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Canada’s, Strathcona’s Horse’, In the Second Anglo-Boer War. 10 years 9 months ago #20545

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According to mainstream historians: Lord Strathcona’s Horse, “boarded the SS Monterey, 537 officers and men, as well as 599 horses, of the new regiment sailed from Halifax on 18 March 1900 and arrived in Cape Town on 10 April. Along with The Royal Canadian Dragoons, for this reason, in August 1900, at the unit's own request, the 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles were renamed the Royal Canadian Dragoons. In 1887 it was renamed the Royal School of Cavalry. In 1892 the regiment was renamed as the Canadian Dragoons and in 1893 it became The Royal Canadian Dragoons.”

In English, the above states, both sailed to SA at the sametime? I have accounts that differ, sailed on different date, not counting the SH reinforcements sent with numbers and date, aren’t included to the total, that served during the war. Consequently, when you add LSH all ranks, that first sailed and reinforcements sent on a later date, = 599 all ranks, according to Col. E.J. Chambers’ account. Considered as, prime source: “The Canadian Forces in South Africa Sessional Paper No. 35a,” paints a slightly deferent picture, and since there’s a proper way of reading the Volumes, consisting of circa 15,000 pages for part of 1901. With over 1000 pages per Volume, note page 650, can be page 10 in South Africa papers or Militia section, you also have, Volumes with accounts from parliament in the house, ect. I looked in all appendixes, especially the “further supplementary report,” for add-ons, taken into consideration what’s in page 10, might have changes as the account progresses in p30, per say; and that’s where many Ph.Ds', dropped the ball, as proven in the 2nd Batt., SS RCRI account. The complete statistic sheet for First, Second contingents, etc, Ranks and file, KIA, DOW, DOD, invalided back to Canada, etc., with their names and No., are provided. The Statement list, excludes the 10th Field Hospital, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th CMR, and the Constabulary which wasn’t an authorised military force, nothing is mentioned for the exception, on the last page for 1901. The list provides a number count of men from each contingent once discharged, enlisted in other British Corps, for the Constabulary, only two officers and 28 other ranks of Canada’s contingents joined the police squad. For the Authorized Militia force, total MIA is file, during the war. In the 1902 parliament, and militia sessional papers, provide account, painted with a wide brush on the Constabulary, 2nd CMR, and 10 Field Hospital, no mention of 3-6 CMR, why?

Owing the Government was late sending the Furtherer Supplementary Report 35a 1902, etc., to the printers and only published in 1903 sessional paper, for the South African War, accounts. The first part of mainstream historical account of, Lord Strathcona’s Horse’, was extracted from Lieut. –Col. S. B. Steele Account, the rest, I’ll let prime source, the sessional papers, first hand etc., support the facts from myth; I like to paint with a No. 1 pencil brush, filling in the details others missed, which require time and a delicate touch.

Some examples as fallows:-

Archives Canada.ca:
At his own expense, Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, Canada's High Commissioner to London, recruited a regiment of mounted rifles comprising 537 officers and men in Manitoba, British Columbia and the Northwest Territories. More than 1,000 men were thus recruited for a three-year term and organized into 12 platoons of South African police. Some of these recruits had been in earlier Canadian contingents and returned to service for Britain when their initial contracts expired. www.cmhg.gc.ca/cmh/page-582-eng.asp

Canadian units Strathcona's Horse: On 16th March the force embarked 28 officers, 512 of other ranks, with 599 horses, 3 maxims, 1 pom-pom, 500 rounds per rifle and 50,000 rounds for each maxim. A more munificent offer has seldom been made by a subject to his country. The regiment landed at Cape Town on 10th April. Unfortunately nearly 200 horses had been lost at sea, an unusually large proportion. (=540 all ranks).

Battlefields of Canada By Mary Beacock Fryer, p 242: Then on 16 February it was the turn of 537 mounted men of Lord Strathcona’s Horse, raised in Manitoba to sail away.

Buckaroos and Mud Pups: The Early Days of Ranching in British Columbia
By Ken Mather, p 182:
On March 18th 537 officers and 599 horses sailed from Halifax.

According to E. J. Chambers’ 1904: Strathcona's Horse, 548 officers and men sailed on March 16. 1900. Draft to reinforce Strathcona's Horse, 51 officers and men, sailed on May 1. 1900, (= 599).

