I wonder if the cup presented to him is still in the family.
. - A hearty send-off was accorded private A. E. Plowright, H Company, 2nd Batt. L.V., on Thursday week. About one o'clock a large concourse assembled in the Market-place, and a procession was formed, headed by the Market Deeping Brass band, to the Cross, where "God save the Queen" and "Auld lang syne" were played, and, amid much hearty cheering, private Plowright left in a waggonette to join his comrades at Bourne.
The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, Friday 2nd February 1900
A meeting was held at the Bull inn on Friday evening in connection with the return of private A. E. Plowright, who has been with the Active Service contingent of the H Company, 2nd V.R. Lincs. Regt. Mr. J. Needham was elected chairman, and Mr. F. Shillaker hon. sec. A subscription list was opened with the object of making a presentation to private Plowright at some future date in recognition of his active service in South Africa. - On Saturday a ready response was made to the committee's appeal to give the gallant Volunteer a hearty welcome. Church-street, High-street, the Market-place, and several other parts of the town were brightened by a liberal display of flags, &c. Over the road at the entrance to Towngate were suspended the words "Welcome Home" and floral decorations. A flag was also hoisted on the church tower. The gallant townsman arrived from Bourne on Saturday evening about 7 o'clock in a decorated waggonette drawn by a pair of horses, and had a cheering reception. He was met outside the town by the Market Deeping brass band and a large number of the inhabitants, and a procession was formed, several Regulars and Volunteers in uniform forming an escort. On arriving in Towngate vociferous cheers were given and a halt was made at private Plowright's home. Upon restarting, the procession went through the streets, returning to the Market-place, where cheers were given for the brave warrior, who returned thanks for the hearty reception given him. "God save the King" was played, and Mr. Plowright was driven home amidst much cheering.
The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, Friday 24th May 1901
Private A. E. Plowright is to be presented with a cup as a memento of his service in South Africa.
The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, Friday 12th July 1901
On Saturday, after company drill, priv. A. E. Plowright was presented with a solid silver cup in recognition of his services in the South African war. The cup was beautifully decorated with maidenhair and other ferns, and on it was the inscription: - "Presented to private A. E. Plowright, H Company, 2nd Vol. Batt. Lincs. Regt., by the inhabitants of Market Deeping, on his return from active service in South Africa. May, 1901." The presentation was made by Capt. Bell in the Market-place, in the presence of a large concourse. The Market Deeping brass band was in attendance. Mr. J. Needham was chairman and Mr. F. Shillaker secretary of the committee.
The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, Friday 19th July 1901