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OMG Everyone..... I thought I had already posted Part Two of the Diary...... Sorry for the delay.......


December 7th, 1900

Left camp at 5 a.m. and marched to Smithfield arriving about 6:30 p.m. Heard heavy firing in the distance but saw nothing of enemy which is a very good job, as there are only a few men with the transport which is very slow and could be captured easily. We are in a very rough country. Were told at Smithfield that the enemy tried to rush the bridge which was the cause of the firing. The garrison succeeded in forcing the enemy back. We have a good day and it is probable the different columns will establish communications again as they are able to heliograph today.

December 8th, 1900

Reveille at 5:30. Taking fresh supply of provisions. On full rations again. Marched to the bridge across Caledon River and found that De Wet had been trying to take the bridge yesterday. It was held by 45 men of H.L.I. who drove the enemy off. The Boers crossed the river above the bridge and our outfit had some firing as we came by. Some of his scouts going is tough with us on the left flank. I fired about 18 shots but the distance was great. About 2000 to 2800 yards. We drove one of them so hard he had to abandon his horse and ran away on foot. We expected to have a big fight as the police who had been on patrol reported over 800 enemy close at hand. Part of Gen. Knox column came through from Rouxville this afternoon. They had two guns with them. The balance of our regiment has not yet arrived, they have been detached for some special duty. We are looking for them to arrive tonight. The bridge here is a fine one, 4 span iron about 100 ft. to span. A shell from enemy yesterday struck a pillar at end and splintered some stone but had not damaged the bridge any.

December 9th, 1900

Reveille 6:30. The regiment arrived about 12:00 p.m. having left Rouxville at 5:00 p.m. We saddled up to start out again this a.m. but got orders to take off saddles and turn the horses loose to graze. It is reported that General De Wet is encamped only 8 miles distant. "B" Squadron were on duty today and made a reconnaissance but saw nothing of the enemy. Did not move camp today.

December 10th, 1900

Marched at 5 a.m. to Smithfield. Passed through and camped about 10 miles out to N.E. Had little rain in afternoon and evening. Enemy reported near.

December 11th, 1900

Reveille 2 a.m. Marched off at 4. Came on the enemy about 9 a.m. and promptly commenced shelling. The enemy's transport was on the move about 5 miles away. S.H. made a run for it and when within a mile were met by heavy rifle fire and as the artillery did not support we had to be content with driving the Boers along. The pom-poms were in action all day but at a very long range. I do not think they did much harm. We hung on the left flank of the enemy all day and succeeded in cutting off some of his transport but had to drop the pursuit at sunset. Had the artillery supported we should have had all the transport but it looks as though the General does not want it just now for fear of the enemy splitting up into small parties. We found 5 dead and 1 wounded officer. Our casualties nil. Very hot.

December 12th, 1900

Another 2 o'clock reveille. Enemy out of sight but are following trail. Enemy leaving plenty of played out horses on the way. After a long hard day we again sighted enemy at 6 p.m. and moved up on them until dark. We are now camped about 2 miles apart and expect to have a little trouble about daybreak. The enemy shows signs of moving at 10:30 p.m. I am on stable piquet and am tired out. We travelled almost 30 miles today and as we have had very little sleep since leaving Potchefstroom we are about done. It is very hot weather.

December 13th, 1900

Reveille 3 a.m. Marched about 5:30. Travelled very carefully as it was expected that the enemy would leave a strong rear guard on the high ridges near their camp. However we found they had all gone with the exception of a few snipers. After an hours march another brigade took the advance and we sighted the enemy about 11:30 and fired a few 15 pr. and pom-pom shells at them. Just then another column came up on the right and took up the pursuit, the enemy changing direction towards Thaba 'Nchu. We followed up but at camping time had seen no more of them. At one place where the line of march struck a telegraph line it was found that the wire was cut and the poles down. Very hot weather.

December 14th, 1900

Reveille 3:30. Met T.M.I.'s. Marched at 5. Shortly after leaving camp we heard firing in the distance and moved up. We travelled pretty fast and kept a good lookout but did not sight enemy until evening. They were just leaving Thaba 'Nchu where we are now encamped. There is a garrison here and it opposed his progress with the result of capturing 1 pom-pom, 1-15 pr and two wagons besides about 30 prisoners. It is reported that De Wet has left the commando which has been reinforced be De La Ray and 500 men. Their horses are said to be almost done up. Ours are in fair shape considering the hard travelling they have had. We passed through a long valley which has all been farmed but very little of it is under crop now. It was very dusty and hot and we were glad to get into camp which we did about 4 p.m. Made about 25 miles today. Thaba 'Nchu, native village. Very high rocky hills. Roberts reversed here.

December 15th, 1900

Reveille at 3:30 but did not move as we had to wait for a convoy from Bloemfontein. There was an attack made on the Boers during the night and 70 prisoners taken. We took 5 prisoners today. Everyone enjoyed a much needed rest. Caught some remounts today. Orders are out to the effect that while along Basutoland border care must be taken in dealing with the natives and anything taken from them must be paid at their own price. The Basutos are patrolling the border watching for the Boers should they attempt to cross. Convoy arrived from Bloemfontein. We have seen nothing of the enemy today. Some other column is now in pursuit and expected to turn them back way. Wrote and posted letter to Mother.

December 16th, 1900

Reveille 3:30. Marched at 5:30. A little rain about 8 last night but cleared off. Travelled in a easterly direction. 4 Troop "C" on left flank patrol. There was some firing on the rear right flank but nothing serious. The Boers are reported to be holding a position about 15 miles away. We made camp about noon only having a short march and turned horses out to graze. A scout reports that the enemy are intrenching about 8 miles distant. It is evident that we are waiting for reinforcements before attacking their position. We had a little rain this afternoon. This part of the country is covered with Basuto villages. Those in this district are mostly farmers and cultivate a good deal of ground, chiefly growing wheat and corn. This is the best part of the O.R.C. that we have yet been in.

