remember vividly, one time during the ABW, in very bad weather, heavy mist, rain etc, anyhow the visibility was very poor and the group GF William was with came up on what they thought was a group of Boers, they opened fire only to discover it was a flock of sheep
GF William had the desire to be a soldier from a very young age. In a previous war he wanted to join his Uncles and was told "no" he could not go. However he hid in an ox cart and arrived in camp regardless, he was punished and sent home immediately.
Regards D