Hello to all the family researchers out there,
I am new to the site and this is my first request.
There is a mystery grandfather that needs to have flesh put on his skeleton so to speak.
Cpl Frederick Merton received a medal for fighting in the Boer War. It is evident that he was a soldier in the war, but he also decided to settle in Pretoria, South Africa after the war ended.
I am not sure how to locate any records that were possibly issued regarding ex soldiers being granted permission to remain or soldiers applying to remain in South Africa once the war ended.Has anyone any ideas?
Another grandfather on my husband's mother's side was a Oscar Binstead Lowne Hughes. He was a POW during the boer war. I have an entry from the Boer War museum stating he got taken to St Helena after being captured at Elandsputen in 11.9.1900. If anyone has any information regarding this person I would be very happy to hear from them. Cheers for now KM