December 17th, 1900

Reveille 2 a.m. Marched at 8. A scouting party was sent out last night and managed to see the Boer Laager. A few Boers were seen but no firing was done. The enemy appear to be holding two positions. Our columns are closing in on them. The weather being cloudy with rain it will make it difficult for the different brigades to keep touch as the helio cannot be worked. This always gives the enemy a chance. About 10 miles from Maseru where we camped last night. We fell in with another column (Col. White's) and both swung in the same direction. About 5 miles further on we came to a creek crossing where we made camp for the night, not seeing any of the enemy on the way.

December 18th, 1900

Reveille at 3 a.m. Rain during night and also during day. Did not move camp. Horses had a good day's feeding and the men a rest. Were not very well fixed for grub, as the wagons went across creek this morning and just came back about 6 p.m. 'Buster' threatens to wash. Looks like a wet night. Sat out with all arms on watching the horses an attack was expected but up to present did not come off. Kopjes Kraal.

December 19th, 1900

Reveille 3:30. Still raining in morning but cleared up about 2 p.m. I think we will have to move camp soon as we have commandeered almost everything eatable about here as well as all the wood which is a very scarce article. We appear to have lost touch with the enemy. It is reported that we are to return to Bloemfontein.

December 20th, 1900

Reveille at 3:30. Horses turned out to graze at daylight. Broke camp at 1 p.m. and to our chagrin, marched straight on away from the railway. We reached the approach to Mequatling's Nek about 2:30 p.m. and found the Nek held by the enemy in apparently small force. As I am writing this, our artillery are range finding and it may be that there will be some firing in he direction of the Nek. A party of 9th Lancers with a pom-pom went out in that direction on a reconnaissance this morning. Later - Have ascertained that Col. White's brigade are the ones engaged with the enemy a the Nek. The Boers are using a 9 pr. and pom-pom. There has been some casualties on our side as an ambulance has been sent for. A field coronet came in today under a flag of truce to negotiate terms of surrender. I understand that De Wet offers to surrender on condition that the Burghers are allowed to return to their farms. The matter I hear has been referred to Gen. Knox. Col. Barker R.A. who is in command of this brigade went a message to Col. Pilcher tonight by a kaffir. I believe in order to bring Col. Pilcher's column in tomorrow. It is reported that Gen. Rundle is advancing from Ficksburg which is about 40 miles distant. Should he arrive the enemy will be between two fires. We occupy the ridge at the approach to the Nek and have made camp for the night. There is only about 450 men in our brigade with 2-15 prs and 2 pom-poms. Rain during day but clearing this evening. At a house near our camp the Boers have emptied a lot of wheat into a pond and spilled more on the ground and covered it with sacks which they set on fire in order to prevent its falling into our hands. "B" Squadron supplied the outpost tonight. The sun is directly overhead at noon. Tomorrow is mid summer day.

December 21st, 1900

Longest day. Reveille at 3:30. "C" supplied outpost at 4:30. Very heavy rain during night. Everyone wet and swearing. Pom-pom firing commenced at sunrise. A party of 9th. Lancers are out that way. We marched on the Nek at 8 a.m. and as we came up sent out advance scouts. The enemy have apparently moved out as there has been no firing during the last 2 hours and our scouts have crossed the Nek. There may be a position on the other side but it cannot be seen from this point, which is about a mile west of the Nek. We have just commandeered some grain at a store from which everyone has skipped. Tried my weight on scales - just 190 lbs with bandolier which weighs and 6 lbs. Later - 7 p.m. Have just made camp for the night near Clocolan, where there is a mission school and a parsonage which are the only buildings. It is a pretty place. We managed to get through the Nek without loss as the opposition was very feeble. The majority of the Boers having left earlier in the day. We passed Ladybrand about 9 miles to the north. There was a party out from that place, rounding up all the cattle, sheep and horses to take into the town. The country we have just come through is very rocky and mountainous but with pretty valleys, mostly cultivated. Short rations again.

December 22nd, 1900

Reveille at 3. Marched at 6. Were able to get some good fresh butter at 1 shilling per lb. A man bringing it to the camp just after daylight. Looting orders read this a.m. as it has been getting too common. Only travelled about 3 hours. Making camp at 9 a.m. where we met Gen. Knox with his brigade. We stayed here all day. There is a store here but it is impossible to buy anything, the officers making their usual 'grab game' - (Clocolan)

Newspaper Clipping glued into Diary:

A message is at Whig awaiting Corporal C.R. McConell, Strathcona Horse, wounded Dec. 23rd. It was forwarded from South Africa.

December 23rd, 1900

Reveille at 2 a.m. All hands were to go out on a reconnaissance but only about 100 were taken on the first patrol which left camp about 4 a.m. The remainder of us have just saddled up. It is now 5 a.m. We left camp about 8:30 and travelled around all day but saw nothing of the enemy. Just returned 5 p.m. The patrol which went out at 4 a.m. did however. They ran across a body of 400 about 4 miles out and they had a brisk engagement forcing the Boers to cut the traces of some of their carts in order to escape. Ingram No. 3 "C" was shot through the heart and Corp'l Macdonnell shot through arm. Ingram's remains were brought into camp for burial. A small convoy arrived this morning. Funeral took palace tonight. Enemy lost 6 killed and 17 wounded. Engagement lasted 4 hrs. Scouts reported enemy reoccupying the positions from which they were driven this morning. Ingram's funeral was attended by "C" Squadron. One man is still missing but it is though he has fell in with 1 troop "B" who have not yet returned to camp. Oranges are ripe in parts of this district. We gathered a big feed of mushrooms today. Some of the boys succeeded in getting geese while out on patrol. Later 1 troop "B: have returned. Johnson has not yet shown up.

