Was hoping for any help with my research into my Gt Gt Grandfather George Cox during the Boer War. I was lucky enough to find his service records and a newspaper story about him using findmypast newspaper search.
The Bucks Herald Saturday,21,July,1900
The Return Of A Local Soldier
On Monday George Cox, son of Charles Cox of Amersham, returned from the war. He is the second local man who has returned and he, like the first one, was wounded and then fell with enteric fever. The young man looks well, though he still suffers as a result of his injury. He belongs to the Ordnance Corps, and went to the Cape in the earlier stages of the war. He is a farrier, and has been in the Army now for 14 years, his first engagement was at Belmont, under Lord Methuen, and afterwards went through all the engagements Lord Methuen fought. When Lord Roberts arrived he marched with him after the retreating Cronje, and was present when that "wily Boer" had to surrender. When Lord Roberts got together the flying column for the relief of Mafeking Cox's Corps was selected to go. He says all went to well until he got within 32 miles of the besieged town, when they were placing a steel tyre on one of the large guns. They were on the level and there were Boers in a Kopje near. The enemy opened fire, and Cox, with his mate and Sergt-Major, fell wounded. He had a Mauser bullet sent right through his thigh; his comrade was shot through the head, and died immediately and the Sergt-Major was mortally wounded. Then the Boers came, and Cox was taken prisoner, but he escaped, and was taken back to De Aar, having fallen a victim to the dread enteric fever. He was invalided home, but the brave fellow has signed his papers to go back should the authorities require his services.
Although I'm quite experienced at family history I'm a novice with the Boer War so any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I would like to know as much as possible in particular the Ordnance Corps uniform and role in the war and if its possible to identify his fallen comrade and Sergt-Major since they became casualties on the same day and from the same corps. Sorry for length of post. Thanks.