South Africa, MOs, for Lord Strathcona’s Horse’:

In the Second Anglo Boer War, Strathcona’s Horse, was authorised by MO No. 26/1900, on Feb 1st., 1900, embarked for South Africa by MO No. 69/1900, embarked and sailed on March 17th 1900, according to DHH; (note, DHH, Ph.Ds’, have dropped the ball on numerous accounts). In the British Army Official History: History of the South Africa 1899-1902, Vol. III pp.282-283, 382, 411, 459, and 511 provide account, part of the 3rd Mounted Brigade’ and 4th Infantry Brigade, II Division’ until its departure from the theatre of operations on Jan. 20th 1901. W.B. Fraser; Always a Strathcona, p3 states, the unit was disbanded on March 9th 1901.

The PF Regiment' origins, according to DHH, Ph.Ds, date back to July 1st 1901, at Winnipeg, Manitoba. The PAM, organized the formation of A Squadron, the Canadian Mounted Rifles, were authorised by GO 102/01. Redesignated: The Royal Canadian Mounted Rifles on Oct. 1st 1903 by GO 153/03; In perpetuation, Strathcona’s Horse ( Royal Canadians)’ on Oct 1st 1909, by GO 111/09, and Lord Strachcona’s Horse ( Royal Canadians)’ by GO 68/11, on May 1st 1911.

Lord Strathcona’s Horse’ of 1900-1901, Perpetuation.

Minutes of the Militia Council, 1904 and 1909. It was the intention of the Militia Council to form a unit designated, “Strathcona’s Horse” as part of the Permanent Force and that the proposed unit “should perpetuate the corps Lord Strathcona sent to South Africa.” Due to difficulties in identifying a suitable location for them in Western Canada, and Opposition “encountered in dealing with the question from the North-Western Mounted Police, and from other sources” (Report No. 12, Articles 380 to 383 of January 31st 1905), no decision was made until 1909. In that year the Adjutant-General recommended to the Council “to designate the Royal Canadian Mounted Rifles, “Strachcona’s Horse”, and to add another squadron in due time to be stationed west of Manitoba, a good one, and, in absence of more practicable scheme, he would like to see such a change made if agreeable to officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Rifles” 9 Report No. 6, Articles 197 to 199 on March 3rd 19090. On March 16th 1909, it was decided that “the Adjutant-General should see the Military Secretary with the view to a designation being decided on which would meet with the approval of His Majesty the King” (Report No. 8, Article 281).

SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35a, p.18.


The Right, Honourable Lord Strathcona having offered to raise a Regiment of Mounted Rifles in Canada for service in South Africa, and his patriotic offer having been accepted by Her late Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria, the duty of supplying the necessary equipment was placed in the hands of the Store Branch. The men were concentrated in Ottawa, and were accommodated in the Central Canada Exhibition Association Buildings, liansdowne Park.

The equipment supplied differed but slightly from that issued to the Canadian Mounted Rifles, which formed part of the second Contingent. One pair of long boots, with laced insteps, made of brown leather by the Slater Company of Montreal, was issued instead of one pair of ankle boots and the jack spurs were provided with brown leather straps instead of black Revolvers, clothing and Tiecessaries were issued in Ottawa. The rifles and other supplies were sent on board the steamer at Halifax.

The expenses of the outfit was borne by Lord Strathcona, who expressed his entire satisfaction as to its completeness,

D. A. MACDOXALD, Colonel,
Chief Supt. of Military Stores.

History is not like playing horseshoes where close enough counts; those that have done the proper leg work have a responsibility to insure a detailed accurate account. Canada at War Blog: wp.me/55eja

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Canada’s, Lord Strathcona’s Horse’, In the Second Anglo-Boer War. 10 years 9 months ago #20546

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SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35a, p.155,


The next corps to be organized in Canada for service in South Africa, Lord Strath cona's Horse, was recruited, horsed, armed, equipped, clothed, conveyed to South Africa, and paid until the date of arrival there, at the sole expense of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, and the members thereof were also, from the date of arrival in South Africa, paid from Lord Strathcona's privy purse the difference between Imperial cavalry pay and the higher rates paid by Canada to the North-west Mounted Police Force. No corps left Canada, and it is doubtful whether there was any in the field in South Africa, so thoroughly clothed and equipped as that placed at the service of the Empire by Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. It was, I am sure, a privilege and a pleasure to the officers of the Departments of Militia and Defence and of the North-west Mounted Police to assist in the organization of such a regiment.

The regiment consisted of a regimental staff and three squadrons, in accordance with the Army Establishment for a Cavalry Regiment, 1898. The regimental staff and detail of a squadron were the same as the Canadian Mounted Rifles (pages 69 and 70), with the exception that there were six drivers per squadron instead of four, and twelve draught horses per squadron instead of eight.

The establishment was therefore as follows:
Officers, 25; WO, 1; Saff & Sergt. 35; Aritifieers, 22; Transporters 6;
Ramk & File 448 = (537 all ranks).

