The Weekly Courier [Launceston] , Saturday 28th May 1904
....The last man to join the Contingent is Mr Roland Mace, who is stated to be a superb horseman.
The Tasmanian News [Hobart], Wednesday 28th February 1900
....The following notes, written by the Rev. P. N. Hunter, describing the voyage of the "Atlantian" from Hobart to the Cape . . . "A new distribution among the other non-commissioned officers was made yesterday. The following men are now corporals (appointed provisionally:—V. Smith, R. Mace, F. Johnson, and Towers; . . . "
The Mercury, Friday 18th May 1900
....We have received the following letter, dated Ottoshoop, September 9, from Lance-Corporal Stanworth:—
. . . . "On Friday, 7th, a patrol of 12 from the Tasmanians, with Lieutenant Mace in charge, went out in the direction of Lychtenburg to locate the Boers. We had not gone two miles before they were located, We opened out to 10 horses lengths, advancing through very thick scrub and when within about 500 yards of the Boers' position received a volley just as a sort of reminder of their presence. The scrub being too thick, and not knowing their position, Lieut. Mace retired us about half a mile back with the intention of drawing them out. The Dutchmen, however, were not having any, and to our surprise we found a party of them trying to outflank us. We then gave them a go for it. They were just on the sky line, while the country we had was open. After galloping for about half a mile they disappeared for some time; then another party about a half-mile ahead of where the Boers retired appeared above the sky line. We were all ready to dash through them, but when within about 500 yards found them to be another patrol of N.S.W. Imperial Bushmen, greatly to our relief, they cutting Mr Boer off and giving us freedom. I am certain but for their timely assistance tbe whole 12 of us would have been captured. After according them our congratulations and indulging in a chat and some "scoff" we returned to camp. I can tell you all of us are having a very lively time of it here, especially on patrol, that being the most dangerous work of the lot."
The Mount Lyell Standard, Wednesday 24th October 1900
....London, Thursday Morning.—Lieutenant Mace (Hobart, 3rd contingent) has received a second lieutenancy in the North Lancashire regiment, and Lieutenant G. G. E. Wylly (Sandy Bay, 4th contingent) has received a similar commission in the Berkshires.
The North Western Advocate, Friday 21st September 1900
LONDON, February 23, 2.15 p.m.......
....The following, belonging to Lieutenant-General Lord Methuen's brigade, were wounded at Reitfontein on Saturday, the 16th inst
[including] :—
....Severely wounded—Lieutenant Mace, left shoulder.
Zeehan and Dundas Herald, Monday 25th February 1901
....News was received in town to day of the death of Mr. Roland Mace, who went out to South Africa with the Tasmanian Bushmen's Contingent. The deceased, who presumably died of enteric fever, was, at one time, in the office of J. W. Abbott and Co., auctioneers, and was very popular in commercial circles. Mr Mace was granted a commission in the Imperial army. He was a grandson of the late Ven. Archdeaon Davies.
The Tasmanian News [Hobart], Thursday 19th May 1904
....The many friends of Lieut Rowland Mace will be grieved to learn of his death which occurred at Nigeria, West Africa on 26th of last month. Mr. Mace went to South Africa with the first mounted Tasmanian contingent, and saw much active service with his regiment in the Boer war. At the termination of the war he was given a commission as lieutenant in one of the regiments of the line and went with it to England. He then volunteered for active service in West Africa, and after some length of time returned to England on sick leave. He subsequently resumed duty in Africa, with the result that he died shortly after reaching his post. The intelligence of his death was telegraphed on Wednesday from the War Office to his relatives in Hobart but no further particulars were given.
MACE.—On April 26, at Nigeria, WestAfrica, Rowland Cruttenden Mace, elder son of the late George Albert Mace, and grandson of the late Ven. Archdeacon Davies.
The Mercury [Hobart], Friday 20th May 1904
....It was with feelings of deep regret that the news of the death of poor "Rowley" Mace was received on Wednesday. He was veritably one of "our boys,'' one of our boys who went to fight in a good cause to carve out a new career in a new land, one of "our boys" as he appeared at the Theatre Royal on the 19th June, 1899, playing a part also in a good cause. Lieutenant Rowland Mace died, it appears, on the 26th April, at Nigeria, West Africa, to which country he had returned to rejoin his regiment, the 1st Royal North Lancashire, after an absence in England on sick leave. "Dolce et decorum est pro patria mori."
The Tasmanian News [Hobart], Saturday 21st May 1904
....The following probates have been issued [including] -Rowland Cruttenden Mace to George Lyttleton Mace, £544.
The Mercury, Tuesday 25th July 1905
....The complimentary benefit performance of
Our Boys given at the Theatre Royal last evening to Mr. Malcolm Laughton, by the leading amateurs of Hobart, under the stage direction of Mr. F. M. Hudspeth, was an immense success. The Theatre was crowded in all parts, including the dress circle, the Right Hon. Sir Edward Braddon, Lady Braddon and party occupying the Governor's box.
....Mr. Laughton is a young man who has won the esteem of a good circle of friends, and has played in several theatrical and operatic pieces that have been from time to time staged by parties of lady and gentleman amateurs in Hobart. He is about proceeding to Melbourne to adopt the stage as a profession, and all wish him success. . . . The beneficiary appeared as one of the "boys"—Talbot Champneys, the elegant baronet's son—
Mr. R. C. Mace taking that of Talbot's boon companion Charles Middlewick,the butterman's son. Both parts were well sustained . . .
The Mercury, Tuesday 20th July 1899