Hi Aaron
It is possible that your G Grandfather did serve in the Boer war.
He would have been around 19 years of age. The 8th Hussars
sailed in February 1900, and arrived in South Africa in the beginning of March. Along with the 7th Dragoon Guards and the 14th Hussars they formed the 4th Cavalry Brigade under Brigadier General Dickson. The work of the brigade has been sketched under the 7th Dragoon Guards.
On 1st May 1900 the Boers made a stand in a strong position at Houtnek, where Ian Hamilton's force had stiff work in turning them out. In his telegram of 2nd May Lord Roberts said, "Hamilton speaks in high terms of the services of the 8th Hussars under Colonel Clowes and a made-up regiment of Lancers, which came into Broadwood's brigade and assisted in making the Boers evacuate their position".
In the march from Machadodorp to Heidelberg the 8th and 14th Hussars and M Battery were under Colonel Mahon, who started on the 12th October. On the 13th Mahon "became heavily engaged near Geluk with a body of 1100 men with four guns. Although hardly pressed Mahon succeeded in holding his own until French came to his assistance, when the Boers were driven back in a south-easterly direction, having sustained some loss". The enemy were on this occasion very daring, and crept up through broken ground to within 100 yards. The 8th Hussars were for a time very hard pressed, but held on well. They lost 2 officers, Lieutenants P A T Jones and F H Wylam, and 7 men killed, and 2 officers and 8 men wounded.
You mentioned he was home again in 1901 reference the family census. He may have been shipped home due to his discharge in ignominy, a serious charge in Victoria's army. Basically the soldier is deemed not suitable to remain in the regiment. This could be due to a number of reasons. However, depending on the outcome, whether he was later imprisoned and served his punishment, I may be wrong? But I believe he could enlist again.
You have an impressive collection of research, and sometimes there is a clue on the WW1 information which leads you back to previous service. However, like you I found what you already know.
There is one additional document to follow up ,it may not be relevant to your G Grandfather, but I have enclosed it for you. Along with a couple of WW1 snippets that weren't in your file. I must admit it's a long shot, but your G Grandfather may have been summoned at a later date to stand trial. I'm hoping other forum members may be able substantiate my theory.
I wish you well in your quest.