Horses, Public: Riding 485, Draught 60, Pack 3, (= 548 horses).

Lord Strathcona specially requested that the regiment should be recruited from Manitoba, British Columbia and the Nortn-west Territories. Recruiting was commenced on February 5, 1900, and the numbers enrolled at the different centres were as follows:

64 VICTORIA, A. p.156, 1901.

North-west Territories: Moosomin, Regina, Prince Albert and Battleford, Calgary, Edmonton, Macleod, Pincher Creek, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat and Maple Creek,
Men; 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 20 20.

British Columbia: Fort Steele Nelson Golden Revelstoke Vernon Kamloops Vancouver Victoria Eastern Canada, artificers, 40 40 10 10 15 15 15 15 12.(Grand total, 512).

The conditions under which men were enlisted were similar to those of the second contingent.

The regiment was concentrated at Ottawa by special trains, the first, having on board 6 officers, 280 non-commissioned officers and men, arriving on February 15.

Lieut. -Col. S. B. Steele, who was at Halifax, en route to South Africa as 2nd in Command of the 2nd Battalion C.M.R., was chosen as Commanding Officer. He and the officers selected for Commissions in this corps, were appointed to temporary rank in the army.

Colonel Lumsden's corps, raised in India, and Lord Strathcona's Horse, were the only corps specially raised for service in South Africa whose officers received this recognition.

The officers selected for commissions were as follows:

CO: Lieut. -Colonel S. B. Steele, (North-west Mounted Police).
Sec in Com: Major R. Belcher, (NWMP).
A. E. Snyder, (NWMP), A. M. Jarvis R. C. Laurie (Lieut. Reserve of Officers).
D. M. Howard (NWMP), G. W. Cameron (Major, 5th Batt.), F. L. Cartwright (NWMP)
R. H. B Magee (Lieut. Reserve of Officers), F. Harper (NWMP), J. A. Benyon (Capt., R CA), E. F. Mackie (Capt., 90th Batt.), P. Fall (2nd Lieut,, Manitoba Dragoons), M. H. White-Fraser (Ex-Inspector, NWMP); H. D. B. Ketchen (NWMP), J. F. McDonald (Captain, 37th Batt.), J. E. Leckie. R. M. Courtney (Captain, 1st Batt.), T. E. Pooley (Capt., 5th Regt., CA.), A. E. Christie; A. W. Strange; G. E. Laidlaw (Lieut, Reserve of Officers), G. H. Kirkpatrick, H. Tobin, same.

Quartermaster: W. Parker.
Transport Officer: I. R. Snider (2nd Lieut. Manitoba Dragoons).
Medical Officer: C. B. Keenan.
Veterinary Officer: S. T. Stevenson.

SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35a p.159.

On March 12th the regiment was moved to Halifax by special trains, where it arrived on the 15th. It embarked on the ss. Monterey for Cape Town on the following day at 5 o'clock p.m.

The marching out state was as follows :—

Strathcona's Horse: 28 officers, 512 other ranks, and 599 horses, being 3 officers and 51 horses in excess of the authorized strength. Three officers and 101 N.C. officers and men, being reinforcements for the 2nd S.S. Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment. Honorary Major J. L. Biggar, 15th "Argyll Light Infantry," to be attached to the Army Service Corps in the field. Major D. C. F. Bliss, R.O., to be attached to the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Mounted Rifles, with the rank of Lieutenant. Lieut, and Captain F. H. C. Sutton, R.C.D., to be attached to the 1st Battalion, Canadian Mounted Rifles, with the rank of Lieutenant. One civilian clerk.(=540 all ranks)

Subsequently, Lord Strathcona requested that an officers and 50 men be sent out as reinforcements for his corps.
(=51 All ranks).

Captain Agar S. A. M. Adamson, The G.G.F.G., was selected as the officer. The men, like those of the regiment who preceded them, were, with few exceptions, recruited from Manitoba, British Columbia and the North-west Territories, and under the same conditions as regards pay, qualifications, &c. The detachment arrived at Ottawa on April 25. They were clothed and equipped, and left for Montreal, April 30, where they embarked, on May 1st, on the ss. Vancouver for Liverpool.

Personnel of Strathcona's Horse en route to South Africa aboard S.S. MONTEREY.
LAC C-000171.

