His trial was the following month, widely covered in newspapers around the country. This report is from The Gloucester Citizen, Thursday, 17th December 1903.
"At the Old Bailey on Thursday, George Frederick Robinson (27), described as an engineer, was indicted for shooting at Mr. Kenneth Grahame, Secretary of the Bank of England, and George Tolmie, head waiter at the Bank, with intent to murder them, and also with attempting to discharge a loaded firearm at two detectives. Prisoner pleaded guilty.
Counsel narrated the facts of the case, which are well known, and said no doubt the jury would accept the opinion of a number of medical men that at the time prisoner committed the act he was of unsound mind.
Evidence as to the scene at the Bank was given, and a detective stated that he found one of the revolver cartridges filled with some candle grease and gold.
Justice Darling: Were any of the other cartridges loaded with gold?
The Detective: They had been discharged.
Counsel for the Bank: So far as we believe they were.
Medical evidence showed that the accused was insane, and Dr. Scott, of Brixton Prison, replying to the Judge, said accused might recover after a time.
The jury found prisoner was insane at the time he committed the act, and he was ordered to be detained during the King's pleasure.
Counsel for the defence said he was desired by the relatives to state that Robinson had experienced considerable hardship at Klondyke, where he was bitten very severely by a dog, which incapacitated him from work. Subsequently he served with the Canadian Rifles in the South African war, and afterwards went to West Africa. He was seized with three severe attacks of malarial fever, and an attack of sunstroke, which utterly shattered his health. His relatives were people of the very highest respectability.
The Judge expressed the hope that in time Robinson might be in a fit condition to be restored to his friends, and to a career of usefulness."
* Five years later, Kenneth Grahame had a book titled 'The Wind in the Willows' published. The man that Robinson shot at, and missed, was to become the creator of Toad, Ratty and Mole.