"Major Garside-Tippinge, R.G.A., was president of a district court-martial at Devonport on Friday for the trial of five privates belonging to the 5th Provisional Battalion. Private D. J. Morris, Welsh Regiment, pleaded "Guilty" to desertion and losing by neglect the regimental necessities. Prisoner left Raglan Barracks, Devonport, on February 26, and remained away until apprehended by the police at Swansea on March 20, attired in plain clothes. According to the police report, a constable went to the residence of prisoner's mother at Swansea, and found the door barricaded. This was burst open, and prisoner was found standing inside with a hatchet, with which he threatened to cut open the policeman's head. After a severe struggle, prisoner was secured and taken to the police-station. Prisoner, who had served in South Africa, is entitled to the medal for 1900-1."
Weekly Mail, Saturday 12th April 1902
[The other four soldiers charged with desertion were Private W. Malyn, Welsh Regiment; Privates Harry Drinkwater, William Duckers, and William Jarvis, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, but there was no mention of any of them having served in South Africa.]