Lieut. –Col. S. B. Steele Account:

The recruiting stopped on February 9, the regiment was complete on March 7, and a mounted parade was ordered for that day for inspection by His Excellency the Governor General, a flag on behalf of the citizens of the town of Sudbury was presented to the regiment. On the 8th the regiment again paraded mounted and marching through the streets to the Parliament grounds was presented by Mrs. Borden, on behalf of the ladies of the Civil Service at Ottawa, with four beautifully worked guidons, a gift very much appreciated by the officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the corps. Monday the 12th was the day named for the departure of the regiment for Halifax, and as it was necessary to start early the horses where all loaded on the 11th. Entrained at 10 o'clock and moved out amidst the encouraging cheers of the large number of people who had come to see them off. Arriving at Montreal at 3 p.m. met with a most enthusiastic reception. The corps entrained again at 10 p.m. and reached Halifax on the morning of March 15. On the 16th, at 3 p.m., the regiment was paraded and drawn up en masse in the drill hall and were inspected by Lt. Gen. Lord Wm. Seymour, commanding the troops in British North America. After the inspection the regiment marched through the streets, headed by the whole garrison, to the ship and immediately embarked. A few minutes later, amidst the greatest enthusiasm possible, the ship pulled out in the stream, where she remained until the following day. (On the 16th they boarded at 5 pm, pulled out of the docks, remaining in the stream, on the 17th set sail for Cape Town).

The voyage from Halifax to Cape Town was marked by splendid weather "not a rough sea was experienced during the whole of it "but the enjoyment was marred to a large extent by the worry and sorrow brought about by the loss of so many of our horses. It was found after one or two days out that a great many of the horses were unable to stand the decided change of climate between the prairie country and Ottawa and between the latter city and Halifax. The slight colds contracted soon developed, and before many days, in spite of everything that could be done, we found ourselves with an epidemic of pneumonia amongst the animals. 176 horses died during the voyage.

The ship arrived in Table Bay on the 10th of April and we disembarked the following day, going into camp on Green Point Common. (They arrived on the 10th at Table Bay, which forms the harbour for the city of Cape Town. The bay extends from Melkbosstrand and north from Cape Town being, 9 km (6 mi) wide, and 19 km (12 mi) long, the troops reached the docks and disembarked (landed) on the 11th of April).

Returning back to Canada:
We arrived at Cape Town on the 20th and immediately embarked on the “Lake Erie” for London. Before sailing, I called on the High Commissioner, Sir Alfred Milner, who spoke very highly of the services rendered to the Empire by Lord Strathcona’s Horse.

The weather was fine during the whole of the voyage, and. with the exception of six cases of enteric fever which developed on the ship, there was no sickness at all. Arriving at Gravesend on the 13th February, the men suffering from enteric fever were taken off and placed in hospital, and as this took considerable time, the ship missed the tide and we were obliged to remain there all day i was met here by several of the members of the Colonial Entertainment Committee, who submitted a magnificent programme for the entertainment of the regiment in England. T also received orders that the regiment would be employed on arrival in the morning in lining the streets through which His Majesty the King would drive in proceeding to Westminster to open his first Parliament. The honour of being allowed to take some small part in this historic event was fully appreciated by all ranks.

On our arrival at the Royal Albert docks on the 14th, the corps immediately disembarked and proceeded by train to Kensington Barracks, from where we marched to Pall Mall, taking up a position there.

A number of men remained in England on furlough, the remainder sailing from Liverpool on the “Numidian” on the 23rd, arriving at Halifax on the 9th, after a stormy passage. The regiment left Halifax on the same day, and along the route from there to Ottawa we were met by large numbers of people who wished to welcome us home. At Moncton, I was presented with an address from the loyal people of that town. Arriving at Montreal on the morning of the 11th, the regiment was received by the band of the Garrison Artillery and by a great many citizens.

All ranks are deeply grateful to yourself and the members of the Military Staff for the kindness extended during the organization of the regiment here, and since that time, to Lord Strathcona, who has been kindness itself.

I have the honour to be, sir, Your obedient servant:
Lt.-Col. S.B. Steele.

History is not like playing horseshoes where close enough counts; those that have done the proper leg work have a responsibility to insure a detailed accurate account. Canada at War Blog: wp.me/55eja

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Canada’s, Lord Strathcona’s Horse’, In the Second Anglo-Boer War. 10 years 9 months ago #20547

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Strathcona Camp, Cape Town. LAC PA-028918.


The following is taken from the London Gazette of February, 1901, being an extract from a despatch of General Sir Redvers BuUer, dated November 9, 1900:—

Joined the Force in June, and from the moment of their arrival, they served with marked success. I can hardly speak too highly of the value Strathcona's Horse have been to the Natal Field Force.

