The Newport members of the 2nd and 4th Volunteer Battalions of the South Wales Borderers who went out to South Africa with the third draft of Volunteers returned home to Newport on Saturday. They were met at the station by the bugle band of the 4th Volunteer Battalion South Wales Borderers, who were accompanied by Captain Goldsworthy and a few other officers. A procession formed and moved off through High-street and Commercial-street. Arriving at the Town-hall, a halt was made, and the Mayor (Alderman H. J. Davis) extended to the men a hearty welcome home. The procession again moved off in the direction of the Drill-hall, where the men were dismissed and afterwards entertained to a luncheon by the officers. The returned men include Lieutenant S. Morton and Hitchcox, Privates A. J. Mullock, Farr, Attwell, Sly, Hillier, and Bugler Hawkins.
Evening Express, Monday 4th August 1902
Private W. J. Sly, South Wales Borderers, who joined the 3rd Active Service Company and went to South Africa, died in Newport Hospital from Bright's disease at the early age of 25. Deceased was employed in the loco. sheds at Dock-street, Newport, prior to going to the front, but since his return he had been in poor health. The deceased never received the medal for his services in South Africa. In fact, these medals have yet to be distributed.
The Cardiff Times, Saturday 15th November 1902
He's listed as
W. Sly on Newport's roll of honour for those who volunteered and served in South Africa.