Hi all, thanks for replies re above and Coronation of King Edward VII.
I have studied Wiliams SH papers and it states "Discharged in England by S Payent I Yeo, WG paid informed by C Payent "H" Dist".
Half the men on this list (list has no heading)have this, the rest have "Discharged 25th Oct 1902" and mentions "Main Bks", 3 Officers and 25 other ranks (inc SSM Stephenson, Brett) some paid off late sept-early oct but discharged 15th oct 1902.
My questions are, What is the difference between Date Discharged and "Discharged in England" etc ? Where was Main Bks ? What is S(taff) Payent WG etc (I know I Yeo is Iperial Yeomanry)? and is this the definative SH Coronation list (I hope so)? and finally is there a coronation medal list like there is the QM and KM list.
Thanks for all assistance in this.