Lieut. -Colonel 8. B. Steele, commanding, has great influence with all ranks in his regiment. Having a thorough knowledge of frontier work, his services have been most valuable. Major A. M. Jarvis, Major R. Belcher, Captain and Adjutant E. F. Mackie, and Lieutenant R. H. B. Magee, have done excellent service throughout, and proved themselves most useful soldiers in every duty they were called upon to perform.

The following warrant and non-commissioned officers and men have been brought
to my notice as having specially distinguished themselves:—

Regimental Serjeant-Major J. Hynes.
No. 517 Sergeant H.W. Nelles.
No. 87 Armourer-Sergeant J. R. Brigham.
No. 457 Corporal A. K. McLellan.
No. 35 Private C. W. Rooke.
No. 476 Private G. Gamsby.
No. 362 Private W. F. Graham.
No. 98 Private A. C. Garner.

"The remark I have made about the South African Light Horse applies equally in
this case, and I subjoin a list of names :—

Major A. E. Snyder.
Captain G. W. Cameron.
Captain F. L. Cartwright.
Lieut. F. Harper.
Lieut. J. A. Benyon.
Lieut. P. Fall.
Lieut. J. F. Macdonald.
Lieut. J. E. Leckie.
Lieut. T. E. Pooley.
Lieut. A. E. Christie.
Surgeon-Lieut. C. B. Keenan.
Lieut. W. Parker (Quartermaster).
Lieut. E. J. Snider (Transport Officer).
Lieut. E. J. Steele (Paymaster).
Lieut. A. McMillan (Veterinary Officer).
Lieut. A. H. L. Kyle (attached).
Civil Suro-eon A. E. Houseman.
No. 459 Squadron Sergeant-Major Richards.
No. 462 Sergeant-Trumpeter J. Farmer.
No. 49 Sergeant R. H. Moir.
No. 260 Farrier Sergeant A. Gillies.
No. 468 Sergeant J."s. Lambert.
No. 49 Segt. G. Clarke.
No. 269 Segt. C. A. W. Whitehead.
No. 3L5 Segt. S. A. Kelly.
No. 314 Segt. P. G. Routh.
No. 15 Cpl. E. H. Clarke.
No. 102 Cpl. Alex. Norquay.
No. 207 Cpl. W. M. Lafferty.
No. 492 Cpl. F. Mulligan.
No. 337 Cpl. C. R. McDonald.
No. 328 Cpl. R. N. Grogan.
No. 457 Cpl Read.
No. 85 Pte J. E. V. Capenter.
No. 204 Pte. C. E. Kindrew.
No. 292 Pte. R. Hammond.
No. 155 Pte. H. D. Saxby.
No. 135 Pte. A. W. Stewart.
No. 490 Pte. J. T. Waite.
No. 506 Pte. J. Devine.
No. 264 Pte. S. A. White.
No. 286 Pte. R Bearing.
No. 346 Pte. T. M. L, Pym.

SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35a, APPENDIX G (2) p.178-179.
The complete list of names enrolment No., are provided, breakdown in brief:

Nominal Roll of NCOs’ and men of LSH, KIA, or DOW, = 12.
Nominal Roll of NCOs’ and men of LSH, DOD, = 14.
Nominal Roll of NCOs’ and men of LSH, WIA, = 24.

