....It is with pleasure that we record the fact that a commission has been given to Sergeant George Hilton, of Langho, of the 1st Scots Guards, for distinguished service in the Transvaal War. Hilton has been promoted to the rank of second-lieutenant in the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, and among the residents of Langho his promotion has given imtense satisfaction. Lieutenant Hilton's record in the army is one to be proud of. Before he wore her Majesty's uniform Hilton was a weaver at Langho. Mill work was evidently not congenial to his tastes, for he left the loom in the early part of 1892 to seek his fortune in the army, which offers many openings for men who make soldiering a serious study and pay strict attention to duty. Lieut. Hilton, who is 27 years of age, joined the army at Preston in 1892. He served under Lord Kitchener in the Soudan campaign, during which he was promoted to the rank of sergeant. He was severely wounded at the battle of Atbara, and was awarded the medal for distinguished service for bravery he then exhibited. In the Transvaal War Lieutenant Hilton has seen plenty of fighting, for he fought at Belmont, Graspan, Modder River, and Magersfontein. During the campaign he has again distinguished himself by carrying a wounded armourer-sergeant of his regiment off the field under a heavy fire. Lieutenant Hilton's rise in the army has been rapid. He was four years a private, two years corporal, one year lance-sergeant, and one year sergeant. The new officer, who is a skilled fencer and gymnast, was a great favourite among his comrades of the Scots Guards.
The Blackburn Times, Saturday 2nd June 1900