December 24th, 1900

Reveille 3:30. No tea, coffee, sugar, hardtack. Pretty tough lookout for Xmas unless convoy arrives today. A patrol of 9th. Lancers with pom-pom went out on a reconnaissance this afternoon. An issue of two ripe plums per man was made today. One of the Irish Yeomanry (who are brigaded with us) a florist by trade, made a beautiful cross and wreath of large while lilies for the grave of W.H. Ingarm killed in action yesterday. Johnson who was missing has returned. He reports seeing plenty of Boers but they did not see him. The long-looked for convoy had at length arrived. A wagon was to the Basuto border yesterday for supplies and was captured. There was no escort. 'Buster' (Buster is George Eyre, Trooper, Reg. No. 414) went out on a thief - I mean commandeering expedition and returned with what he calls "lappins" consisting of a pig, turkey and about 10 or 12 lbs. bread and some oranges. He had a pleasant march of about 7 miles and from his weary look it would appear that he had considerable difficulty in persuading the old Dutch woman to part with her property. However "alls well that ends well" and the "lappins" will come in handy tomorrow. Lieut. Snider of the transport presented each troop with two cans of condensed milk for Xmas. Heavy firing could be heard all day. We got about 20 Basuto ponies for remounts. They are very small. Took 3 swims today.

December 25th, 1900

"Christmas Day" Reveille at 3:30. It looks like a warm Xmas, as it is bright and clear. In fact it will be decidedly hot. A year ago today I was in the mountains accompanied by about 4 feet of snow and was "licking up" Caribou meat. This time "Great Caeser" in the heart of South Africa with a blazing sun overhead and turkey in sight. The times change and we change with them. I feel fairly content with it. As I write, the mellow wail of a transport mule, with a perverted taste for music, breaks the stillness of morning and if I do somewhat regret the fact that there is no caribou meat, it is more than made up by the satisfaction I have in knowing where there is about 60 ducks which if the worst comes to the worst will furnish consolation for a couple of days, 11 a.m. Had a swim in the river then returned and waited patiently until "Buster" boiled his turkey then, Oh! then, Great Scot-t-t-t-t what at feed! Come in! Here we are. Walker is waving a turkey bone already, while Reunie is so full of soup that it splashed out of his eyes and Buster Oh gosh! He is a sight. Grease! What ho!!! And then a man makes a remark about gooseberry jam of which there has been an extra ration issued, besides which I hear talk of RUM tonight. Such is life in South Africa. At least that is out Xmas. After another swim in afternoon and a sleep we fell in on some cold turkey and the hind leg of a pig which Buster with much forethought had boiled with the turkey. Then he made cakes, and thereby hangs a tale. (But I won't tell). Sufficient be it to say the whole bunch were thoroughly enjoyed. I had almost omitted saying that Walker in a fine spirit of emulation, went out and robbed an orchard. Fruit for dessert. The rum panned out, all that was expected. It was very thin. Orders were read this a.m. to the effect that the O.C. had written the chief of staff advising him of the date on which we were due in Canada and asking instructions as to date of sailing. The O.C. also wished us a Merry Xmas. There is a little excitement in "B" lines today, the boys having the job of breaking some of the Basuto ponies. It was very tame. No bucking - but there was enough yelling to make up for any deficiencies in that line. The boys made a splendid cross today and erected it on the grave of W.H. Ingram. The grave is simply covered with wreaths of all kinds of flowers of which there is no lack. We had been looking forward to getting mail on arrival of the transport but were left. One of the Boers wounded on 23rd Dec. has died. There is a smoking concert in the Irish Yeomanry lines tonight. WE ARE INVITED. WHOOP!!

December 26th, 1900

The day after. Reveille 3:30. Marched at 5:30. Made camp at a town on Basutoland border about 9 a.m. Turned the horses out to graze and remained in camp all day. 150 of enemy passed this way this a.m. They were supposed to be in the mountains about 15 miles ahead. All "B" are on outpost as it is their day for duty. There is a large native town here and a tremendous lot of supplies. Our transport took the road for Ficksburg and are now 5 miles away from us. We are acting as a flying column. The smoker last night was a howling success, although it was a dry crowd. There was some very good singing.

December 27th, 1900

As we were camped on the borders of Basutoland and had strict orders not to cross the Caledon River which is the boundary a few of us made up our minds to swim the river after dark. Just to have it to say that we had been in Basutoland. Our little plan fell through, for as soon as it was dark orders came to saddle up. So we soon broke camp and leaving all the fires burning struck out. To our surprise we marched straight across the river and before morning we had all the Basutoland we wanted. We marched all night as hard as the horses could travel and recrossed the river at Ficksburg at daybreak. We had expected to surprise the Boers here but much to our disgust we found the Birds had flown at 11 p.m. last night. Col. Pilcher's column having come in and camped close by. It spoiled our expedition but we had a hard trip and had to search the surrounding hills as soon as we arrived. Not having time to get any coffee made. It made the boys a little cross and while out in the hills we met Col. Pilcher's advance who commenced firing but with very bad aim. We ran up our pom-pom and just as we were ready to open the ball, the mistake was found out. It was a good job for Pilcher's outfit as our pom-pom was only 500 yards distant and they were bunched up in a deep ravine. It would have been a frightful job if the gun had got to work. After our patrol we went into camp near the town, which is a pretty place though small. There was a few prisoners taken in the town. 8 of 2 troop "C" while on patrol were sniped at but no one was hit. Our transport has rejoined. I am detailed for quarter-guard tonight. It is claimed that a gooseberry was found in "C" Squadron's jam today. The man who manufactured the jam must have dropped it in accidentally. He no doubt was bitterly reputed losing the only berry in the factory. The boys were able to get some tobacco here. It was issued on repayment. A mounted piquet of Yeomanry which was sent out this morning has not yet returned. They are supposed to have got lost.

December 28th, 1900

Reveille 3 a.m. Marched at 4:30. Had only proceeded a few miles when pom-pom fire was heard on our left. We made a halt and the heliograph outfit went to the hills on the left, to try and get communication with the column engaged. After getting connection with the other column we moved on and in a few minutes back-up was heard. Our 15 prs came into action and shelled the high hill. We also gave the outfit a little rifle fire. The enemy were not in force and we moved on. After 2 miles further on we burned a mill and some of us were sent out to find the Lancers who were on our right. We did not find them until evening and it was after dark when we got back to camp. we were pretty lucky in not being fired on as this country is all mountains and affords good cover for snipers. We had a very heavy rain and hail storm in the afternoon and as usual got drenched. While out on patrol we got a good supply of fruit which is nearly ripe in this district.