"A" Squadron:
Elliott, F., R.S.M. Crafter, A.G., Q.M.S. McMillan A.F., Q.M.S. Hooper R.C.L., S.S.M.
Albert,E. Anderson E.F. Archer, W. Arnold, F.G. Baker, W.G. Barker, M. Barker, W.J. Barrett, J. Bastien, H. Beckitt, F.W. Bennett, J. Bland, E.M. Bourne, R. Bradbury, J. Bride, F. Brigham, J.R.
Brooks, W. Brown, A.M. Bullough, J. Burton, A.E. Campbell, M.G. Carpenter, J. Carroll, P.E.
Carson, T.L. Cassidy, H.E. Clark, G. Clark, E.H. Common A. Cosens, F.C. Currie, W.E.E.
Cuthbert, W. Dandy, C.R. Daykin, A.U. Deaeon, B.L. Dingan, A. Dickson, J. Dodd, G.S.
Doherty, G.H. Donnan, J.W. Drever, A. Dunsford, H. Dunsmore F.C. Edwards, E.H. Ewing, A.
Evans, J. Farmer, J.T. Fisher, C.W.D. Fletcher, R. Flotten, P. Fraser, R.N.Gammond, C.
Garner, A.G. Gilroy. H. Glass, N. Goodburn 0. Gooding, J.E.P. Gordon, R. Gowler, A.W. Gregory, T.
Grestock, H. Griffith, J.J. Gurney, W.B.L. Harley, J.A. Harris, M.R. Hathorne, W. Hazeldine, F.R.
Henderson J.J. Hogarth, W.R. Hudson, W. Inkster, J. Irwin, H.M. Irwin, F. Jackson, W.P.
Johnston, J.D. Keeling, J.H. Kempster, H. Kermode, J.O. King, W.J. Kirkpatrick, A. Lambert, J.S. Lamont, B. Locke, C. Lorsch, A.B. Lowe, A.A.R. Lyle, H. Macdonnell, K.C. Machen, S.R.
Martin, R.W. Matthews, F.A.W. Maveety, J.D. McAlonen, R. McArthur, J.H. McGillvray, A.
McLaren, G. McLean, G. McLeod, W.R. McLoy, J. McNaught, J.Y. Mills, T. Milligan, W. Moberley,G.A. Morrison, J.H. Munroe, S. Murphy, W.M. Neville, F. Nicks, J. Norquay, A. Norris, F. Nyblett, R.W. Orr, F.W. Page, C.F. Palmer, P.S. Palmer, G.S. Parker, H. Parker, J. Perkins, G. Powell, F.N. Ramsay, D. Reid, J. Richardson, A.H.L. Robinson, A. Rooke, C.W. Rooke, R.P. Ross, J.T. Rushe, M.J. Sabine, H.E. Sawyer W.L. Saxby, H.B. Sayce, W. Scott, L.B. Scott, W. Skirving, G.M. Smith, R.W. Sinnington A. Stanier, C.Y. Starke, T.B. Steadman, C.D. Stevenson, A.T. Stocker, J.R. Stuart, A.W. Stutt, W. Sutherland, A. Terry, N.F. Thompson, H.C. Thorne, A. Thornton E. Thomas, C.F. Townsend, P.H. Traill, W. Treaton, J. Trelevan, A. Van Stan, A. Wade, R. Ward, J. Watson, A. Webb, E. Webb, H. Wemyss, D.N. Wilkins, H. Wyndham, H.S. Zimmer, W.J.

"B" Squadron:
Steele, S.J., S.S.M. A'Court, A.W.H. Abbott, W.R. Allison, D. Anderson, J.L. Armstrong, J.F.
Armstrom J.E. Banks, E.M. Bannes, P. Barton, M.E. Beaumont, T.E. Bentham, W. Beresford, W.P.
Binfham, H.B. Bertram, C.F. Blick, C.A. Bradley, R.H. Brothers, J. Brown, H.S. Brown, A.S.
Bull, J.V Burdett, A.H. Burgess, D. Callin, T.A. Campbell, N.M. Carson, W. Clayton, A.
Condon, F.B. Corbett, W. Cronyn, E.S. Cross, J.R. Crozier, J.A. Cruikshank, C. Cumming, F.
Dalglish, A. Deane, J. Dick, M.F. Dickinson, D. Donaldson, A.S. Douglas, F.C.A. Down, G.
Dupen, A.E. Dunn, F.J. Eastmead, - Edmunds, T.L. Edwards, A.J. Edwards, R.H. Fawcett, N.
Fennell, - Flintoff, W. Ford, J. Fortey, A. Freezer, J.R. Gamsby, G. Ganesford, W.F.
Gillies, A. Gilmour, J.F. Grobil, A.C. Graham, C.H. Grey, W. Hall, A. Hardwick, M.D.K.
Hardy, A. Hart, C.A. Haylett, J. Hayes, R.P. Hicks, R.C. Hobson, J. Inglis, R.C. Irwin, H.
Jackson, H. Jameson, T. Jenkins, A. Kerr, G.T. Kindrew, C.E. Lafferty, W. Laidlaw, C.E.
Lamb, A. Leder, B. Lee, H.A. Lewis, T.A. Lewis, F.C. Lindsay, A.P. Linton, R. Loney, M.F.
Lowry W.A. Lowe, S. Lynch, W.G. Macdonald, J.R. Macdonald, A.D. Madge F.T. Mansell, M.
Martin, H. Martin, L.A. Matallal, A. McDonald, G.A. McDonald, R.S. McClay, R. McCormack, E.
McMillan, T. McNichol A. McNair, E.W.C. McNell, F.J. McRae, D. McElray, G.E. McIntosh, E.
McKeage, F.O.E.McKinley, M. McKugo, G. Miller, A. Milne, A.Mitchell. G. Mo1r, R.H.
Mulligan, F. Murphy, E.D. Newman F.G. Niblock B.L. Nichol, H.F. Nichol D. Paul, J.Pearce, R.G.
Pearce, E.J. Pearson A. Pinder, E.G.J. Percy, H.N. Perry, T. Peyto, E.W. Phillips, J.W.
Pillans R.B. Playfair, W.S. Poole, H. Poole, F. Purvis, A.S. Quick, H.H. Rackharn W. Reed, W.E.
Rice-Jones I.E.C. Robson, J.S. Rogers, H.M. Ross, A.M. Routh, G.F. Saddington, W. Scott, H.H.
Scott, F.W. Shuckburgh, W.C. Sharples, W.A. Shaw, C.W. Shiles, T. Simpson, T. Skinner, A.
Smiley, S. Smith, J. Somerton, W. Spratt, A. Stewart, J.S. Stranger, B. Swanston, C.
Sutherland, R. Thomas, G.D. Thompson, F. Tegart, H. Townshend, N.S. Tucker, P.H. Vernon, A.A.
Walte, J.T. Walker, J.C. Walker, B.G. Watts, C.C.M. Watts, A.H. White, S.A. Watson, A.
Whiteley, F.C. Whitehead, C.A.W. Wilby, A.W.R. Wilkln, W. Watson, B. Wilson, F. Wilson, D.
Williams, T.H.A. Woods, W.T. Woodward, W. Woodward, A.J. Wragge, E.C. Wright, T.W.H.
Wright, H.H. Wyse, D. Yemen, N.W. Yule, H.

