...."News from the battlefields begins to throw a shadow over some parts of Cornwall. Such was received at Blisland on Monday evening. Gunner W. Northcott, R.A., had been landed at Southampton from South Africa wounded. A day or two afterwards sadder intelligence came. The official list contained the names of Private E. Northcott, 2nd rifle-brigade, killed, and Lance-corporal P. Milward, 1st Devons, severely wounded at Ladysmith on Jan. 6. The two Northcotts are brothers, and much sympathy is felt for their widowed mother and the mother of Milward, both of whom live at Blisland."
The Cornishman, Thursday 1st February 1900
Was Gunner W. Northcott the same man as Private William Arthur Northcott, Royal Defence Corps, who died at Blisland, on the 24th of October 1917, aged 48? The age is correct, I've checked with the General Register Office's death records.