December 29th, 1900

Reveille 3 a.m. "Stand to arms" 4 a.m. on account of the country being infested with "snipers." Marched at 9 a.m. Could hear firing far ahead. Afterwards heard that Col. Pilcher's column was engaged and that the enemy hoisted a white flag on some transport wagons but as the wagons kept on travelling Col. Pilcher shelled them killing some women and children. Commenced raining about 7 p.m. and gave us another pleasant night. Put on half rations again. Still travelling in an easterly direction. Will probably strike railway about Harrismith if keep on sound direction.

December 30th, 1900

Reveille 3 a.m. Marched at 6. Heard firing in advance. "C" Squadron for duty, 4 troop rearguard. Shortly after leaving camp there was a little sniping on the advance guard and flank patrol. No one hurt. As soon as we arrived in camp our troop had to go outpost and as usual it rained and we had a lovely time.

December 31st, 1900

Reveille 3 a.m. Marched at 6. As soon as we left camp sniping commenced and it was not long before the 15 prs and pom-poms came into action. We advanced under a heavy fire and took up position on a ridge and soon compelled the enemy to retreat. We followed up and soon came upon them again. 4 Troop "C" dashed up, and took possession of a ridge on the right front and we gave the enemy a hot time. They ran in every direction in little bunches and the artillery soon got to work on them. We say several fall. There is another column on our left firing. I expect it is Col. White. It is now noon and we have stopped for dinner. We had one man slightly wounded this a.m. and 1 horse killed. In the afternoon we again moved forward but did not come in contact with the enemy, they have gone off to the right. It is reported in camp this evening that the enemy fired on a troop of the Irish Yeomanry who were our rear guard and took some of them prisoners. We captured a Cape Cart and team and a horse and saddle. I understand that we are marching to Lindley, where the Irish Yeomanry were taken on 31st of May last. We are still on half rations, but no one is kicking as long as there is fighting. It is only when we are march all day and see nothing that the boys kick about short rations etc. One troop fired about 90 rounds each this a.m. The boys are happy over celebrating the last day of the 19th century by a fight and are looking forward to another celebration tomorrow as our scouts report that the enemy are on all sides of us. The report that some of the I.Y.'s were captured is incorrect. They had a stiff fight but managed to beat the enemy off.


This being the closing entry for the 19th century as well as the opening entry for the 20th, I may just remark that there is a great many things that I view with some regret, but as matters past and it may be as well to let bygones be bygones. On the other hand while opening the New Year, I remember that two years since I stopped using tobacco and I look back with a certain amount of satisfaction over my success. As I do not have anything else at hand to turn over, I think the turning of a new leaf will have to suffice as a sacrifice at this time. I sometimes feel sorry that I commenced to keep a journal as at times I find it an awful nuisance to have to make entries, bust as I have kept it thus far I may as well chronical the remainder of the trip. But think I can safely promise not to do it again.
20th Century

January s, 1901 - A Happy New Year

Reveille 3:30, marched at 5. Came under fire about 8 a.m. It lasted about 1 hour. One of our pm-pm horses was hit and 1 man of t Lancers wounded in leg. We gave the outfit a dose from the Colts gun. The firing has just ceased. Moved forward again leaving the transport in Lager. We going towards the east, soon came in sight of enemy and opened on them with pm-pm, Colt and 15 pars. After turning them back we returned to the transport. There was about 150 Boers in sight. We captured one fellow who was not quite so good at running as the rest. Col. Pilcher's column is in sight on our left. Two enemy killed. Marched to Lindley where we joined Col. Pilcher's Brigade. There is a garrison here.

January 2nd, 1901

Reveille 5 a.m. Do not expect to move as we are out of provisions. Did not have even tea or coffee last night. The transport arrived from Kroonstad which is forty miles distant. They had a rough trip, having to fight all the way. Had 27 casualties. The O.C. sent a letter to headquarters regarding our return home. Having in mind the fact that this march was only to last two days and we only bring 3 days rations oue drawing 14 days rations today from the supply column makes it appear that we will likely to spend some time in this country. It is reported that the garrison it to be withdrawn and the town destroyed owing to its being so far from any base. There was firing out to the west today. We took no part, had a pretty good rest. I had a busy afternoon hair cutting for the boys. Took applications for S.A. Police allowing 3 months to go home and return.

January 3rd, 1901

Reveille 4:30 to march at 6. A man was accidentally shot in the Irish Yeomanry lines about 5 a.m. Do not think it is serious. About 5 miles out of Lindley sniping commenced on our troops but though there was considerable force of the enemy they did us no damage. Some of the Bodyguard belonging to Col. White's column were not so fortunate. 21 of them were sent to remove a family and were surrounded by 200 Boers who killed 2 and wounded 12 the remainder escaping by breaking through the Boer lines. We were sent back to their assistance but the Boers had skipped and were not to be seen. We are now picking up the dead and wounded.

The Boers used explosive bullets which made frightful wounds. Many of the horses were killed also.

The Officer in charge was taken prisoner. The Bodyguard is composed of mainly Dutch speaking Africanders and is not very highly esteemed. After collecting the wounded we marched forward again (we are now going towards Reitz) and made camp about 3 miles further on. We are in sight of Col. Pilcher's camp. Can hear heavy guns to the north. There was more of less firing in every direction all day. The country appears to be full of small parties of Boers who do not use any transport but live at the different houses and on what sheep and poultry they kill. 6 p.m. have just heard that another man has died of his wounds (Boer).

January 4th, 1901

Reveille 2:45. March at 4. Rain again with usual results. "B" sent patrol of 25 men at 3.a.m. Caught up with Col. White's column about 9 a.m. Found them preparing to bury their dead. They had another outfit of Bodyguard numbering 100 out on patrol and they were surrounded by the enemy and 15 killed and 20 wounded. The ones captured were stripped of their arms etc. and released. We have in camp 1 wounded Boer. Shot in stomach. Do not think will live. Col. Leary 2nd in command of the column was killed. It is now about 10 a.m. and as I write the firing is going merrily on. I am going over to see funeral. Later 14 men and 2 Lieutenants and a Lt. Col. were buried in the one grave. One of the troopers had belonged to C.M.R. and had 9 wounds. The Sgt Major has 5 wounds. Nearly all by explosive bullets. 1 man belonged to 16th Lancers (Col. White's Brigade) was killed and 1 wounded this morning while on outpost. Marched at 2 p.m. and travelled about 6 miles towards Heilbron and made camp for the night.