"C" Squadron
Hynes, J., S.S.M. Abbott, J. Afar, G.S. Albert G. Allan, P.K. Armstrong, J.W. Bell, P.W.W.
Bell, W.H. Bolton, N.T. Bonner, L.A. Bousfieid, J. Bowers, G.A. Brent, W. Brixton, J.
Broadbent, E.R. Burke, B. Cameron, N.C.J. Castelaine, L. Chancellor, E.V. Childers, N.C.
Clarke, W.F. Cochrane, R.L. Cook, W. Cotterill, C.W. Cree, A.if Curtis, E.F.E. Custance, T.F.M.
Daley, H.M. D'Amour, A.P. Dawson, W.H.N. Davis, R.S. Deering, R. Duncan, C.J. Dnnn, F.T.
Dunn, T. Edwards, W. Elliott, J. Ellis, F.W. Eyre, G. Fader, G.J. Fall, C.S. Fanning, W.
Faulder E.R. Fernie, W.L. Fernle, M. Fisher, J.C. Foster, J.M. Fraser, J.A. Fraser, H.
Fraser, W. Fuller, J.W. Fuller, J. Halcro, A.J. Hall, A. Hambly, G. Hammond, R.B.L.
Harding, J.E. Harper, W.H. Harris, C.C. Harris, C.B. Hawes, H. Haynes, W.T. Hazel, G.
Hicks, H.J. Hirsch, J. Hulbert, T. Humfrey, W.H. Hunter, T.T. Graham, F. Giffin, J.
Grogan, R. Ingram, H. Jackson, C.F. Johnson, A.W. Johnston, H.R. Jones, A. Jones, E.E.
Kearney, J.W. Kelly, S.A.J. Kennedy, J. Kerr, F. Ledingham, G.W. Lee, B.H. Lefloy, L.B.
Lindsay, W.E. Lockhart, F.C. Logan, A.E.H. Malalue, J.H. McAllister, D. McDonald, A.
McDonald, G.A. McDonnell, C.R. McDuff, J. McKenzie, A.W. McMullen, J.H. McRae, D.J.
McCullough, R.J. Melton, E.J. Monteith, W.E. Morgan, H.E. Murray, E. Murray, J.W.
Nash, J.F.P. Nesbitt, J.L. Nicholson, C.J. Norton, F. Norton, C. Noury, H.W. O'Brien, A.
Ogilby, L. O'Hearn, W. Oldham, P. Orchard, E.A. Palmer, R.H. Parkes, F.C. Pearson, A.C.
Peterson, C. Parham, H.J. Pettigrew, J. Pinkerton, T.A. Powell, C.J. Press, A. Pym, T.M.L.
Radwell, A. Rennie, C. Robson, W. Routh, P. Ryan, J. St. George, B.A. Seymour, E. Shaw, R.
Shaw, A.J.M. Stilling1leet, H.C. Simon, A.B.J. Skene, J.G. Simpson, P.E. Spencer, J. Squires, C.
Strickland, C.S. Swift, T. Switzer, P. Simmill, J. Swinburn, A. Tennant, C. Thomas, I.
Thomas H. Tuson, J. Venner, R.P. Warren, F.F. West, W. Wiggins, H.J. Wilkie, J.H.
Winearls, R.A. Winkle, W.C. Wright, S. Woodhouse, F.W.B.

