Twelve years ago a young collier, named William Penn, was admitted to Cardiff Infirmary suffering from terrible injuries to his eyes, due to a shot-firing accident at Cwmtillery pit. At the hospital he was cared for by Nurse Elizabeth Emma Thomas, and her sympathy and care during the 10 weeks he was in hospital so touched his heart that they became great friends. His sight being ruined he went to the Royal Normal College to learn pianoforte tuning, and corresponded regularly with the nurse.
Miss Thomas volunteered for nursing duty at the outbreak of the Boer War, and as a member of Princess Christian's nursing staff served for three years in South Africa. On her return she nursed invalided soldiers at Dover, and afterwards was a hospital sister at Glasgow and Warrington.
Her former patient, having completed his training as tuner, returned home and set up in business, and at Abertillery Parish Church Mr Penn and Miss Thomas were on Monday married after the 12 years' courtship.
Miss Thomas was head sister at Warrington Hospital, and among the wedding presents were a silver tea service from the doctors and staff of that institution, and a case of silver spoons from the ladies' committee. The bride's parents live at Pembroke Dock.
The Cardiff Times, Saturday 20th August 1910