January 5th, 1901

Reveille 3;30. Marched at 5. Some Boers tried to pass the piquet during the night but were fired on and 2 of them killed. There has been scattered bodies of the enemy on all sides at just about extreme rifle range doing sniping. We captured 3. I understand one of them is to be shot for having explosive and dum-dum ammunition in his possession. Col. White has been using his guns on the enemy who made it troublesome for the rear guard. Our brigade is in advance and White's is following close behind. The enemy are in too great force for one brigade to face. Our brigade does not number 350 fighting men, all told, and Col. Whites is not much larger. It is estimated the enemy are 2000 strong. After dinner Gen. Knox sent word that we were to come back to where his brigade was camped, so we returned about 10 miles and made camp beside him. My horse played out about noon yesterday. I got a mule and came along. It was not a very nice way of progressing but was distinctly better than walking. At noon today I captured as Basuto pony and broke him. It is rather better than a mule. We were within 5 miles of Heilbron when we were recalled.

January 6th, 1901

Reveille 4:30. March 5:30. Strathcona's Horse forming the rear guard. When column had started the enemy began sniping at the rear guard as soon they had collected quite a body. The firing became so hot that it was necessary to bring a gun into action. After a few shells had been dropped the Boers cleared out. It is now 8 a.m. and we are just going to move forward again. We are going back toward Lindley and the other brigade is headed toward Reitz. Spreading out fan shape. I suppose with the object of corralling some of the Boers who are scattered all over the place. 4 p.m. Have just made camp. Orders have at last arrived for S.H. to go home and we start for Kroonstad tomorrow. The Boer loss so far as known today is 4 killed or wounded. We had no casualties. Col. Carew's brigade is in sight and firing.

January 7th, 1901

Reveille 4. Marched at 5:30. There was heavy firing all around until about 12 last night. It was bright moonlight. Wagon loads of the enemy's dead were drought into camp during the night. We had a little sniping about 6 miles outside of Lindley about noon. Off saddled and turned horses out to graze. After dinner we moved off again but only came a couple of miles, passing through the town on the way. It is a tough looking place, many of the houses being wrecked and everything in the wood line taken. This is the town that Steyn made to capital of Orange Free State after Bloemfontein had fallen. It is only a small place.

January 8th, 1901

Reveille 4. Marched at 5:30. S.H. rear guard. Col. White's brigade in advance. The usual sniping commenced about 5 miles out and we got it pretty hot but no one hit. The Lancers pom-pom fired a few shots. After dinner halt we had difficult country to pass through and the enemy fired all the time. Our 15 prs came into action and the pom-poms did good service. We did not travel far in the afternoon on account of having to fight all the way. I have not heard of any casualties on our side.

January 9th, 1901

Reveille 3:30. March at 5. Col. Barker's brigade in advance. S.H. furnishing flank patrols. Nothing of any consequence occurred, the usual ping-pong of the sniper being still heard but not in any force. Arrived at Kroonstad about 3 p.m. and went to camp. We are the most ragged and dirty outfit it would be possible to imagine. It is a miracle that we are able to make our clothes stay on. We have just been on the march without a change of clothes and our outer clothing was about worn out when we started out for the 2 day's march, now 5 weeks on the march. "Buster" resembles the 'Ole clo' man and from what I can see of myself I resemble "Buster". If I take my clothes off I am afraid it will be impossible to find the right way to put them on again and everyone is in the same fix. We hope to have some clothing issued here before we leave for Capetown. If we do not I am afraid we will have to wear blankets "a la indian", and edifying spectacle for the inhabitants of Capetown, as we march from the train to the boat. We are all heartily glad to get sight of the railway again, on account of rations. We had to do a lot of thiev-commandeering on this trip in order to live. Expected to find the balance of the regiment here but were disappointed. There were only about 150 of us on this march, the remainder being either dismounted or unfit.

January 10th, 1901

Reveille 5 a.m. Paraded horses for inspection and all were cast. We then took them to remount station and turned them in. We did nothing else all day. Major Laurie sent (***) 10 to "C" Squadron to help them celebrate the New Year. We have not been able to utilize it, as there is nothing for sale at Kroonstad. There is a big barrel of beer for Xmas but it was not issued. After being away from the railroad for so long I had quite a lot of mail awaiting me. All the mail is not yet sorted. 1 letter from Mother, 1 from Florence Floyd, 1 from Frank Gucrin, 4 from Annie and 2 Ottawa papers, 4 from M.C. Winsor.

January 11th, 1901

Reveille at 1:30 a.m. Marched to station before daylight and entrained about 7 a.m. for Elandsfontein where balance of regiment are camped. It is the present intention of the authorities to remount and refit us for further service. Ran as far as Viljoen's Drift where we stop for the night. O.C. rec'd telegram from Pretoria saying S.H. were to return to Canada as soon as mobilized. When telegram read the boys did some lively cheering.

January 12th, 1901

Reveille at 3:30. Pulled out at 5. Rained very hard nearly all night but clear this a.m. Reached Elandsfontein about 10 a.m. Unloaded here and were to go about 7 miles as there was a battle going on. The order was countermanded, so we went out about 1/2 mile and camped. I went down to the C. of E.'s Soldiers Institute and wrote letters most of the afternoon. Word was rec'd late that the British has captured 500 of the enemy. Wrote and posted letters to M.C. Winsor and Mrs. Hughes. Wrote Mother and Annie.

January 13th, 1901

Reveille 5 a.m. Paraded to the station to turn in our saddles as they are to be left behind here. The balance of regiment came into camp this morning. They are looking much cleaner and better than we who have been on the march. They turned in their horses today. A trainload of remounts arrive for us today. I guess we will not need them. Was visited by Wm. D.B. Walker of the 2nd Vol. Manchesters. Was glad to meet him again as had lost his address. Hogood also came. On quarter-guard (24 hr.). Posted letters to Mother, Annie and badges to M.C. Winsor.

