My interest in the Boer War springs from research into my family who were born and lived in Ceylon. My grand-father Arthur Percival Leopold Rowlands who was born on 11/9/1885, appears to have joined the above as Trooper No: 299. This infantry was sent to the Boer War from Ceylon and I note your records indicate that an "Arthur Rowlands" Trooper 299 in mentioned as "Served 19 May 1900 to 24 November 1900. Discharged - provided substitute source. Nominal Roll in WO127". I would appreciate any information on the A.P.Rowlands who was a famous motor vehicle entreprenuer in Ceylon.
Also his older brother Cecil Ernst Rowlands, born 25/4/1877, joined the CMI in the initial intake of 62, as Trooper No: 55. He died at the age of 25 on 29/8/1902. No one in the family has any idea as to how he died and I would appreciate any information that you can give me.
Old soldiers, even volunteers, never spoke of their exploits, so their families never knew anything about the time they served.