Hello Barbdegraff....
First let me say welcome to the forum....
I do not think that Jack Norman would have been in SA as he would have been to old. The others being in their 30's may have been in the army.
Here are Walters from the Cavalry List.....
Walters,A.,4924,Lance Corporal,18th Hussars,OFS,Transvaal,KSA.
Walters,A.W.,4586,Private,7th Dragoon Guards,Cape Colony,OFS,Transvaal.
Walters,C.,3192,Private,10th Hussars,Paardeberg,Dreifontein,Johannesburg,Diamond Hill,Wittebergen,Relief of Kimberley.
Walters,F.,3375,Private,1st Dragoons,OFS,Transvaal,Tugela Heights,Relief of Ladysmith,Laing's Nek,1901. Killed, Schimmelhoek, 19/06/01. Initial 'J' on E.C. Roll
Walters,F.E.,3563,Sergeant,3rd Dragoon Guards,Cape Colony,OFS,Transvaal,1901,1902.
Walters,F.H.,4439,Private,16th Lancers,Paardeberg,Johannesburg,Diamond Hill, Wittebergen, Relief of Kimberley.
Walters,G.,4219,Private,7th Hussars,Cape Colony, OFS, Transvaal, 1901, 1902. To Army Reserve
Walters,H.,3923,Private,3rd Hussars,OFS,Transvaal,1901,1902.
Walters,H.,3957,Private,6th Dragoon Guards,Cape Colony, OFS, Transvaal,1901. Killed in Action, Mamegalieskraal, 20/08/01
Walters,J.,3545,Private,12th Lancers,Cape Colony,OFS,Transvaal,1901. 5th Lancers Reservist. With Prov. Regt. of Lancers
Walters,J.,3814,Sergeant,2nd Dragoons,Cape Colony,OFS,Transvaal,1901. Invalided. Initials 'J.W.' on E.C. Roll
Walters,R.,4837,Private,13th Hussars,OFS,Transvaal,Natal.
Walters,W.,4338,Private,6th Dragoon Guards,Cape Colony,OFS,Transvaal,1901,1902.
Walters,W.H.,3968,Private,7th Dragoon Guards,Cape Colony,OFS. Died of disease, Naauwpoort, 07/06/00
Hope that this is of some help.....
barbdegraaf wrote: Trying to find out any information on my ancestors, one or all of whom came out to South Africa for the Boer War, with the Inniskillen Dragoons on the ? SS Jamaican / SS Siberia / SS Persia. Landed in South Africa on Nov 16, 1900. The Inniskillen Dragoons evidently were graded with Royal and Scots Greys whatever that means! The names are JACK NORMAN VICTOR WALTERS (birth abt 1840), JOHN CHARLES WALTERS (abt 1863), GEORGE JACK WALTERS (abt 1860), NORMAN WALTERS (abt 1865).
Does anyone know where I can get lists of the troups on these ships? Or any information after they landed in SA.