January 14th, 1901

Reveille 5 a.m. Shortly after breakfast had another visit from Walker. His regiment leaves March 9th for England. We paraded twice today, once for arms inspection and once before the Colonel who made us a speech, something like this: - "Boys I have a few words to say to you. While out on the march several Officers and Men told me that their business interests were suffering as a result of their absence, I at once wrote to Lord Strathcona, and the High Commissioner and the Commander-in-Chief and it was decided to send the regiment home at once. Now Lord Strathcona naturally wishes to see his regiment and a good many of you would no doubt be glad to visit friends in England but it rests with yourselves whether you go by way of England or direct to Halifax. You have your choice and now let me say that should you decide to go by way of England, I want you to take care to see that the good name of the regiment is sustained. Now I am aware that none of you or very few at any rate are spring chickens (laughter) and quite capable of looking after yourselves as I am and I want every Officer and Man to back me up in this matter as you have so often and so gallantly on the field of battle (hear! hear!). Now I am aware that a great many of you are old men and are anxious to get home to see your dear little um-um-ah grandchildren (long laughter). You may now march off." We marched off after giving three hearty cheers for the Colonel followed it up by a scene of wild confusion. The pom-pom and some of the men for Howard's Scouts left for Johannesburg.

January 15th, 1901

Reveille this a.m. Very heavy rain last night. Cloudy with rain this a.m. We fell in on parade at 11:15 and marched to a point near the station where we met Lord Kitchener who in bidding us goodbye made a speech somewhat as follows:- "Colonel Steele, Officers and Men of Strathcona's Horse, I am pleased to see you looking so fit after the hard marches you have had. No regiment has had harder work. You would be highly flattered if you knew how many Generals have asked me to let them have Strathcona's. Both myself and Lord Roberts have the highest appreciation of your valuable services in the field. To the Colonel you will tell Lord Strathcona from me that I find only one defect in the regiment and that is perhaps more his fault than yours. There should be more of you. Had we a few regiments like Strathcona's the war would be over before this. In saying farewell, I trust you will have a good time in England and hope whenever you have had a rest, to see many of you come back to South Africa. I can assure you of a hearty welcome and now goodbye". We gave three and a tiger for Lord Kitchener and three and a tiger for General Barton who was present and marched back to camp. Marched to the station and entrained about 2:30 p.m. We are well fixed for comfort, being supplied with 1st class coaches nicely cushioned and with cushioned sleeping berths above. Arrived at Viljoen's Drift the boundary about 6 p.m. Stay here for the night.

January 16th, 1901

Reveille 3 a.m. Had a cup of coffee and pulled out at 3.30. Was very comfortable last night. Reached Kroonstad about noon but did not stay long. There was mail to be put on board and to my surprise I rec'd 2 letters. Camped for the night at Glen Siding about 15 miles north of Bloemfontein. There is a garrison here. Rec'd 2 letters and Xmas cards from Mother, Ethel and Mable.

January 17th, 1901

Reveille 3:30 a.m. Started off at 4. Delay caused by waiting to cross passengers from Bloemfontein. Left Bloemfontein about 7:30 after taking all the men fit to travel. The balance travel by another train. They passed us before we reached Springfontein. Our train which is a very heavy one was blocked by grasshoppers which got on the rails and made it necessary to send a man ahead with a brush. It was slow work but at length we got out of the mess. Reached the Orange River at Norval's Pont. Crossed on a splendid bridge. It is quite a town. We are now in Cape Colony.

January 18th, 1901

Travelled all night, passing DeAar at 6 a.m. Naauwpoort is a quiet town with extensive railway shops. The country as far as can be seen about DeAar is very barren looking. As we come to Deelfontein we saw about 20 ostriches. There appears to be an extensive farm here. We capture an ostrich and commandeered his feathers. They are not particularly nice ones but will do for want of better. The bird also objected but the objection was over-ruled.

January 19th, 1901

Still travelling. Did not succeed in getting any coffee this a.m. Passed Laingsburg about 9:30. A good sized town but the country is very mountainous. We have been crossing what is known as the Karroo, on which there is no vegetation with the exception of scrubby sage brush growing to a height of 1 foot. We are not out of it yet but the country is more hilly that what we passed through yesterday. Our train is to be divided on account of the grades and sharp curves. About 140 miles we struck some very high mountains on the top of which was some freshly fallen snow. The first we have seen in S.A. The scenery along the way reminds one forcibly of parts of the Rocky Mountains, even carrying the resemblance so far as to have a real tunnel. The grade at this point looks about as steep as the big hill of the C.P.R. The station at the foot of the hill is named De Doorns, 129 miles from Capetown. Very glad to have come through this part of the country by day as otherwise we would have missed one of the greatest sights of South Africa. We here take on the other 1/2 of the train, making one engine do the work. The valley looks very pretty and appears to be very fertile, a great many fruit farms being in sight. We arrived at Worcester just at dark, it appears to be a good sized town. We are almost clear of the mountains.

January 20th, 1901

Woke up 19 miles from Capetown. A slight rain falling. Arrived Capetown 6:30 a.m. Did not get off cars until went on dock. Went on board. Elder Dempster Co. (Beaver Line) S.S. Lake Erie, a much larger boat than the "Montery". Sailed about noon and were soon out of sight of land, the weather being thick, a little rain falling. Amused ourselves by shooting our spare revolver ammunition at the dolphins which were jumping alongside. There are some lady passengers on board and about 6 nurses, also a few civilians. I have been put on quarter-guard. There are about 12 Imperial prisoners on board, doing from two years to a life sentence. The balance of our company is made up of details of I.Y., Kilstuner's Horse, C.M.R.'s and odd ones from other corps. A good many of the boys are sick, "Buster" coming in for a share. Posted letters to Mother and Wm C.B. Walker.

January 21st, 1901

Reveille 5:30. Fine weather. Fine doing guard onboard ship very different from long strain and careful watching and listening required on land during the last 9 months. Feel that we have at last shook off "Boerdom". Am told it will take 25 days to reach England, the boat not being that fast.

January 22nd, 1901

Reveille 6 a.m. Rolled up hammocks, had breakfast. Had muster parade at 10 a.m. "A" and "B" Squadrons were issued with Khaki uniforms.