Reinforments for Strathcona's Horse:
Lt. Adamson Anderson, G. Andrews, A.M. Bartram, W.B. Blakmore, P.H.J. Bruce, G.B.
Buchanan, J.J. Burnet, D. Campbell, T.G. Campbell, W.J. Clampitt, J.H. Carey, S.T.
George-, Cooke, J.T. Della-Torre, W.J. Fowler, W.R. Gilbertson, J.E. Greaves, J.B.
Green-Armytage, H.R. Grey, C. Griffith, W.R. Hall, C.L. Henaerson, T.A. Heron, R.B.
Heygate W.A.N. Howell, T.E. Hunt, W.de Vere Hutchison, W. Isbester, C.J. Macdougall, J.G.
Malet, C.C. Martin, J.S. McArthur, A. McDougall, J.B. McMillan, C.W. Morris, C. Myers, L.
Palmer, W. Paton, S.C. Preston, A.J. Robertson, D. Robinson, H.L. Rose, D.W. Ritchie, D.V.
Shuttleworth, P.P. Slocock, E.F. Smith, W. Sparkes,F.D. Sparks, G.A.S. Stewart, D.M.
Stringer A. Tucker, R.

SVP, Still poking at it, see what else comes out of the bag.

History is not like playing horseshoes where close enough counts; those that have done the proper leg work have a responsibility to insure a detailed accurate account. Canada at War Blog: wp.me/55eja

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Canada’s, Lord Strathcona’s Horse’, In the Second Anglo-Boer War. 10 years 9 months ago #20548

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Good Afternoon Spaniard.....

Take a look at this thread.....

It starts here: www.angloboerwar.com/forum/16-on-this-da...nt-january-10th-1900

It is in the On This Day section......

It is the letters and reports that Sam Steele and Strathcona sent each other.....

Also there are the Strathcona Daily Routine Orders in the same section.....

Life Member
Past-President Calgary
Military Historical Society
O.M.R.S. 1591

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Canada’s, Lord Strathcona’s Horse’, In the Second Anglo-Boer War. 10 years 8 months ago #20575

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QSAMIKE wrote: Good Afternoon Spaniard.....

Take a look at this thread.....

It starts here: www.angloboerwar.com/forum/16-on-this-da...nt-january-10th-1900

It is in the On This Day section......

It is the letters and reports that Sam Steele and Strathcona sent each other.....

Also there are the Strathcona Daily Routine Orders in the same section.....


Hi Mr Mike, and thank you for the contribution to the thread, Good News.Concerning the 10th Field Hospital, 2rd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th CMR, and the Constabulary I found the sessional papers, inserted only in 1903. I just wasted over 300 hours and a month of digging for something that wasn't there in the first place,*&^%$#$%^&*(*&^%$#, lol.

In the 1902 Volumes for period ending 1901, in the index of all Volumes for 1902, it provides for the South African War, sessional paper No.63 and No.93, you look and the pages where missing, or figured I was doing something wrong, therefore looked through all volumes. Last night I found out they dropped the ball in and only printed the accounts for 1903 Volumes, for Canadian 10th Field Hospital, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th CMR, and the Constabulary.

2-3 EDWARD VII. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35a A. 1903, p.7-20.

Department of Militia and Defence,
Ottawa, November 2, 1902.

To the Honourable
Sir Frederick Borden, K.C.M.G.,
Minister of Militia and Defence.

Sir,—I have the honour to submit a further supplementary report on the contingents organized in Canada for service in the late war in South Africa. The supplementary report issued in 1900 dealt, up to the date of its publication, with the organization, equipment, despatch and service in the field of Canadian contingents, save that of the South African constabulary. Recruiting in Canada for the last named force had been completed and the contingent had embarked for South Africa before the report of 1900 was sent to the printer, but as the constabulary is a permanent force for the purpose of maintaining order and public security in the Orange River colony and the Transvaal, to act as mounted police in time of peace and as a military force in time of war, it was considered that there was no necessity to refer to it in that report.
History is not like playing horseshoes where close enough counts; those that have done the proper leg work have a responsibility to insure a detailed accurate account. Canada at War Blog: wp.me/55eja

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Canada’s, Lord Strathcona’s Horse’, In the Second Anglo-Boer War. 10 years 8 months ago #20576

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Good Morning Spaniard…….

Thought you might like to see these old threads……

Canadian Volunteers

Part One: www.angloboerwar.com/forum/13-miscellany...outh-africa-part-one

Part Two: www.angloboerwar.com/forum/13-miscellany...outh-africa-part-two

Life Member
Past-President Calgary
Military Historical Society
O.M.R.S. 1591

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