January 23rd, 1901

Reveille 6:30. The usual 10 a.m. muster called off. Uniforms issued.

January 24th, 1901

Reveille 6:30. Draft had 3/4 hour drill. Concert 8 p.m. Salt baths.

January 25th, 1901

Reveille 6:30. Sighted ship going south about 15 miles eastward, upperworks visible. Paid. Very big booze. Lots of fights, gay time.

January 26th, 1901

Reveille 6:30. Had strictly quiet day. 10 a.m., inspection. Find (although did not mention it before) that the grub is good on this ship, besides being clean and good, have 4 meals per day.

January 27th, 1901

Usual reveille. Weather getting hotter. Church parade. Very hot. Roast chicken and plum pud for dinner. Think can stand this kind of living all right.

January 28th, 1901

Reveille 6:30. Had S.W. baths as usual. Very warm again. Parade for clothing and belt inspection. Cross the equator today.

January 29th, 1901

Reveille 5:30. Draft had 1 hour drill. Weather very hot.

February 4th, 1901

Nothing having occurred during the past few days I have allowed my journal to laps. Passed Cape Verde Light on evening of 2nd, also several vessels. We appear to have struck the ocean highway by the number of ships we have met during the past few days. This a.m. I witnessed a fight between a swordfish and a whale. It was a terrible sight. Everytime the whale came to the surface he coloured the water for 40 feet around with blood, which came out in great clots. There are about 20 whales around us during most of the morning. My turn for quarter-guard.

February 5th, 1901

Passed several vessels. Saw peak of Luerifbein distance just before dark.

February 6th, 1901

Arrived at Las Palmas where we take coal at 11 last night. Anchored about 1 mile out. There were plenty of boats out at daylight, loaded with fruit, which is very cheap here. Received news of death of Queen Victoria. Las Palmas is a large town and looks nice from where we are. The mountains behind the town are very high and somewhat resemble the lower ranges of the Rockies. There is a good harbour. One of the prisoners attempted to escape by jumping overboard but was recaptured. He had smeared himself with grease and coal dust in order to look like one of the firemen but it did not work. Left las Palmas at 1 p.m. Sent letter to M.C. Winsor.

February 7th, 1901

Rain during night. Sighted several ships. One years service completed.

February 8th, 1901

Wind has risen and there is a pretty good sea. Some of the boys sick. Were ordered out for drill today but boat was rolling to much.

February 9th, 1901

For quarter-guard tonight.

February 10th, 1901

Passed Cape Finisterre at 6 a.m. Bay of Biscay a little rough. Sighted a few ships.

February 11th, 1901

Hats Issued.

February 12th, 1901

Sighted England

February 13th, 1901

Arrived at London. Anchored about 7:30 a.m. but later were towed up the river to Gravesend where we tied up in midstream. Very foggy in a.m. but cleared up. Raw cold wind and a few snowflakes. Had a parade on deck to hear program of the committee of entertainment. Would like to go ashore. The river full of boats of all kinds.

February 14th, 1901

Landed and marched to the opening of Parliament. Had good look at King and Queen.

February 15th, 1901

Paraded at Buckingham Palace and were presented with our medals by H.M. King Edward VII then after some speeches were marched back to Kensington Barracks where we were addressed by Lord Strathcona.

February 23rd 1901

Left Liverpool on Allan Line, S.S. Numidian at 5:15 p.m. Had a great time in London. Met several Canadian people. Saw nearly all the sights. Banquets the order of the day. Left for Liverpool 7:30 a.m. 23rd, and reached that place at noon. Marched to St. George's Hall where there was a great feast ready which we heartily enjoyed. The streets were simply filled with people as well as all the roofs and windows. Were addressed by the Lord Mayor and Lord Archbishop of Liverpool, after such we paraded to the Trafalgar Square, where the great monument to Nelson is erected. Had a few more speeches and went to the boat. The cheers of the people were terrible. One wonders how they how they made all the noise and lived through it.

February 28th, 1901

Allan line, S.S. Numidian. About mid-ocean. The weather has been very good until today. It has been very rough since 3 a.m. Only made 174 knots during last 24 hours.

March 1st, 1901

Storm still on. Log for last 24 hours shows 162 knots. In the afternoon the wind grew more violent and constantly drove spray up on the bridge. The Numidian appears to be a good sea boat as she is very steady considering the storm. Snow and hail fell about 4 p.m.

March 2nd, 1901

Still blowing hard. Had very rough night. 104 knots last 24 hours. Commenced paying and the balance of wages due. At times during the night a person would think the boat was going to break in two. The waves striking her with terrific force.




16-06-00 S.C. Junction - Unable to locate on map.
Priters Hill - (sp) - Pieters Hill
20-06-00 Zandspruit - (sp) Sandspruit
29-06-00 McCullough - 440 Private R.J. McMullough, Stonewall, Man.
30-06-00 T.M.I. - Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry
01-07-00 Jenkins - 509 Private Angus Jenkins, "B" Sqd., Perth, Ont.
Hobson - 456 Private James Hobson, "B" Sqd., Montreal, Quebec
Howard - Capt D.M. Howard, ex-N.W.M.P.
05-07-00 Waterval - (sp) - Watervaal
06-07-00 Killed: 332 Corporal B. H. Lee, England
131 Lance-Corporal T. Mills, Newmarket, Ontario
152 Private F. Norris, England
Missing: 159 Private F. Simpson, Elm Creek, Manitoba
143 Private H. Gilroy, Regina, Saskatchewan
306 Private F. Norton, England
140 Private R. Bourne, England
144 S.S.Major J.J. Griffiths, Hagersville, Ontario
Only able to find 5 of 6 listed missing on casualty list.
19-07-00 949 Private W. Bateman, King's Royal Rifle Corps, (Un-able to locate wounded on casualty list), Lounw Spruit - (sp) Leeuwspruit
22-07-00 Un-able to locate on casualty list.
31-07-00 Serg't. Parker - 514 Sergeant E.C. Parker, Ottawa, Ont..
Trooper Arnold - 402 Private F.G. Arnold, Fort Steele, B.C.
Routine Orders: July 31st, 1900, Watervaal Bridge:
"The C.O. regrets to report the death of Regt. No. 514 Sergt. Parker of "C" Squadron who whilst doing duty with his troop which has gone out to meet Boers reported to be ready to lay down their arms was treacherously shot and instantly killed from a house flying a white flag. The C.O. is firm in the opinion that the troops should never have been sent on this mission but it serves as another lesson of the treacherous nature of enemies with which we have to deal. Everything connected with them should be regarded with the greatest suspicion. In fact a successful scout must always be suspicious and treat everything that he hears and sees in that light.
07-08-00 Amersfoort - (sp) Amerspoort
305 Private W.E.S. Monteith, England
09-08-00 Un-able to locate on Casualty List or Medal Roll.
13-08-00 34 Private A. Robinson, Winnipeg, Manitoba
14-08-00 30 Trooper J. A. Nicks, England
15-08-00 933 Trooper T. McEwan, South Africa Light Horse
Tuffelaar - Un-able to locate on map. Possibly Spelling.
17-08-00 Enniskillen's - (sp) - Inniskilling's
21-08-00 Van Wick's Vlir - (sp) - Van Wyk's Vley
23-08-00 Un-able to locate on Casualty list or Medal Roll.
26-08-00 Three Privates listed on Casualty Roll as being wounded on
this date, all at Geluk's Farm:
341 Private R. H. Palmer, England
494 Private H. C. Childers, England
292 Private R. B. Hammond, Melbourn, Australia
27-08-00 Machudodorp - (sp) - Machadadorp
All members of the Rifle Brigade listed as killed at Bergendal.
Captain G. L. Dickson
3994 L/Sgt. R Dickenson
6303 Pte. W. Arndale
6265 Pte. Mitchell
9806 Pte. W. Parke
2598 Pte. W. Luscombe
9820 Pte. J. Bell
2632 Pte. J. Freeman
6260 Pte. J. Andrews
3795 Pte. H. Lathrope
2928 Pte. T. King
9020 Pte. W. Jones
5821 Pte. F. Betts
28-08-00 622 Private D. Burnett, Ottawa, Ontario
266 Private F.C.Whitley, Bradford, Onatrio
98 Private A.C. Garner, Moosomin, Manitoba
01-09-00 151 Private A. McGilvery, Kirkfield Ontario
02-09-00 58 Private C.G.N. Watts, Virden, Manitoba
04-09-00 According to Casualty List 6 Privates Killed-in-Action.
335 Sergeant A.E.H. Logan, England
297 Private A. Jones, England
284 Private W. West, England
312 Private H. J. Wiggins, U.S.A.
508 Private C. Cruickshank, Red Deer, Alberta
465 Sergeant J. Brothers, Port Arthur, Ontario
09-09-00 Mauch's Berg - (sp) Mauchberg
10-09-00 Gordon's - The Gordon Highlanders
11-09-00 193 Corporal W. Flintoff, Fort Saskatchewan
386 Trooper C. J. Nicholson, British Columbia
21-09-00 M. I. - Mounted Infantry
06-10-00 S.A.L.H. - South Africa(n) Light Horse
R.H.A. - Royal Horse Artillery
12-10-00 A.P.C.
29-10-00 K.R.R. - King's Royal Rifle Corps
Serg't Macdonnell - 337 Sergeant C. R. McDonnell, Kingston Ont
30-10-00 A Sproatt - 249 Sergeant A. Sproatt, Toronto, Ont.
W. Wood - 262 Corporal W. Woods, Innisfail, Alberta
31-10-00 R.C.R. - Royal Canadian Regiment P. Budell - 54 Private P.J. Budell, 1st C.M.R., Calgary, Albt. (Taken Prisoner 19-07-00, Attached Rimmington's Guides)
12-11-00 I.L.H. - Imperial Light Horse.
15-11-00 Un-Able to locate on casualty list or medal roll.
21-11-00 Locke Scott - 157 Private L. B. Scott, Regina Saskatchewan
22-11-00 Reid - 245 Sargent W. E. Reid, Winnipeg, Manitoba. G.C.M. - General Courts Martial
24-11-00 Un-able to locate on casualty list.
29-11-00 I.Y. - Imperial Yeomanry
08-12-00 H.L.I. - Highland Light Infantry
14-12-00 T.M.I. - Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry
18-12-00 Buster - 414 Private G. Eyre, Revelstoke, B.C.
23-12-00 Killed - 368 Private W.H. Ingram, Grand Prairie, B.C.
Wounded - 337 Private C.R. McDonnell, Kingston, Ontario
Missing - 354 Private A. W. Johnson, Kamloops, B.C.
25-12-00 Walker - 265 Private B. G. Walker, Calgary, Alberta
Rennie - 388 Private C. Rennie, Regina, Saskatchewan
31-12-00 Un-able to locate on casualty list or medal roll.
02-01-01 S.A.Police - South African Constabulary
04-01-01 Col. Leary - (sp) - Major (Local Lt.-Col.) D. Tyrie-Laing, Commander-in-Chiefs Body Guard, K.I.A., Page 210 of Last Post by Dooner. C.M.R. - Canadian Mounted Rifles, un-able to locate on Casualty List or Medal Roll.
10-01-01 (*****) Unable to read.
12-01-01 C. of E. - Church of England
13-01-01 Hopgood - No listing of a Hopgood on Medal Roll.
14-01-01 Howard's Scouts became The Canadian Scouts.
19-01-01 C.P.R. - Canadian Pacific Railway
20-01-01 Kilstuner's Horse - Un-able to locate record of such a unit. Possibly Kitchener's Horse.
28-01-01 S.W. - Salt Water
05-02-01 Luerifbein - In-able to loacte on map. Tallest point on Canary Islands is Pico de Teide.

Ranks shown herein are the ones shown on final medal roll.
Life Member
Past-President Calgary
Military Historical Society
O.M.R.S. 1591

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PART TWO - DIARY OF 446 TROOPER G.A. BOWERS STRATHCONA'S HORSE 11 years 10 months ago #9118

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Yeah we were waiting since long for the part two of the dairy.

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